Why are women such shitty directors?

Why do women even act like they want to direct films? When I went to film school about half the directors were female. They were all shit, they wanted all the attention and control that directing offers while doing none of the hard work. I honestly don't even know why they even pretend to want to do it. Do women even like film?

>telling people what to do
>hard work
are you just upset because you see some of them have made something of themselves while you're still struggling?

Sofia Coppola is based. She likes Aphex Twin.

>They were all shit, they wanted all the attention and control that directing offers while doing none of the hard work.
So exactly the same as women in any aspect of life?

Women struggle to project authority, competence, or vision, even when they have them.

Men can project these things, even when they don't have them.

Pic unrelated

women literally make films about their periods that other arty women and hipsters think are fantastic and that they give loads of festival awards to; and then everyone wonders why indie directors have such a hard time transitioning to hollywood

>she likes one of the most popular musicians ever
>she must be a good director

>Aphex Twin
>One of the most popular musicians ever

But yes, coupled with the fact that she's a cutie, it does make her an excellent director.

Because they don't have the skill, courage, or integrity to properly express themselves the way men do.

Men will tell you to "do X, Y, or Z".....because that's exactly what the fuck they want you to do.

Women will tell you to "do X", but actually mean "do X, or Y, or Z" , and they'll expect you to know what the fuck they want, and then they'll get pissed when you don't figure their bullshit out.

>one of the most popular musicians ever
He's hardly underground but you don't need to act like a retard to counter the arguments of another retard.

so female directors are pleb filters?

nah, whatsherface who was married to cameron and made point break and the hurt locker is pretty decent
i forget her name though

preach it, fellow mra warrior

Don't you dare talk shit about Jacqueline Audry.
She made some pretty good films that I like.

Defend those bitches, eunuch!

>Do women even like film?
Some definitely do. Pauline Kael is one of the best movie reviewers I've ever read, of course there's a huge difference between criticism and direction.

Directing movies is one of the most starkly contrasting fields of employment between the genders on earth

cool story bro what are you doing now?

The only female director I really like and who I believe is severely underrated is Naomi Kawase. I find interesting the purpose of her films and their meaning to her.

same reason they pretend to like sports, video games, and comedy

penis envy

>(((Pauline Kael)))
You realize she was a whore who fucked literally everyone in New York and San Francisco and got writing gigs on account of that, right?

I think the problem with female directors is the same as the problem with black directors and directors
Directing takes a hell of a lot of dedication, focus and hard-work. Unless you've got nepotism on your side, it's not easy

But it's so not-easy to the point that it's almost a level playing field. It's almost impossible for someone born into poverty/not much money to do since you need to see enough films to be inspired and having money/support when you start out helps so much

What this means is that quotas in directing are pointless. If you can demonstrate that you can do it well, producers will hire you because money.
The reason why there aren't that many marginalised groups directing is a general wealth problem combined with a motivation problem
Girls, in general, care a hundred times less about films on an artistic level than guys. But someone like Bigelow shows us that there's no reason women can't inherently direct. Someone like Steve McQueen shows us black people can direct. These are 2 quick examples off the top of my head, I'm sure there are many more

But you can't direct if you sit around all day whining about oppression when you should be learning
This is why there are all these Mexican directors coming into the mainstream

tldr; we live in a society where minorities/women are told that oppression is why they can't direct which leads them to complaining about it rather than learning to do it

this post is disorganised but the general point is there