Anyone got uncensored pics of Manchester bombing

Anyone got uncensored pics of Manchester bombing.

Lolis with nails sticking out of there legs makes me diamonds

a little chunky, but hot!

Here's one and I'll look for another I have, but I have only found two that have been leaked.

And the other

S-such a w-waste of lolis!!

obviously an arab fag

you Sir are a sick as fuck subhuman



Autistic facebook knight go fuck your self. Puff. Go away. No likes to your post. Summerfag


you're just as bad getting all pissy about your safe space.

"Go away"

Hungry now... :-/



are the two red stains where someone has crawled/been dragged away?

You think you slick user? I see what you're doing.

also, kek, I see what you did there

top kek ... suck it & see

So...those are the only pictures?

that's right a whole fucking stadium filled with preteens and pretentious faggots and not one ifad selfie to show for it.

There are no brown people in the north except taxi drivers, and they can't afford tickets

also that's from 2015 so fuck off

Lol no way a nailbomb inflicts injuries like that. Looks like some sort of accident unless somebody stabbed her head with a piratesword.

12 years olds aren't good in a crisis.

Yep they take selfies all the time but understandable their brains turned to mush and they lost their shit when dealing with the realities of isis.
> Running screaming from the venue in self preservation in case theres more bombs or
> duckface in front of friends dismembered corpse
Pick one.

Wait, I recognize that gay blowjob!

They just leave her tits out as they work on her wound?
Male doctor in charge? That procedure will be done at 60% best

They need to censor the buttcrack only

This shits going a bit far

did she died?

Lol op and his bf in background.

Rekt Earth


You can clearly see that all those preteen faggots dont even have balls to take pictures of average evening in westen europe..

Funny thing about that.

I understand not giving a fuck about Syria, but the climate?
You live in it dude.


Same kind of proper that are like welcome Muslim refugees.

Alot of these people were married and left their families in the god damn war zone.

Flash forward 3 years. Why is family gang rape so high? Why do I have to wear a burka in public? Why can't I look men in the eyes anymore? Insert Sharia law..

Meanwhile every college University is baffled by being diverse we set our culture back 1000 years.

Feels twin towers man

>>Fuck man..... shit auto corrects for you.

Why do you sick people get off to this my friends friend died here you sick cucks

haha lol



Cute! Post benis

these republitards do not get it.
Or they sit there and say environmentalists are communists.
Lol they do not even know the definition of communism.