G/fur 5, the dicks dont stop thrusting

g/fur 5, the dicks dont stop thrusting


I have some leather pants (which no longer fit very well), plus some cuffs and accessories.

If I hit the lottery, I'm going to buy a few Dainese T-Age suits. :P


Also remember, folks... the thread gets to decide when knotbro puts his toy in.


>I have some leather pants (which no longer fit very well), plus some cuffs and accessories.
Envious. Also, nice image.
I want to be cute, but also wear handsome clothes well.
>If I hit the lottery, I'm going to buy a few Dainese T-Age suits. :P
Haven't heard of them.



Allegedly, a T-Age is for riding motorcycles, but most of the pictures I have of them involve bondage or fucking. :D Full-body leather motorcycle suit, with a crotch zip.

Pic is a similar suit, but not the same one, and not me in it.

God damns all painters.

Damn it, meant to post the furry one.

is that my friendo who posts all the heads and other neat lookin shit?

I post heads, paintings, drawings, and comics sometimes. I don't know if any of them are neat looking.

aw fuck yeah its you, i think they looks neat my dude



Go ahead and slip that toy in.


Then I've failed at my job. Beauty isn't an interest of mine. Pleasing aesthetics are superficial. I try not to get myself caught up in superficiality.

Interesting, but not as sexy as leather stuff.

okay edgelord

soft young 20 year old bodies that exudes non threatening estrogon love clouds

We'll need regular progress reports of how far along you are with it, too.

>tfw 20
>tfw not soft
>not cute

I don't see at all how that is edgy. I'm not making things intended to shock or offend people. I'm simply mistrustful of any definition of beauty and try to distance myself from them.

atm im just prodding my ass with the knot and occasionaly pumping the shaft

The suits *are* leather, though! Just not always black and shiny like the stuff you would wear to the dungeon. :)

i never said beautiful, by neat i meant interesting

I don't want wetlook shiny~ I just want obvious, visible leather. A red jacket, like seen in the movie Akira, would be cool.

Pic related?

Interesting is what people say instead of saying that they don't like it. "It's interesting." Just say it's bad, be honest.

how about a van where you carry you art
a broshure you hand out to the people
the point to what they want to see wuth little picture indicating what they are
when you show them, have juornal and pen
they write their name and what they think of it good or bad
you pack up and go on your way

that's how you will do a non internet deviantart

yeeeeeeee boi
>leather is made from cows

Is your ass loosening up well?

Yes, I'm beginning to smell my poop a little.

I am only interested in doing my job as a painter.

yeah, wish i had a bigger firmer toy tho. but them shits are expensive

I want to put something in my ass.
I have nothing to put in my ass.

Ah, the anti-buttsex user from the other thread.

u have some fingers dont u ;)

Put a bunch of condoms on the toy you have! :D

Can't reach prostate :(

I'm not anti-buttsex. I'm pro-honesty. People can do anal as much as they like, as long as they realise it's related to scat.






Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough.

Abe Lincoln said that.

I thought about that but someone warned me that anything that isn't surgical steel or an actual dildo isn't safe.

dicks aren't made of steel

before i got my dildo, i used a cucumber. as long as you lube it up good and dont put all of it inside you, your good to go

It just sounds like one of the arguments the super-closeted Christianfags like to make against gay people. They rail about "OMG, buttsex is poop!", right up until they get busted with two other guys in their ass in the city park bathroom.


Then I've been lied to my whole life.

what if i put it all the way in


You don't want anything with a mold seam on the outside - plastic stuff often has this. (If you have something plastic that is otherwise perfect, sometimes you can shave off the seam with a knife or really fine sandpaper.)

You don't want anything porous, like wood... it can have stuff trapped in it already that isn't good for your butt, or it can absorb bacteria from your butt and get funky... or it can splinter. :O

Ideally it would have a flared base so it doesn't get lost in there. Practically, if it's long enough (8-10 inches / 20-25 cm or more), it's hard to lose it up there.

I'm not anti-homosexuality honestly, I'm pro honestly. People can be homosexual as much as they like as long as they realize it's a sin.

whenever i wasnt pushing it in or holding it, my ass was launching it out like a rocjet

...and this is where I stopped feeding the troll.


Thanks for the advice.
You can probably tell I haven't put much in there.
I once tried a pencil. It was then I realized that using pointy objects is a bad idea.

i knotted it and came

One tip is to put a condom over whatever you decide to use. The thing still needs to be smooth so it won't rip the condom, but it makes cleanup a lot easier.

As the other user said, fingers are always available. Make sure your fingernails are neatly trimmed and go for it. :P

I'm not anti-frotting. I'm pro honestly. People can frot as much as they like, as long as they realize it's not what the penis was designed for.

Pics or it didn't happen! :D

Is it still in?

no, i took it out and im about to clean up
as for pics, i have major ass razorburn so thats a no go for now, but if you want i will upload pic of toy

Sure, toy pic if you've got one. (I think I remember you from a night or two ago... anons were giving razor burn tips.)

I'm just a frot fan who is disappointed with people who say I'm not attracted to men, since I don't do anal.

you're just as stupid for saying anal=scat though

it doesn't: they ARE related fetishes though



Please do not feed the troll.

this is some really gay shit

In the same way that furshit can be related to bestiality, sure. But being into one doesn't mean you enjoy the other. People being stupid doesn't justify you being stupid either






The image clearly says don't distribute, you barbarian


I (the anal is related to scat) guy am a separate poster from the guy you're calling a troll.

>be me
>exited that i share a memory w/ user about something that happened a while ago on Sup Forums
>realize its because ive been spending all day and night in g/fur threads




Animals are handsome.



He's calling you a troll tho

> be me
> attempt to be a productive citizen during the day
> spend all night in g/fur threads
> mfw

(pic related was from when those "Evidence Eliminator" banner ads were all the rage)

but i'm not a troll ;w;


Nice lie, guy

Oh noes. I hope SWAT doesn't come after me.