What would you do to me Sup Forums ?

what would you do to me Sup Forums ?

kill? rape? cook? play chess with me? i wanna know

totally sex

I'd exchange small talk with you and be on my way

Meet with this

yeah? boy, girl? what kind?

what would we talk about? the weather?

Weather, politics, school if you go to school with me, work, mutual friends

how good are you at chess?
if your worthy id play

whats your chess ranking

unf i'm so into talking about mutual friends

I think I'm pretty good. Would play all the time with my father for years, and still did up until last year, but never did much else with it.

im assuming your father was decent and with that i would probably play you

ok lets start,


You look like you're homosexual. If we have similar interests and your homosexuality isn't too flamboyant, I'd happily hang out with you if you were interesting.

someone says they are a good at chess only one thing to do my guyo but play

I would fuck your boipussy and suck your sweet cock.

18m here would love to fuck you

I love chess. :)

That'd be cool. Hopefully I won't fall for you and we can have a nice friendship.

I prefer the former :x


where you live? I live in Japan, so probably no where near me anyway

play me faggot


>Alaska Thunderfuck 5000 shirt

UK :( Can't stop us from sexting though..

post n00ds



he was!

man, im sleepy cuz it's 1:00 AM and i should be asleep.

alaskas great!!

this is true!

not continuing the match, dood?

>I prefer the former :x
I know you do, but I'm a faggot too and my need for dick must be fulfilled.

I'd Zyklon B you, you fucking degenerate.

this makes sense. i'm fine with it. i'm a hung bottom so it always ends up that way

is it itchy?

Alonso? You are exactly like a friend of mine

lmfao where, you idiot?
Chilling with the homies?
Stomping my father in a casual game?

>What's your chess ranking?
Fucking lol. It's one. I'm first.


> i'm a hung bottom so it always ends up that way
You're a cute guy, so I want to fuck you.
I usually like to get fucked by dominant daddy-type guys.
Still, if your cock is nice, I want to squeaze that thing dry.

where do you usually find your men? grindr?

I don't usually find men.
I'm a closeted bifag.
I only got fucked by a guy once, he was my close friend and very masculine.

ah, i see. i think it would be interesting if we knew each other irl

Yeah, it would. I've met a lot of interesting people online that I wish I knew irl.
Btw, I'm from eastern Europe, lol.

oh, really? where in Eastern Europe?


Croatia. It's not eastern Europe per se, but it's pretty close.