Listen up, WHITE "men". Or should i call you "boys"?

Listen up, WHITE "men". Or should i call you "boys"?

Have you ever given thought about why you seemingly have to work harder on your physique and your skills, to attain us white girls? It's because most, if not all of the time, that's all you have to fall back on.

You complain, "wah wah wah, girls want a man who looks like a Greek god, she won't settle for my flabby virgin body, she wants someone who can offer financial stability" and the absolute most important factor is ALWAYS left out.


Imagine the disappointment on our face when we realise we're either (a) not going to get off at all, or (b) not going to get off but have to FAKE getting off, the moment you drop your trousers to reveal your laughable white micro-penis. Imagine the despair we white girls feel as we have to settle for either a life filled with regret, or a life filled with lies as we find compatible sexual partners outside the relationship, who CAN get us off (BLACK MEN)

And you think being a man is tough. You weak-willed cretins.

P.S. the "average" penis size of white "men" is about 6 inches, That's too fucking small

well thank you lady

u liek my small dik?

Thanks for the reminder

No, i only like BBC

already seen this before

You are posting this to a bunch of faggots lol.


Tumblr, is that you?

stale bait

Stop replying to this.

L o l. L o l hahhaha


I see I'm just in time while taking a dump at work.

OP is a faggot

>Listen up, WHITE "men". Or should i call you "boys"?
>Have you ever given thought about why you seemingly have to work harder on your physique and your skills, to attain us white girls? It's because most, if not all of the time, that's all you have to fall back on.
>You complain, "wah wah wah, girls want a man who looks like a Greek god, she won't settle for my flabby virgin body, she wants someone who can offer financial stability" and the absolute most important factor is ALWAYS left out.
>Imagine the disappointment on our face when we realise we're either (a) not going to get off at all, or (b) not going to get off but have to FAKE getting off, the moment you drop your trousers to reveal your laughable white micro-penis. Imagine the despair we white girls feel as we have to settle for either a life filled with regret, or a life filled with lies as we find compatible sexual partners outside the relationship, who CAN get us off (BLACK MEN)
>And you think being a man is tough. You weak-willed cretins.
>P.S. the "average" penis size of white "men" is about 6 inches, That's too fucking small
Look like this. Says this ^ only can attract apes. Sage this shit.

30 seconds of pleasure for 18 years of single motherhood...seems like a fair trade off

Oh hey it's another thread designed to normalise interracial breeding! Yeah no dice OP, you fucking cuck.


That's a dude.

Agreed, bbc4life

tits or GTFO

Also, sage.

Stop replying to Eliza threads, you fucking newfags.

I know this is a pasta, but I'll bite.
Fuck you cunts I like dick and there is nothing you vagina-kin can do about this. Women are worthless, just like niggers.
fucking breeders rREEEEEEEE

>Implying average white girls have anything to offer a man besides their bodies
>Regardless of the man's ethnicity
Most women don't even fall into a man's "love zone", nevermind what race they are. In the current era, men forgot what was important in relationships in lieu of sex and on the way here devalued women, which they allowed. Not many men have values anymore, certainly couldn't expect a woman to take the mantle of responsibility, it's beyond them to make stable, concise decisions. Honestly, if a woman gets with a man for the sex alone, she's only furthering her descent into what men made them. A fuck...

>Thank your closest white man for that
>Yes this is pasta
>This is the only fuck given

It's true watches at $ 0?
