Bored so i thought i might tell you a story about something i did a few years ago

Bored so i thought i might tell you a story about something i did a few years ago

>Be me, 19-year old swede.
>Hate muslims
>Hate swecucks who enable them
>Out one evening with friends drinking
>Getting a bit drunk
>Me and 2 friends leave
>On the street we meet 2 muslims
>they are drinking with a swedish girl
>Friend goes up to them
>Friend Starts to argue with them.
>dunno about what
>Friend gets angry and we leave the sandniggers
>Few minutes later i say "lets go back to them again and 'talk'"
> We go back and see the sand apes and the swecuck female.
> follow them for 3 minutes or so.
>Get so a secluded area outside a school.
>I run ahead of my friends and start to talk to them about some bullcrap.
>Suddenly i punch one of the guys in the face.
>get jumped
> Get staggered from a hard punch.
> my friends arrive and join the fight.
>Muhammed #1 picks up a stick and stikes me across the arm.
>get out my knoife i had in my jacket.
>Muhammed #1 swung at me again with the large stick.
>Block with my arm. Hurts like hell. Get angrier
>Try to jab him in the eye with my knife.
>Miss and cut up his temple instead
>Jihadists get scared and start running.


>Go home and forget all about it.
> fast forward 1 month. Police get into my appartment and arrest me
in my bed. Go quietly
>fast forward 1 month in jail, Court starts.
>I keep my cool through the entire trial.
>Try not to laugh challenge commences.
>Sandnigger threatens to shoot my in the head
and demands 1million SEK in front of the judge
>I get 3 years to be served in a family home.

Gotta love the swedish justice system

Pic related - It's the Monkey i cut.

OP here

Yes i'm a newfag

nice way to spend 3 years

You and your friends where asking for a fight faggot

Prove me wrong
Pro tip you can't

Yes... Yes we were.

Hope one day you can open your mind op.

I'd rather not.

i hate muslims just as much as the next guy but you seem like a real yuge faggot

That's ducked up

I find it so stupid that your own people would kill you for stupid religion

ITT: pussy brings a knife to a stick fight... Has to face the consequences of being a bitch


I hate Muslims and radical Muslims
>Radical Muslims: Kill innocent people
>Normal Muslims: Worship a pedo
So i'm with you, OP


>they are drinking with a swedish girl

Alcohol is haram, mate. Just admit you wanted to beat up a bunch of brown people.

>stick fight

Regardless of the facts that islam should be eradicated... Stupidity level of OP means he gets what he deserves

An hero while in jail please, too stupid to fix

I have seen plenty of muslims drinking.

Wow i'm not from Sweden but the fact they sided with Muslims really goes to show how cucked your country is,
when you say 3 years in a family home, what does that mean?

>brings a knife to a stick fight


Fuck the mudslimes. Glad that one got it.

>Fighting Muslim
>in Muslim cucked country
I empathize with him a bit, because if he did that in America he would of gotten off clean most likely

It means quite litterally staying with a family who rehabilitates me to their cucked society.

alcohol is haram like tattoos are a sin. technically yes, but not really these days.

There is the plot hole

Stay on Sup Forums, user.. I would hate to see you conform to these cucked Muslim lovers, are you pissed off with the verdict?

good on you OP

No, OP was just a retard and is no productive member of society.

If you really want to fuck up people with your buddy, simply search for a lonely muslim and beat him up.
Then on court you have 2 vs 1 saying he started the fight and you will not get into jail

So you attacked 3 people, unprovoked, with a deadly weapon? I'm surprised you got only 3 years, fuck sweden

that's an awesome weapon camo holy shit

Probably 3 years with ankle bracelet and curfew

Nah not really, i had a blast with the family.
Buuuuut the fact that the muslim walked away without even a slap on the wrist is stupid.

gotta point there mate

when you said you remained cool during trial, what did you say to defend yourself? anything?

ive been in love with it since the moment i saw it

That's why

Any other cool pics with weapon camos?

I mean that i didn't admit to anything directly except for the things that was proven fact.

Also i waited for him to fuck up wich probably made him seem out of control and lessened my sentence.

well, they sided with the guy who got unprovokedly attacked and knifed in the head I suppose? I mean, I don't mind a country which has a working judiciary system; If some twat attacked me when I was out drinking and then didn't get punished for it I would think there was something severely wrong with the country I was living in.

Back to square 1, I know he was at fault but I know for a fact that Sweden will side with the Muslims no matter what
I can't see USA ever siding with a fucking Muslim

why would they get punished? they were attacked with provocation twice, once with a deadly weapon. by what logic should they get any form of punishment?

the dude that shot up that island and blew up a building killing 100 teenagers only got like 20 years.

don`t take shit from those animals OP I dont know why any respectable non sandnigger will mix with them in any way

he wasn't fighting muslims though was he? If they were drinking then they were just normal people with brown skin. If they practiced islam then they would know that alcohol is haram

>Sandnigger threatens to shoot my in the head
>and demands 1million SEK in front of the judge
I dont feel bad for either of you.

>Stick fight

just a theory, but I felt if the Muslim was actually at fault they wouldn't do anything anyways
Sweden is so Muslim cucked it's not even funny, they have denied on many occasions of there being a problem

>i know for a fact

>my feelings are facts

fact: op was carrying a lethal weapon on him, assaulted 2 unarmed people unprovoked twice

fiction: this was somehow their fault for being brown

I'm with you, I am the same way with any race other than white with white girls fucking drives me up the wall especially muslims. Niggers and muslims need to be eradicated.

Just thought of this
How did you know they were Muslim?

I strictly put a hypothetical, it wasn't feelings based on the situation and I even stated that

3 years in a family home? How old are you?

only one ive ever found that was worth saving truthfully

ye but that has to do with their maximum sentence, it's a deeper issue. this faggot should have gotten at least 10 years of solid jail time

again, you say this based on what? your feelings?

what is the difference between islams and muslims?

from this story I would guess it's the swedes who are the problem.

How do you know for a fact that the swedish judiciary will always side with a muslim defendant? Is there a study out there on this phenomenon or something? Because it sound sliek it would be really easy to abuse.

>Yeah, I stabbed him in the head your honour, but I converted to islam last night so you gotta let me off?

that's some sweet niggerdom right there. you're a disgrace to civilised society. criminal

Welp you got what you deserved. Poor guy got a permanent scar on his head from your blind hate. KYS faggot.


ya know, muslims drink too. Not all follow the quran to the detail. If they were, sweden would be littered with the heads of infidels...

Zebra print weapons look so badass
Not feelings, from what i've heard of Sweden and their Muslim problem they avoid. Nothing here was feeling based

its not just religion man, theres also a cultural diference..
in my country muslims cause a lot of trouble, stealing raping and shit, but you wont hear about that on tv, because the goverment tries to inteegrate them in society, but they wont.. they have no respect for the host country, nor gratitude for welfare, housing etc.
sometimes you have to take matters in to your own hands
i know i sound racist but something has to be done

you state that the swedish justice system would side with a muslim even though he was at fault, i ask you why you say that and you basically say "cause of muh feels".

anyone itt who thinks that op is anything other than a small dick insecure loser trying to prove to himself he's a tough man and taking it out on his perceived enemy is as deluded as op is.

Read my post....

I am 22 now

Sweden Yes!

yea, thats probably true.
at least in america. I dont know if they have the cultural history of racism and ethnic discrimination like we have, so it may be less of an aggravating factor over there.

I am so fucking glad Trump is making it hard for these fucks to come to the USA. God Bless America!

> from what i've heard

where? you read some studies? or did you watch conspiracy theory videos on youtube?

its not a weapon camo dude, its a floral pattern painted on a weapon. You like floral patterns.

but in this scenario the muslims were attacked without provocation, OP even admitted to the fact that he hates muslims and it was his friend who started to argue witht he muzzies.

How are the muslims culpable in any of this?


... is this just a massive bait thread?

who are you getting your information about sweden's muslims from?

Do I have solid facts that the Sweden justice system side with Muslims? No
I'm going off Sweden's nutsucking attitude against people who talk about a Muslim problem

Thats not true at all. As long as california sits all comfy as part of the usa.

Fucking Sup Forums, is that what you wanted to hear?
and no this isn't OP

he's not making it harder for them to come as much as he's making them not want to come.

man fuck the racial factor. x dude attacked 2 people twice, unprovoked, was carrying deadly weapon with him with the intent to use it. he is clearly a menace to society, why would he not be locked away?

the fact that they were muslims or not doesnt even come into the equation, since like people said above muslims who actually adhere to islam don't drink. op most likely attacked some 3rd generation immigrant because he was brown and chatting up a girl, while he's a 25 yr old kissless virgin

>follow them for 3 minutes or so.
You failed right there, you're a piece of shit troublemaker and deserve whatever crap you get.
You don't deal with groups of people you don't like by punching them one or three at a time.
>gets in a chimpout situation with chimps

Sorry anywhere but California hahaha

after you kill all the foreigners who rape and steal, will you then start purging the natives who do the same?

Or do you draw a line in the sand there, that if you are brown and commit crimesyou deserve death, but white criminals are fine?

so basically your feels and the feels of some swedish blogger you watched once?

If you say so muhammed

You act like you are superior to them but you and that caveman brain of yours you would fit right in there with those ISIS fuckers if you were born there instead of Sweden. People like you, regardless of religion or race are the cancer that's ruining shit for the rest of us. This is all likely bait but on the slim chance it's not OP can eat a bag of halal dicks.

op was 19 at the time. he's had plenty of time to give his first blowjob

one of them is a word, the other one isn't

Swedish blogger? No, the fact that Sweden has an enormous Muslim problem and they have on many accounts, denied it
At least American media and politicians have the guts to talk about this problem


OP here

Yes i do understand that i deserved punishment.
But it was worth it. So so so worth it.

Swedes need to follow my example and make this land a hostile place for muslims/sandniggers to stop our country, culture, women and children from being raped.

>It was worth it
that's why i'm on your side, fuck these beta faggots saying you did the wrong thing

hey man, i didnt say kill the foreigners, no one has to die
those ppl are just looking for a better life and i get that
im just saying if the goverment solved those problems the right way there wouldnt be no need for violence

Next time..... go for the inside of the arms , aim for the upper chest region (vitals) if you can the neck or the legs

what is the problem?

what exactly is the "problem"? how is this linked to the judiciary system? can you link some credible data to back any of your idiotic claims up?

>our women

who are you kidding, you're a kissless virgin

>what is the problem?
i'll answer it both for my country and Sweden
thousands of illegals, bringing drugs, violence and crime
it's literally that simple

>looking for a better life

Are you kidding me? They come here and stay in areas where they can still act as they did in their home, but with little to no consequences.

Better perhaps in their fucked up way of thinking but it's not about what's good for them, it's what is good for sweden. Sweden doesn't benefit from these people at all.

You were annoyed about that? After an unprovoked attack and fucking someone up with a knife? Jesus Christ that's a playgroup punishment. It almost sounds like it's worth doing the crime in Sweden if that's all that happens.

Muslims are trash that want to bring their trash lifestyle with them

like i said, provide me with some data. are crime rates among muslims higher than among non-muslims of the same socioeconomic status?

ill wait while you fetch that data

I give you 8.5 for your trolling skill.

That makes no fucking since what do you mean?