Rekt bread

Rekt bread

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bump with something faggot

fucking kek! also... how the fuck?

Is that her skull? how tf is she still alive???






vids like this remind me of a jack in a box. you know its going to happen but not when





Nerve gas.


>hurr how did these combustables combust
>hurr durr it's almost like those signs saying to put out cigarettes and not be a dumb fuck around fuel pumps are to prevent shit like this

>hurr bur hurr durr burr burr i'm fucking retarded

Yeah. Yeah, you are fucking retarded you little shit sucking bitch. Get fucked. Maybe you'll be smart some day. But I fucking doubt it.

Not like that. I haven't had an incident.

Too far

Maybe you are right. Maybe, you should filed test it. See if it happens too you. Our in other case. I didn't see anyone smoking near the cars. There should be no reason for the car to completely self destruct it self.

>clearly no combustion reaction

Did he start a fire in his lungs or something?

God, you're so fucking dumb. You should be put in a zoo. Are you black? I'm just curious.
Do you even know what a combustion is? Of course not - you're more retarded than that other retard. Killing yourself when? Do the right thing, user.

he is 100% wrong. hopefully he is just trolling and not really this retarded irl



no it's just the top of his funny hat


wtf is he spazing out for

It's true watches at $ 0?

That's what I'm hopping! This kids thinks, He some how has it figure out. Let see the prove. ALBERT FUCKSTAIN!

How de fuck indeed? What one has to do for that? Was trapped like in the Scorpion King film? Wtf?

This doesn't make sense. Please, Albert Fuckstain. Please, enlightness us with your I.Q. Of a nigger. Please, use prove of your infinite none existent hypothesis. Dr. FUCKSTAIN

Someone tell me wtf I'm looking at here.

lol combustion involves there being a fire. there is no fire, thus no combustion. it is just an explosion due to over pressurization of the car's CNG/LNG tank

Jesus Christ. Didn't you know rape is illegal AND immoral? Put grammar and the English language down this instant, you sick fuck.

If anyone needed more proof of your utter retardation, you've just shoveled heaps of steaming evidence right into their face with your fat, cheeto-dusted fingertips. You type like Christopher Reeve walks down a flight of stairs.

try speaking english next time rasheed


how dumb they must be to kick a fucking elevator door and then just fall into the fucking hole!?


Easy, just be Chinese.

Either Chinese people are super drunk or just very fucking stupid. Either way love seeing shit tier Chinese products fucking up that third world country.

You still haven't proven shit. How can a car, just simple combust?.. there wasn't any sings off smoking. Not any sings of fool play. The car completely self destruct it self! With out any evidence.. So, in how can car. With out any simple explanation. Just simple explode! Come Dr. Fucksatin. Let us see your infinite stupidity at play...


Are you even reading this shit before you warble like a massive retarded walrus? Highlight reel:

>car, just simple combust?
>wasn't any sings
>off smoking
>any sings of fool play
>completely self destruct it self!
>with out
>in how can car.
>With out
>Just simple explode!

And you have the nerve to call another human being stupid? Don't come at me with that "not my first language" shit. I've known niggers that can spell better than you. You typing is like Ray Charles playing darts.

Fake psychology. Aliexpress produces them for 1-2 dollars, here you pay „shipping“ for 15.

anybody have that fucker in the wheelchair that rams an elevator door and then falls into the shaft?

pssst your both idiots. lpg powered car, pressurized cylinder

somebody make a fig of this fucking tard





Fake and gay


fig machine broke











do you guys enjoy these threads? The fuck? I can't watch this shit.

What happened here?

what the fuck is going on here?

fuck off nigger






What hit it?

>the guy that runs after the tire like he's apprehending a dangerous criminal

Ain't it the tooth

Maggots are just having dinner.

what's happening here?


fake and gay but funny as shit







the hawk that lands at the end of the clip

