Desktop rate thread

Desktop rate thread.

Here's mine:

lemme see some wallz
new laptop so i need ideas


R8 fags

mine is soo edgy that it hurts
it's also a bit unclean but hey ho

R8 pls

Here's mine.

Looks pretty sick tbf

Not a fan of splatoon, word clocks, gorillaz or that artstyle, but props to you for putting it together.

Would be 10/10 if sidebar was on the bottom
Dude are you 12

It's animated but you can't tell from the screenshot

Nice wallpaper
>The EU
Not sure if Japanese or Chinese, if Jap you're a hopeless weeb. If Chink you're pretty cool.
My man!
God tier.


Bandicam is far superior, my dude
Not a fan of that wallpaper
Meh. Not very funny, and that sun ruins the nice photo.

I use it for fps monitoring, not recording, I find it's a lot nicer for that purpose

Aero, not even once.

>That OS
wtf I hope that's a mod
>That K-Meleon icon
Oh shit, it's not?
Don't think you need it kek
>Nexus mod manager
Jesus wept
I give up

It's actually a very early i7 quad-core, so it's getting a bit old, but it'll still run most games. I'm running win7, the only version anyone should be running unless they like Uncle Bill with a spyglass up their ass.

And I have 200+ mods, so NMM makes things a bit easier for me.

Mine right now is a fucking mess

Psycho-Pass, so pretty

Any comments?
Just gonna ignore mine?

>An AMD-based rig

"u luk like a sluty girl in a H-game suzuha"

user, do you use dual OS bot..? Or just Linux..?

I live this meme

>putting a housefire in a laptop
u fukin wut m8

I'll review if you review this:

I'd rather suffer the extra two degrees then rely on a potato for my processing needs

what OS?

nice desktop picture.

Windows, thanks I made it.
>ebay hotlink
>TOSHIBA battery charger, Powerdirector
One of these smells of bundleware
>All in one mahjong
If you like it I suppose, but you do have fallout...
>Shop for HP supplies
I hope this is one massive joke
Desktop pic alright tho

Notice me senpai

just linux

Live in Mexico?
>Light up the night on desktop
>Shitty redirects to "Blog" and "Comics"
Makes you look slightly immature
>pdf viewing program
You know we have browsers for that
You lose points for this
Seeming dangerously gay
>Facebook folder

now review me

windows 7 ftw

Or just use linux

Is it wrong if I find the equations more attractive than the teacher?
>Text extends beyond your border
>Dual boot / VMware
+3 points
>Weird analog clock
Not my style but ok
>The profile in general
Looks pretty bad m8
Nice saturation

Now review me pls

I have that exact revolver

classic Mac OS 9 wallpaper

What? A generic short-nosed revolver?

wut is wut?

Clean enough, pretty basic, a fan of the wallpaper

>Using MAC OS
>double cancer
>Pokemon in hotbar
made me throw up in my mouth
At least you can vm into a decent OS
Now rate this fag

The charms are really only there cuz I ran out of other ideas so I tossed em in

**Not a fan

I made it so I can click the countries to open up tabs of programs.

>Is it wrong if I find the equations more attractive than the teacher?

Yes. Fucking faggot.

>neatly organized granted png in the bottom
>nice browser
>wallpaper implies you're planning to take over the world
>would be fun to organize icons
pokemon tcg is fun, also am enjoying virtual box but have had a lot of trouble running windows 98


I knew it

Alright u won me over with that one, nicely done.

Dude, I'm not gay I just have an unhealthy attachment to mathematics.
It looks better when it has the pins at my server locations

hows that cyberghost working out for ya?

it just werks

>unhealthy attachment to mathematics
>rolls quads
are you a wizard?

minor kek
>Swastika of cancerous images
>Array of adobe icons
That shit had better be pirated
>File shredder and Recuva
wew lad, careful with that CP there
not a fan

Dual monitors so its wide.

no cp and yes they are pirated

Nice wallpaper
Nice trips

Holy shit, first trips in my life :3
Heres the image by itself.

very synthy.
I like the new retro wallpaper.
considering changing mine to something similar

implying you fags can ever reach top alpha status

do you have any idea how fucking doused females get when they see my ironically unironic ninjago meme wallpaper

I also have an LED strip installed behind my desk so it gives a nice back glow to the wallapaper when its dark

It's been a long fucking time since I've posted mine.

I like the background m8.


ugly bitch

>Laptop res
>Xbox link
Burn in hell
>'Ironic' bg
>Not removing windows store from hotbar
>Massive icons

the real question is, is it pronounced ninja-go or ninjahgo?

Soz m8 it is an anime

not the guy who posted it, but obviously ninjahgo

lick my taint

here's mine while im here


A lot of fuckin weebs today. I like anime too but you have to be a real neckbeard to listen to vocaloids

Any improvesments now?

Dope thnx

I dig it


My God.

Jesus Christ


I... I don't even have words. Thanks user. I keked.

Also, if that's your actual wallpaper kys.

Aero > you, always

Here is mine, still a little bit empty

Not that much of an OW fan, but wallpaper looks ok.
Props for linux and firefox
What are your thoughts on this one?


i like the wallpaper, the rest seems to me a little bit cluttered/unorganized
are you also developing "indie games"?

Yeah, everything was meant to be filed away.
Not making 'indie games' anymore but I made a few when I was interested

Not much to comment on here.
Nice picture, but weird resolution.

Rate mah niggas