Any anons know why it takes me forever to cum when fucking but when I am jacking off I can cum in seconds

Any anons know why it takes me forever to cum when fucking but when I am jacking off I can cum in seconds.
Been like this with every woman I have fucked.
I have never came from head and it takes me around 30 minutes, or longer, to cum from just fucking (ass or pussy). Tight pussies, loose pussies, nigger pussies, cracker pussies, slanted pussies, deep pussies, etc. It is slightly fucking annoying, not due to lasting long, it is due to not being able to cum from a fucking blowjob.
Is it due to having a lot of sex when I was younger? Masturbating? I just do not get it.
Any ideas what is going on?

It's from masturbating. Stop masturbating.

It's simple.

> Quit using a kung fu grip on your cock and beating it like a runaway slave.

Stop porn maaan! look at this:

Struggling with the same shit. On top of it I also got low stamina so I just get exhausted and give up after a while so only shes cums or neither does.

Additional question, is fucking or getting head itself supposed to feel good? I never felt good with any girl... Really lost all interest in having sex cause of it.

A lot of women don't know how to give proper blowjobs. It's as simple as that. Now fuck off.

> is fucking or getting head itself supposed to feel good
Yes. Though see . Women need to know what they are doing for blowjobs to feel good. Fucking should feel good anyway.

Anyone else have to suddenly take a piss when they're fucking?

Choose your fate:
1. Cum while holding piss. Orgasm sucks
2. Tell bae, "Hold up, gotta piss"
3. Piss on her

Alrighty then, might as well give up on sex then cause I aint getting no pleasure from my dick whatsoever. Might as well rub my arm really.
Uncut btw.

the same happens to me, i know whats going on tho:
1. you masturbate too much or,
2. you shake too quickly/ too strong when masturbating

Happens to me as well from time to time. The thing that gets me done is just looking at girl how she helplessly moan out of sheer pleasure, so basically I don't fuck because of my enjoyment. I destroy her pussy, pull it out, jerk off on her face/tits, wherever, that's it.

also, you might have focus issues. This gets fixed when you fuck someone you actually love ("make love")

Do you exclusively watch straight porn, but that features big dicks? Never watch porn with small dicks? Thats why you cum watching porn. BIG DICKS, faggot.
Come to terms.

It's because you're gay

Who ever is giving you head must be fucking terrible then.


Stop masturbating completely. That takes a lot of fucking will power the longer you go but it pays off. Your dick has grown insensitive due to the harsh stimulation from your hand. You've literally adapted your body to only cumming from your hand.

The benefit of being a biological organism is that you can adapt out of this situation too. You need to starve your body of the old stimulation and only give it stimulation that you want to cum from, blowjobs and pussy.

That's gonna be difficult as hell but it'll work. You have a path to correction and you only have to exercise your self discipline until you reach correction.

dont grip your dick so hard when you masturbate. Your unit's lost sensitivity. Women don't death grip your dick like you do when you're having a wank.

You don't have to stop masturbating completely or anything, but cutting down some might help too.

get a girl who you can piss on.

That's a sexy cock

SSRI class of drugs can cause this.

also, I'm cut and I fucking hate it, and constantly thinking about how much I hate it everytime I see my dick is distracting.
