What happened to this thread?

What happened to this thread?

mods chimped out and deleted it

someone posted her personal info and got the thread deleted

to be fair it was an /r9k/ thread in disguise to begin with

I have literally never had sex!

this a kayla thread? I miss those.

>tfw no prog braphog gf

Did she answer the IM's sent to her


That OP had better show up

I think he was banned. Someone should temm him that all he needs to is reconnect his router.


i wanna fuck her.

the mods are all autistic losers and any thread mentioning some kind of social life or female interaction triggers them, also the same reason kpop threads are allowed to constantly break this forums rules, half the posts are from the weeb mods

this unironically


you obviously havnt fucked a fatty before themy, sure they look all smooth and soft but when you get the clothes off its all cottage cheese, and when she spreads those legs all you get is the smell of sugary cheese mixed with vinegar, also when you're actually fucking she won't get on top because she's self conscious about her gut, same goes for doggy, you get a starfish in missionary that complains 90% of the time.

imagine how much of a fucking loser you have to be to care about this board enough to moderate it

Haha i've fucked a chubby girl similar to her before. It sounds like you have too, but in your situation she wasn't hygienic at all and she was a bad fuck.
I'm so sorry.
Hopefully you get a nice bbw soon.

b-but /fit/ told me that fattys are good lays


They probably meant fat men.

They are. Don't listen to this faggot. It seems like there was no communication between him and the girl.

Someone post it again here

I've fucked several fattys, it's all I was attracted to after being fat for years and slowly you learn they're all the same, it's the reason they're fat, they aren't just active hygienic people who care about their bodies who happen to have a bad diet/genetics, their personalities get them in their situation

well i've been with straight up petite girls and chubby(thick) girls not straight up fat. desu so maybe theres a difference.

They do it for free too