So Sup Forums I know you see this alot. Most of are suffering from it now

So Sup Forums I know you see this alot. Most of are suffering from it now.

I can't sleep. I just feel depressed, I'm laying in bed crying because I'm unhappy about how I look and how my relationships with women have gone.

I'm an army veteran. Served 6 years in the reserves. I haven't been depoyed or seen combat if you're wo dering. I only joined because I got my ex wife pregnant.

I now get really emotional and cry when I think about my past. I feel damaged and alone at times. I don't want to feel this way anymore.

TL;DR I'm depressed and want some comfort

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Cool story Brosephelus.

did she have the baby?

enjoy, OP

Yeah but she aborted our first child

go to the gym, sit in the sun, and be social (like join a club sport or something, or hobby club), do shit for yourself, its the only way you magically stop feeling shit

This kind of thing tends to set in when you stop moving, as in you stop progressing or trying hard, or fulfilling your potential.
Do some things that challenge you, do things that scare you.
Maybe start studying something, or change your job.
Move to a new place, learn a new useful skill that you can apply, take calculated risks.
Everyone is alone, you have to take care of yourself and keep going.
If you can't sleep, don't try.
Go for a walk in the fresh air, then have a light snack and read some fiction.
Reading fiction really helps to relax and sleep peacefully.
Time to pick yourself up.
I know I think about the past more when the present slows down.
Make your present fuller, and build a more complete future.
If you have your health, you can do anything.


Thanks, this is pretty soothing

Thank you, I really like your advice. You saying when life starts to slow down you think about the past really hit home right now.

Set goals and accomplish things, make decisions about your life constantly.
It can be small goals and small decisions, but keep them coming.

It happens from time to time, it's natural.
Recognise it when you see it and use it as an opportunity to do something new and scary.
Might be a new job, a new skill, even a new sport or activity, or putting yourself back out there in regards to women.
If you have some savings, and aren't tied down, you might want to try backpacking around for a few months.
It is a good mental exercise, as it keeps you independent and living day by day.

get off of your computer
get out the house
enjoy the sunshine

your life couldn't be half as shit as mine

in 20's could have been with quite a hotty
my mum and her mum arrange for her to come round for dinner, a fact i wasn't informed about, she comes in and i fucked off to my room, not knowing she liked me or why she was round,
i see her occasionally, she always speaks but was bugged by some asshole till she gave in and got married and had a kid with him

went to the shop last year to get some food, was flirted with by an oriental gal (probably old enough to be my daughter, didn't realise what she was doing at the time so like a fucking autist didn't speak
she left looking disappointed

as said get out the fuckin house, and stop mopping about feeling sorry for yourself
you've had far more than me to be grateful off

OP here, thank you all for taking the to share your advice with me. I'm going to take your advice to heart.

I dont want to feel like this anymore.

I used to work for a 3 letter agency and I did some really terrible things to people. It bothered and depressed me for a long time. Then I found/b/ became completely desensitized to erything and I was cured. I just don't give af anymore.

I used to be depressed all the time, and wanted to kill myself. Then eventually, I thought, ok, I can end this whenever I want, do I want to do it now? And it's always no.

Cause I got shit I want to do, and it's mostly nothing. I browse Sup Forums, play games, loiter around in the sun, or whatever. But at the same time I eat healthy, and move, I put money aside, and I do things I like. But my awareness of being alive is what makes me feel relaxed and happy. I don't care what other people think, I don't live for them. I live because it's an active choice I make the first thing when I wake up. And I feel ecstatic and alive doing fuck all. Because I am.

Dude, take your own advice.
The autistic reactions lessen with time and practice. Keep exposing yourself to situations where you are with females and talking to them.
Even if the first fifty girls result in autistim level non-results, I assure you, you will improve.

Read the other posts in this thread for general advice, it will help.

Next time, don't over think things too much, if she seems to be interested in talking with you, arrange to meet her again within a few days so you can talk more and spend a bit more time with her.
If she seems interested, flirt with her a bit, touch her arm, shoulder, or her back gently but with even contact.
Smile, look into her eyes for a bit longer than usual.
Move your head nearer hers to talk, if she looks at your lips often, she wants a kiss.
Try for one.
If she doesn't want one, she will move away, if she wants it, she will move closer,

Don't look back on these few, just put yourself in positions regularly where you speak to girls.
Join a social club or activity, be a regular at a cafe.

A guy on here said last year, "fight against depression like it is someone trying to take your life".
It made a lot of sense.
Use your determination and anger against it, to drive you forward and out of it.

Half of this site is retired fbi.

lol rly ?

Go on a meth/crack binge

It's the only place that makes sense afterwards.