Help me Sup Forums

Help me Sup Forums
>I work all week.
>Girlfriend is having a bad time at her home, needs money and parents treat her bad.
>She just called me she is starting a new work at children parties and birthdays saturdays and sundays and we wont be able to meet.
>Weekends were our perfect time for us, she was staying at my home.

I fear this could mean the end for us. Is anyone else in a similar situation? Is it that bad?

Tell her to get a real !

It's a rough patch in the relationship, it WILL pass over eventually, if you really love her support each other through it.

Yeah this shit's gay but i believe in OP

Ok well post her nudes

Remember you're still in highschool so her parents have final say with her. They probably forced her to get ANY sort of job. Her choice for finding something weekends only.

No its not the end. If YOU take a day or two off during the weekday. And if you work construction of any kind. Kek good luck.


u heard the man

OP here, I know what to do and theres not other way. I congratulated her for getting the job and blah blah blah.

By the way, she is 21, Im 33. She is at the university and now this summer she needs to work as she isnt receiving any money at all.
And yes, she was looking for any job, mcdonalds, fast food restaurant, child caring, anything.

For the moment I know she really wants to be with me, but I dont know if just seeing us 2 days or less a couple hours could work.

get her to move in with you , at your age you can afford it and that way you guys spend more time together

>she is 21, Im 33
Yea she's probably riding Tyrone as we speak, sorry pal.

Welcome to adulthood. Grown as men and women do what they need to do to get by. Roll with the punches and realize she is doing what she needs to do to make ends meet as well. Support her decision.

This, don't feel bad tho, she's not for you, too young, 3 years less and you would be charge with statuory rape.

She's fucking someone else, fucing AUTISMO

OP again, now she is so happy telling me how much she wanted this job. So Im not crushing her 'dreams' and supporting her success instead.

What really worries me is she is going to work lets say all saturday, arriving home late at night and waking up at 7.30 on sundays.
No more dinners, no more cocktails, no more free time for me during the weekends. Now I work hard from monday to friday only for arriving the weekend and having to stay alone at home.

no one cares! if you can't mantain her or telling her to move to your home becuase you have no money @33y/o then you should better just off yourself, FUCKING AIR WASTE

harsh words user.
But these dubs are right.

OP again, I'm a faggot.

Im not a daddy. And she doesnt want to live that way, its not my fault girls only want you because your money, not by who you are.

Lmao, what did you just say? are you fucking retarded?
Are you some kind of special autistic son of a bitch?
I'm pretty sure they call you "The Gatling Gun" because you could suck 5000 cocks per minute but you only suck 1 on regular basis.

If you loved her you would help her but as i see that you want her also to take care of herself.
no wonder why she's ridding Tyronne right now.

too obsessed about niggers fucking your gf? poor faggot kek
dont worry you'll forget about her

she is just using you for a bit of fun you dumb shit

w/e you say, Gatling Gun