Sup, Sup Forums. I've been rated 8-8.5 by girls but I also sometimes get a 5 or so. What gives...

Sup, Sup Forums. I've been rated 8-8.5 by girls but I also sometimes get a 5 or so. What gives? Do you think I'm attractive?

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another pic of me to judge

A-am I attractive or not, Sup Forums?

Only looking for a girl's opinion?

>rated 8-8.5 by girls
how ugly are these girls

Just a couple tweaks and your in 10 land.


only your mom would rate you an 8.
The 8.5 you just made up like the piece of shit you are.

fuck off mate

I didn't make up that rating. If you don't think I deserve an 8-8.5 rating, how would you rate me then?
Subjective, but I thought they were an 8
No! Anyone can rate

You look like Daniel Radcliff minus everything kys

>Subjective, but I thought they were an 8

you could possibly be an 8.5 but the fact youre making this thread all self indulgent like a flamboyant faggot brings you down to about a 4

hey bro i think you're hot if you ever want it in the ass let me know

I would say a high 6 or low 7.

This is my oneitis and she called me very attractive. What do you think?

Asian woman find anything that walk attractive.

i'm a heterosexual male and you're fucking ugly as shit

You look like a mii character.
Like one of the ones where you make their face big then push all the facial features close together in the middle.
You're still attractive in a weird way though

I feel bad for you OP, thats a 3 at best. And thats with makeup, so it makes me wonder how she look without

I guess that makes you a 3 too

Some women find you attractive some do not.

Women don't think like men do. The variance between perceived attractiveness is much higher, and it's based on subjective attributes to a higher degree.

I am a gay man and I would say a 7.5, I would have said six, but those light eyes give you a little extra.

You have a very punchable face. One that says I'm a giant pussy and go out in my electric car to buy overpriced lattes.

W-when I posted my pictures I didn't expect to get these reactions at all ;_; I was only repeating what others told me and was curious


you look frail bro -/fit/

Shave and start dressing like a grown up.

Oscar is that you

You look like a failed cosplay malfoy. Solid 2

>Posts picture on anonymous image board
>Doesn't expect people he's never met or seen before to judge him harshly

>this thread

It isn't being judged harshly, it's just calling me ugly with lacks of rates

Only very few anons gave me advice too


not ugly but also not handsome

you can score 8/10 girls but it'll take a lot of confidence to make up for that dorky looking face

Shave your facial hair, you can't grow it properly. Also show more neck. Maybe you'd be a 7 then, I don't know, I'm not a faggot.

You look like a faggot, your face is all compressed in like someone stuck a vacuum in the middle of your face when you plopped out of your mothers alcoholic cunt.


You also sound like a faggot. That asian broad is a mutt too and besides, those stupid chinks think tentacles and shit are fucking sexy


I don't understand how everyone in this thread isn't agreeing that OP is probably a -2... You look like a penis.

bunch of fucking mongoloids in here, that's why

Jesus Christ I have a headache now.
Thinking about your life gave me physical pain. I would hate to be you.
I'd kill myself. Not instantly, but slowly over time as my own habits and decisions do my body in for good as a passiveagressive lifestyle throws your life on the train tracks to face the sound.

I hope you get desperate, go gay and get aids from a creepy guy with a long, fleshy ballsack.

I'll give you a 2/10

The Asian chick is a 3/10

She's your superior

And mediocre is a tier above her

Live out your shit life as the 3/10 hurts you more than you'll expect

>like someone stuck a vacuum in the middle of your face
His mother had an abortion and he managed to survive in the dumpster bin for weeks off other fetus scraps before growing enough to venture on.

Do good for myself w girls.

Your fucking eyebrows look like you are from the outback and havent seen a bathroom in years. Trim that fucking beard too. You are not hot enough to go for the i dont care look. Put some fucking effort into your appearance!



Tfw people are spitefully rating me lower or calling me ugly for no reason


Eyebrow game is trash work on it. Next up is the facial hair. Lose the shaggy look and go with a clean cut or stubble. If u really must keep facial hair get rid of the shit on the sides and keep it around your weird lips and covering your chin crease

Why do you people think my oneitis is only a 3? She's had many boyfriends before and after me (we broke up sadly). i think that alone makes her more attractive than you people say she is

T-thanks for the advice

The dude in the pic is fine, but OP who posted the bait is far uglier, and itll only take me a bit longer to post a pic of the real you faggot

Shes the one with redhair. She isnt perfect by any means, but I think shes still at least a bit more attractive than you guys say. But its subjective

You look like the edgiest cunt walking this forsaken Earth.

You probably think you're hot shit. Really you are just a mediocre faggot with an average intelligence at best. No, scratch that last one. You can't even take a photo correctly.

Do you think smoking makes you cool? Most people are disgusted by smokers and your tattoos look shit.

The fact you are wearing a hat inside at all is bad enough, but to wear it backwards? How stuck in the 90s are you, you fucking queer?


gf says 6 op

Giving this beta faggot higher than 5 is fucking hilarious.

Who the fuck are you and what are you talking about? Just because you don't think I'm very attractive, which is your opinion and I can respect that, is considered bait?

Humor me, if this isn't me, what do I look like then?

Thanks man. I have severe autism

you look like a goofy jealous faggot

Okay, you're just a troll then. No need to reply to you anymore


He knowws

You like Ryan Gosling if Ryan Gosling was a fucking ugly twat.

You are definitely not an 8-8.5, holy shit. What's wrong with your face my dude, goddamn

>neck and face tattoos
Enjoy never having a high paying job you edgy faggot

Ryan Gosling is a fucking ugly twat.

and still leagues better looking than this weird looking dude.
Fuck awful eyebrows, crooked ass nose, tiny lips, terrible facial hair and unfitting hairstyle in general for a slightly chubby oval face.