If Mediterraneans aren't white, and nazis wanted to remove all the non-whites and non-germans...

if Mediterraneans aren't white, and nazis wanted to remove all the non-whites and non-germans, then why did they allied with Spain, Italy and Japan?

>Honorary Aryan (German: Ehrenarier) is a term from Nazi Germany. It was a status granted by the Nazi Bureau of Race Research, or by other Nazi members, to certain individuals and groups of people—who were not generally considered to be biologically part of the Aryan race—which certified them as being honorarily part of the Aryan race. The prevalent explanation as to why the status of "honorary Aryan" was bestowed by the Nazis upon other non-Nordic—or even less exclusively, non-Indo-Iranian/European—peoples, is that the services of those peoples were deemed valuable to the German economy or war effort,[1] or simply for other purely political reasons.

>The status of Honorary Aryan was occasionally conferred to certain Jews out of pragmatic considerations during the Third Reich. For instance, Jews who had been decorated in World War I by providing military service for the German Empire and who had maintained their support thereafter were unofficially commemorated as "honorary Aryans" and subjected to comparatively less discrimination than most other Jews were.[2]

>The term was also sometimes ascribed to certain Jews for personal reasons. For instance, when Emil Maurice, an early member of the Nazi Party and founder of the SS, was later discovered to have had Jewish ancestors by Heinrich Himmler, he was almost expelled (along with other members of his family) from the SS (in accordance with the new racial purity rules for SS officers that Himmler himself had mandated after becoming Reichsführer-SS), but was pardoned after being informally declared an "honorary Aryan" by Adolf Hitler—a close associate, longtime friend, and fellow prisoner (in Landsberg) of his—who came to Maurice's defense, and compelled Himmler to make an exception for Maurice and his brothers, via a secret letter written on August 31, 1935.

If Slavs are white, then why did Nazis planned to exterminate them?

but why they wanted Poland as an ally first?

Maybe the Nazis didn't want to remove all non-whites?

This is like a 15 year old's interpretation.

Mediterraneans are white outside of the Internet

almost as if Hitler didn't care who would ally with as long as it helped him defeat SU

Basically anybody who doesn't go along with our politics dies.

Yes that's generally how power is established, yes.

>Honorary Aryan
If anything, the Germans were honorary aryans with Poles being the legit Aryans kek


delet this

lel, he looks basque af

jakajakajakajja los amerindios te van a perseguir hasta el final de tus dias putaso jakajaka

los amerindios estan muy ocupados cagando en las veredas y pidiendo la asignacion por hijo como para perseguir a alguien

I'm not sure but here is my two cents.
The term "white" comes from the foundation of usa for comparing black slaves and before the discovery of america the they just used european for generalization instead.
Even then outside of america nobody used "white" for identifying themselves. They just called blacks something like "negros" in their languages and used nationalities to tell other people like indian for instance while calling themselves with their nationalities.
All I'm trying to tell is aryan and white are completely different things and the reason why the "white" is what it comes to mind firsty now while talking about actual nazis is only because of the neo naizism in america because of the fact that americans are already mixed up to the point that national supremacists based ethnics is out of the window and being national supremacist would mean that you are in the same group as blacks or latinos as americans while being superior to other nations so that's just straight opposite of what these guys wanted.
Neo nazism turned out to be white supremacists of old america LARPing as nazis based on the new books and other propaganda materials that were made waaay after the ww2 to the point that it sometimes doesn't even include original nazi ides such as LARPing as romans or pagans and sometimes completely missing national socialism in them.
I'm not %100 sure but neo nazis from europe still uses their nationalities instead of "white" because they never needed that term to begin with.
In shorter words, some racist burgers wanted to LARP as nazis in leathers instead of dressing in KKK robes every time they wanted to beat some niggers and since main influence of internet and the retarded identity """""politics""""" comes from burgerlands, now we have retarded terms like "white", "black", "yellow", "brown" or worst "person of color" thanks to liberals which only logical use of those terms would be describing suspects skin on heavily multicultured countries.

Nazis wanted to do everything that envolves death aggression and that is against your interests, source is the source.

So hate nazis

knowing burgers this seems indeed pretty accurate


You are just as annoying as him