I don't get it

I don't get it

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Here's Margot Robbie in a bubble bath to explain it!

Here's Selena Gomez as a Vegas hooker to explain it!

Honestly, the fact people need this explained to them in this way is exactly why the crisis happened.

And was morally justified.

Here's Anthony Bourdain to explain

le banks are bad for giving poorfag shitskins home loans that they couldn't afford, but if they didn't do that they'd be racist bourgeois that deserve to be killed, but honestly they deserved to be killed anyway: the movie.

Well no shit this needed to be explained. It was a huge cluster fuck and not many know housing or financial shit

Except people did know. People were just lying out their asses and hiding their mistakes.

It gets a bit preachy in the end where they basically say "oh no, it was the evil banks who ruined everything but now everyone is blaming the poor people and immigrants who absolutely din do nuffin" or something.

Sure, banks fucked up immensely. But it takes two parties to create that situation and the poor people buying houses they could never pay back are as guilty for requesting these loans as the banks are for giving them out.

Adam McKay is a liberal shit spilling idiot.

Having said that I think he did a great job on this movie. I think a more people should watch it. But more importantly more people should act on it. The bankers have been playing and stealing OUR money for too long. And now with the internet all the information is out in the open right in front of peoples eyes. And still nobody cares. As of now the human race is destined to be slaves to the few. The info to wake people up is right there but nobody cares.

the poor people aren't the educated ones who are supposed to know everything about the deal. It's like blaming a person for losing in court when they have to use a public defender.

>b-but the people
fuck off

>public defender
maybe the person shouldn't commit the crime then? you fucking idiot.

Don't spend money you don't have.

Nobody needs any type of education to understand that.

the banks told them they could afford that loan. Seeing as how they're supposed to be the experts on that side of the deal, since the homeowner going bust is bad for them. It's like a loan shark giving out 50 grand to a hardcore heroin addict.

>dont spend money on vital resources if you dont have the money

gee whiz im sure mussolini would enjoy that kind of retoric

I agree with what you are saying but thats a poor analogy that doesn't quite fit.

>Watch the derivatives. It used to be only four, but now there are five "too big to fail" banks in the United States that each have more than 40 trillion dollars in exposure to derivatives

>$500+ trillion in total

so when will shit hit the fan?

this is literally the worst meme

Thats the problem though. The banks never told these people they couldn't afford these loans.

I predict in 2 to 3 more years tbqh

>owning your own mcmansion is a vital resource

gee whiz mussolini up in here

Nobody gets it.


That's the point. Nobody is supposed to understand it except the oppressors so the people in charge can control then legally

>Don't spend money you don't have.

But spending someone else's money is literally the bedrock of capitalism.

Actually using some amounts of leverage can be more risk-reward effective than not according to Modern Portfolio Theory



putin put a speech out saying that the western population do not understand that the balance of power has changed dramatically in the world and they do not understand the ramifications of this.

the ramifications being we move closer and closer to global conflict every day with either Russia in Syria/Ukraine or China in the south China sea

Huh? That doesnt even make since.

Understand that the way derivative exposures are calculated is like calculating how much a casino could lose if every patron bet on single numbers in roulette and won every time.

I'm dumb af, but my understanding is that:

1. Person A gets a loan to pay for a house
2. They can afford the payments until the interest payments go up
3. The house drops in value, so selling still isn't enough to pay back the debt
4. Bank gets the house? still owe them?

That said, I bet if the bank had to hand out briefcases full of cash for each loan, they would actually do background and credit checks.

Most money enters circulation through federal loans to banks and bank loans to individuals and businesses. It's all provided on the understanding that you'll take the money provided and generate greater value than what you started with, which is then purchased by other individuals working with money lent on the understanding that they'll use their purchase to generate greater value.

except in the movie at least the agents that got the people to sign the papers never told them that they needed x amount of money to cover the mortgages or just flat out lied about it just to sign another person

I dont think thats what putin was talking about. Russia and China are in the same boat financially wise. That south china sea nonsense is just what it is, nonsense. The fall of humanity wont come in the form of a bomb or war like conflicts. It is already coming in through the means of computer financial manipulation of money. The debt bubble will pop ladies and germs. Interests rates cant go any lower. Real money with real value is the only way. Credit and debt have doomed us all.

this gives a better explanation in an excellent documentary format

but it'll piss you off to no end

the whole movie I just wanted autistic christian bale to whip his dick across everyone's forehead and make out like a bandit

I was satisfied

lol yeah great payoff

he was talking specifically about missile systems and atomic weapons

Watch Network.

The cold war ended with the economic collapse of the USSR, rather than fighting, because the USSR lost less by economic collapse than they projected they would lose in a shooting war. The economies of every country on earth are tied together in lockstep and thus unable to extricate themselves into armed hostility without losing more than they could ever gain.

The tinfoils screaming that NWO and one-world-government are coming because FEMA is going to use an army to take over the world (or what the fuck ever) are about a decade behind, as the earth has been a one world economy since the 80s, which is why corporations are currently more powerful that nations.

All wars are wars of economics, and there are more effective ways to fight them than sending people with guns to drown in the blood of their compatriots.

>Real money with real value is the only way. Credit and debt have doomed us all.

please explain what real value is

There was way too many close ups

Gold, or maybe bitcoin


>as the earth has been a one world economy since the 80s
90's really, with the signing of NAFTA which made it officially sanctioned.

>mutually assured destruction

War between Russia China and the US will not happen. Radical extremists, coups, and insurgencies will be the name of the game for the foreseeable future. Unless of course we dont solve the energy problem before the resources are all gone but that wont happen for at least another century maybe two.

Looks like you just admitted defeat. Better luck next time.

You jest sir but he is correct.

Cryptocurrency is the wave of the future but I don't know that its going to be bitcoin.

bitcoin is literally an abstract of the price of electricity

gold has no inherent value

you're retarded. there's no such think as "real" value

Its more like
1. all houses are way over-valued because all neighboring houses are way over-valued
2. lowest level bank employees were getting huge (compared to being paid $10 an hour) bonuses for getting people to sign loans.
3. Banks were being pressured by government to give out more "subprime" loans
4. banks rebranded "subprime" to "adjuistable rate," and sold them with the line "the interest rate adjusts with your lifestyle!"
5. banks knew these loans were shit, but tied thousands of them together into single investment opportunities in order to pawn them off on other investors
6. As people defaulted, the bundled investments failed, thus the banks failed, thus credit ground to a halt.

4 is probably the most key point. As telling POOR people "it adjusts to your lifestyle" isn't saying "as you make more money you'll pay more money," as social mobility is a lie, its telling them, "when shit goes bad for you, like it has a thousand times before, you won't lose your house and be on the street."

Why not?

Putin is saying that the U.S by creating missile defense systems has irreversibly changed the balance of power left after the cold war. Now Russia has nuclear weapons that could possibly be countered completely and this changes the entire dynamic of the world stage

meaning in Putin's eyes the concept of "M.A.D" may not even exist anymore as the U.S has a defense system capable enough to prevent a nuclear attack

>there's no real value everythings fake and meaningless
jesus fuck how delusional do you have to be do actually believe this

Gold has real value bro. Its not just some useless shiny metal. Its used to make things.

there's no "reality" chances are we live in a simulated world

what we think is reality are just a bunch of constructs that exist in our mind

Value is an entirely human concept.

If objective value existed, you'd be able to sell dog biscuit futures to a dog.

Kill yourself

This is the point I thought they were trying to make. That people weren't listening when normal economists were saying it was going to happen but in retrospect everyone listens to celebs talking about the evil banks on Twitter.

But then it turned out the director just thought his audience were morons and/or couldn't think of any better way to establish exposition.

Even when that's exactly what Goslings character was supposed to be doing, explaining shot to the audience.

Sorry Vlad but Russia hasnt been a player since the wall fell. Anyways the US has no reason to nuke russia wtf are you even talking about.

fish soup is superior meal
the big short a shit

financial products are shit, we know it

>bitcoin is literally an abstract of the price of electricity

That hasn't been true since bitcoin value passed the $1 mark.

get this hothead out of here


Russia is a super power, at least in the region

I never said the U.S would nuke Russia I said M.A.D doesn't exist anymore because the U.S built a highly sophisticated anti missile defense system. This completely changes the balance of power in the world

please try pay attention

The stupity in this thread is astounding. Dogs dont understand or comprehend language and they sure as shit cant answer you in a meaningful manner.

Loans make the world go around retard

that's a great rationalization for outright fraud you've posted there.

Anyone else walk out of the movie during the first "Margot Robbie in a bathtub" scene? Fucking redditmeme bullshit. Made me audibly groan for a minute while I waited for a to-go box for my chicken tenders so I could finally storm out in protest

money is debt

that's all that you really need to understand

>Dogs dont understand or comprehend language

Neither do most people.

Which was one of the bigger themes of the big short. Obfuscation of meaning for profit.

I unzipped

First this But then also it made me think how they must have nabbed this bitch right after or while she was filming Wolf of Wall Street and just assumed people would know who she was.

Not that I knew who the chef was.

>Russia is a super power, at least in the region

... yes and all the other midgets should be super scared of the manlet.

You are the one not paying attention. You are failing to realize the acual shift in power came 26 years ago with the collapse of the soviet union.

here it is

for free


Ukraine at the very least should be super scared

this is true, i'm clueless really so if you could explain what you mean instead of being cryptic that would help

You are the kind of people that will trade banks for loan sharks.

If slavery built the Pyramids or Rome, then America can surely put up with a little financial slavery for the sake of civilization and there's no civilization without elites.

Fuck this jewish garbage
>portraying everyone working at Duetsche Bank and Goldman Sachs were not jews
>portraying one of the "good hedge fund managers" as a Jew

It's a fucking movie you dingus. And christian bale's character was very much like the real life counterpart.

don't leave me hanging bby

>get a chance to end the fed in 2008 and 2012
>libturds throw the chance away for the le first black SJW kang

If only the presidency had the power to end the fed.

The biggest problem in contemporary US politics is people way, WAY overestimate the power of the presidency.

You guys are both retards, END THE FED LMAO JUST FUCK MY SYSTEM UP.

JFK was about to end it

the federal reserve was enacted in congress in the night around Christmas eve


>create the fed to stop boom and busts
>have bubbles and deep recessions instead

nice system bro

decentralized banking could work with the technology we have now.

There is not even $500 trillion in existence you idiot

The entire GDP of the US is 17 trillion

Yes, you should exchange all your money to bitcoins and live in your cuckshed.

they never even explain the mechanics of shorting a stock. all they say is that its betting "against" a stock. which it is, but you just dont go to wall st and say "im betting 10 billion bucks these stocks will lose value". i had to go home and google that shit. you'd think with all the 'look at these awesome celebs explain finance to you filthy fucking plebs" they'd have included an explanation of stock shorting.

not an argument

Switch Bane and Mosquito Man and it's perfect.

I believe it's a reductio ad absurdum, a formal argument when done right

>If slavery built the Pyramids

he was just insulting informally

OK, suppose I lend you $10.

You have the 10 actual dollars, and I now have the fact that you owe me 10 dollars. So nominally the $10 became $20.

Do it with side bets on shit like oil prices and interest rates and you get a fuckoff huge number for derivatives. It's not necessarily a bad thing, like >73441903 said.

Austrian Economics has zero evidence behind it. It's internet meme economics for a reason.

You really need to research what nominal is before posting shit like that.

evidence of what? You could get rid of central banks and still have Keynesian economics. It would actually be closer to it.

get this hothead out of here

this, I saw this one on an Economics class and gave better explanation than in the Big Short, still I understood the latter because of seeing this one first, and yes it pissed me off to no end and I'm not even american

kill yourself