I've been having some troubles with my current version of Windows 7, and i'm currently getting windows 10 to replace it...

I've been having some troubles with my current version of Windows 7, and i'm currently getting windows 10 to replace it, but i was wondering: all the games and applications that are installed right now (Openoffice, VLC, stuff like that) are for windows 7 right? Will i need to reinstall everything?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty much

switch to lubuntu


Not sure

I went from windows 8 to windows 10 and kept all my apps and information

There is a tool that upgrades your system from windows 7/8 to 10 and keeps all your files and programs. I will link it to you when i find it

I'm not comfortable enough with computer to switch from windows. I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to make the change but i have exams that are keeping me pretty busy right now so not the best idea.

Well at least this will force me to clean it up a little bit.

Thank you
Tits for your trouble

Win 10 is the most backwards compatible os of all of them but installing it may fuck shit up with the registry so you may have to reinstall yes.

Make sure your copy of windows is activated.

Go to the following link (It's official from the windows webpage, so don't worry about malware or viruses):


Choose 32 or 64 bits depending on your PC and download (If you don't know you can follow this steps to find out):

1- Open System by clicking the Start button , right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties

2- Under System, you can view the system type.

Execute the downloaded file and wait until it finishes (it may take some time).

Tits are very appreciated btw ^^

there is a common bug when you upgrade to win10 from windows 7 that makes the taskbar unresponsive or screws up your network drivers creating a 100% disk usagebug etc. So its advisable to do a clean install

Yeah but this is the trouble i am having, my windows doesn't seem to be genuine (of course it isn't, i'm a poor student and even if i built it myself, i thought that the cd i used was not an original)

then what the fuck are you expecting? you eighter upgrade a genuine win7 to win10 or you do a full reinstall with a pirated version.... theres no easy silver bullet

Then you can download something called kmsPico. It activates your windows copy so you can use the official upgrade tool.

This is true, some bugs can happen, but if you upgrade and the system fucks up, you can always do a clean installation, so why not try upgrading first? It works most of the cases

I am planning on resintalling it of course, i was just not 100% sure about the compatibility problems

I'm the one who posted this three things:

Just wanted to tell you that people here don't have any idea of what they are talking about, of course you can upgrade a pirate copy of windows. I've done it a lot of times to my non-geek friends.

You can buy legit win 10 keys for less than 10 bucks. I don't know why noone else seems to know this, it's the first thing you see when you enter "win 10 key" into google.

Ooos i made i mistake with the third quote. I wanted to quote this message instead:

Sometimes even 10 bucks are worth to save.

Cheapest i see is 19.99€, and as a broke student this is not nothing, like a pirated version is

since win10 is pretty much win7 from the kernel point of view with added functionality then there really arent that many backwards compatibility issues compared to win7

True. And if you want to keep all your data, upgrading instead of reinstalling is the right thing to do.

if you really are to scared to switch over to linux (and muh gaymes), it's better to bite the bullet & get windows 10.

you can lubricate the ass-raping of your integrity a bit by tweaking the privacy settings to only submit a minimum of info and by installing classic shell in order to get back the old windows 7 menu (and bypass cortana)

I switched to linux like a year ago. And it's the best decision i've made in my life. But I was lucky that all the games i played were compatible with linux. If for example you just bought GTA V it's not a good moment to switch kek