I plan on going to ComicCon this year. Anyone know where I can get some good costumes...

I plan on going to ComicCon this year. Anyone know where I can get some good costumes? Preferably something that isn't at every single comicon every year.

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Pretty much everyone makes their costume

So there are a lot of people who buy costumes and go but those are usually low quality spoodermans and dedpools.

Usually if you want a more unique costume you would be making it yourself. That is the most common way to go about if you really want to get into it.

Nacho libre or that nigga from tombstone

Fml that means I have 1 month to make something? I don't even know where to begin. I guess I can't go this year

you can, just go without a costume. Talk to many people there who have made their costumes and learn tips and tricks for next year.

OP dress up as a clown because your life is a fucking joke.

Get some boob implants and wear a crop top. And say you're fucking spider man. Won't matter either way because you're just there for the attention.

>talk to people
Who do you think I am? Some sort of social butterfly?

That was the point of a costume, I wouldn't have to talk to people and no one could see my ugly face. win/win


Go as Roscharch. Ink on a mask and trench coat

Go as PayDay characters. Wear a Mask and a suit.

Clean your furry suit and go as a furry.

Get your dads leather out fit and go as the Gimp.

Post pics faggot and show us what you've got.
(other than shit for brains)

I have a black business casual suit that consists of a blazer and the usual black dress pants and a white dress shirt.
That's about it other than my BBC.

go as danny devito

get a fedora and go as neckbeard. or buy a clownmask

Walk around naked. Tell everyone you're the invisible man.

Be a gundam, they always win if done right

Went to the one in London sans costume. Here's my thoughts.

- Harley Quinn is done to death, even men dressed as her. Don't.
- Don't wear Captain America/Deadpool/any superhero costume if it's a cheap one-piece or if you're fat. Sorry, you may love that character but even in an on-point costume you'll still look stupid and all people will remember is you being fat, cheap, or both.
- Lots of the following: Deadpool, Captain America, Spiderman, Overwatch characters, Jedi/any Star Wars, Disney Princesses, all sorts of anime-related stuff I couldn't name.
- The ones that stood out were different. One guy was about 8 ft tall in Space Marine power armour, amazing but a lot of effort and expense. Another was dressed in Fallout power armour and that was equally memorable.
- Lesser-known DC characters are a good bet, not as seen as Marvel stuff. Classic sci-fi works as well, I didn't see anyone dressed as a Stargate/BSG/Farscape character for example, and some of those are fairly simple to do and will get people asking who you are or remembering you were the only one they saw.
- An early Doctor Who could work if you're into that, don't do any of the post Eccelstone characters there's loads of those around. The Peter Davison one in the cricket stuff should be fairly simple to pull off but will earn you lots of spirited discussion on who was the best Doctor cause most people think he was the worst.
- Be prepared to sweat to death if your costume isn't easily removable. Lots of people mentioned they were basically sweat in a costume half way through the day.
- Having props in your costume, especially extras, that kids can hold when they ask for photos of you always goes down well.

All I can think of off the top of my head. It was a great day so just enjoy the sights and try not to blow all your money on merch/photos/autographs.

Good advice.

Another cheap easy one. Is to get some sort of plastic platform and get all green or tan or blue military outfit. And paint any exposed skin the same color and go as one of those green plastic army men.

>tfw nobody checked my satan trips

Bruh conventions are the best place to talk to people because 90% of the people there are the same socially enept dorks like you. Also cosplay chicks are slutty as fuck. You can easily get your dick sucked if you just act a smidge confident

I never said I was inept, I'm just ugly and prefer not to talk to people because for the most part we are not in the same social circle and I'll just end up cringing.


Ken that kid looks very depressed.

hot topic

Shave your head, wear a red tie, go as Agent 47 from Hitman.

Buy a Payday mask. It's a video game about bank robbers. The masks are iconic and mainstream enough that people will know what you are doing. To go all out buy a cheap airsoft pistol and leg holster and a cheap airsoft chest rig o it looks like you are wearing body armor and have a handgun. This fits in with how the game mechanics work.

Get a cheap little puck light from home depot, they are little battery powered things that turn on when you push them so you can light a closet or something without running wires. Get a string of battery powered Christmas lights and wrap those around the puck. What you are trying to replicate is JUST the arc reactor that Tony Stark has in his chest. Go in blue jeans and a black wife beater shit like what Tony wears in his workshop. You are cosplaying Tony Stark, not Iron Man.

Those are cheap and easy my man.

Fair enough. But trust me, branching out is never a bad thing

Serious answer, almost no one makes their own costumes anymore (even e-famous cosplayers who used to) as the quality of premade ones have skyrocketed in the last couple of years. Look up Chinese manufactures specifically on Taobao or local commissioners.

I know and I would if I could. It's just not in my control and we'd be better off not talking to each other. The people I hang with are higher on the social level than I am and they'd easily make fun of them and me. I don't want to make them feel bad just because they wanted to talk to me.

Tf is a taobao.

I know this is b and were supposed to be memey fags but honestly if the people you hang out with would so quickly put down your interests then you shouldn't hang with them, they're shitty people.

Chinese Amazon

Chinese amazon more or less

Aliexpress is the Chinese Amazon that ship worldwide. taobao is mainly for chinese buyers.

It's not so much that they put down the interests. It's just that we all roast each other all the time, like usual guy stuff. Considering the people that come here, I'm afraid they'll (my people) come off as dicks and hurt their feelings.

If I even bothered talking to some chick there she'll probably be uninteresting and there for attention. She wouldn't get along with my group most lilely.

This. Ali is the shit.

>You can easily get your dick sucked
Can confirm, met this girl in the bus on the way to a con, she was all over me the whole day, said i was very kissable at one point... i'm usually horny for cosplayer girls but that one really turned me off though, not sure why, maybe it was the fact that she kept trying to impress me by telling all sorts of stupid lies about having a huuge collection of action figures, collectibles etc... i mean, common, i collect stuff, i can tell when the person has no idea of what she is talking about, at first i was like "hu, she really wants to impress me" but later it felt like she was compulsive about it... honestly, i think i dodged a crazy bulled that day... but yeah, you can get your prick sucked in no time.

that hillbilly kid from l4d
numa numa guy
your waifu
deprived class from dark souls
characters from risk of rain
scott pilgrim
wirt from over the garden wall
that bald guy that you always see in porn

That's what I'm afraid of.
Does anyone dress up as a Dark Souls armor set?

>That's what I'm afraid of.
Just do what i did and have a conversation first, the crazy usually shows up pretty fast if it's there, besides, you can always make it a one time thing, i dind't because it turned out she lives near me.

Anyone from Mortal Kombat that isn't Scorpion, Subzero, and Reptile.

Any Pokemon trainer that isn't Ash, Brock, Misty, Gary, or Red

>that girl wow fucking plebian casual 0/10

That's your typical comiconer for you.

So either Jax or Professor Oak.
It's hard for me to talk to people like that though, I don't want people to be fake and try to impress everyone. I prefer if they're honest.

If your a big fat neckbeard go as slave leia
>its bound to draw attention

>you can get your prick sucked in no time

Who even says prick?

I'm well built and pretty big muscularly, but not huge. Above average is the best way to describe it.


Happens on any modern phone not made in the stone age.

>Liu Kang
>Kung Lao
>Shao Khan
>That shitty cop from MK9 that nobody remembers

>Generic Rocket grunt

How about posting a picture of your ugly face so we can help decide what you should go as?

Otherwise, you're just going to fail miserably because you're a useless faggot.

No-Face from Spirited Away is a really easy costume to make: just a white mask you can make out of styrofoam and a big black sheet with some very basic sewing.

you should try Sephiroth or something from the MK series.. hell ever Street Fighter.

>pretty big muscularly

We'll decide that for you

There you go, grow a rediculous beard and dress in drag slave leias clothes and also wear a fedora
If you wanna stand out thats how its done

That's the point dude, if they are honest they will remain so, only way to know is chatting.
Sounds lovely, doesn't it? It's the closest translation of Pica, which is very common in my country, "cock" translates to something like "ruster" which is not common here, the closes to that is when kids do reffer to their penises as "pinto", which means "chick" (as in baby chicken), as you may guess, adults don't use "chick" very often as it kind of gives size-wise impressions.

Dick doesn't have a precise translation, so it interchanges with cock here and is often translated as all of them (prick, cock, dong etc), but that just doesn't seem right imho.

>well built
>pretty big muscularly

You could be Terry Bogard from SNK for about $50




No thanks, If I could post it here I already would have.
Can't grow beard, military says no.
Those guys have to show their face, I need a mask or helmet.

I was thinking ODST or MasterChief but those guys are overdone. Most obscure DC characters are hard for me to find or make a costume for.

Jacket from hotline miami is stupid easy...letterman jacket...chicken mask...jeans...high tops...white tee...base ball bat...washable fake blood

I do Ox from the Midnight Riders band in l4d/l4d2.
Pretty much the spitting image of him, can even drum.

>I need a mask or helmet.
Dude, don't take this the wrong way bt, how ugly can you be? I'm starting to think "Phantom of the Opera" levels of ugly... which by the way is a pretty easy costume which includes a mask, chicks love musicals too...

I say prick...its what your mom sucks on when she is thirsty..ya fuck

Im in the 'Not that ugly, but I mask would be better' kind of ugly section.

You wanna say say to me again you little shite. I'll fuck you up mate, I swear on me mum.

Kilo Ren than... which is overlly used too but not bad of a costume...
By the way, have you considered that a popular costume that is well done and looks good might get more attention than shitty ones? I'm just saying, a hundred Spider-man go every year, but just a few actually look good.

I'm going quality with less popular. Trying to find a balance.


Yep it's not possible to make a good costume in that time with a job is it?

Where are you stationed then OP

South Carolina. Why?

shave your body, get a blue speedo, paint your whole body blue, use a sharpie and draw a circle with a dot on your forehead and go as Dr. Manhattan

There's a comic con here in Tampa next month too that's why but you're obviously not going to go to the one here if you're in SC

or even easier, buy a hockey mask and a jumpsuit and be Jason Voorhees

ComiCon is a huge event, I've always wanted to go at least once. Now I have the ability to go, they would I go to a bootleg one in Florida?

*why would I go to the one in Florida?

because why the fuck not? Just go to another one if it's not up to your standards

Are you saying go to both or fuck ComiCon SD, and just go to the one in Florida?

I'm saying don't just limit yourself to one experience if it's something you want to go to, it sounds like you don't want to waste your experience in a lesser con because it's the only time you'll ever go. So if Florida is more convenient to go to then go to it and then go to more in different places if it's something you want to do

That's why I asked where you're stationed in case you were in Florida and going to the one here.