Trips names my puppy. Found the little bastard in the ditch with his pitbull mother...

Trips names my puppy. Found the little bastard in the ditch with his pitbull mother. My german shepherds hate him so I'll probably give him to the first crackhead that responds to my craigslist post. But come on guys, he needs a name.

Bathe him then show him to your dogs, dingus.

I did, picked all the ticks I could get to but most of them were buried and I couldnt get them out. Used my wifes shampoo so he kinds smells funny but better than he did when I found him. Sweet little guy...

Keep him. :( Shits breaking my heart man

This will completely rip it in two.. They were eating a dead snapping turtle I shot over a week ago.. my feels.

Crotch. Your dog's name is Crotch.



I need a puppy, where you from?


Rolling for this. What an inspired name.

Promise you wont sacrifice him in some satanic ritual? Missouri.

how many dogs have you known that are named albert?

I do kind of like that.

Loose butthowl



Trips required.


Haha I see why you'd ask because if where we ate, I just wanted a puppy because I moved down to VA and don't know anyone and could use a friend


There are plenty at the shelter homie

get them spayed and neutered before you pass them off on some homeless crackhead.




so many good suggestions Sup Forums

Make sure he gets a good home if you can't keep him, man.

Anyway, name him turdnugget.

Puppy Mcpupface

eww thank god you didnt get trips

Im really considering Crotch or turdnugget lol


name him Ditch

That kind of genius.