Would you like to eat meat form young women if it was available in stores?

Would you like to eat meat form young women if it was available in stores?
Also would you work in woman meat processing facility?

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>Would you like to eat meat form young women if it was available in stores?
Yes, atleast to try it out.
>Also would you work in woman meat processing facility?
Depends on the salary.

gas yourself

Look, I'll give you what you want if you never make this thread again.

Biographies on packaging.

1 - No
2 - Nah, I'm not a factory worker.

15$/h and 50% price cut for girl meat

Sounds good as long as it is in the same city or county


does it come with benefits?

benefits like?

>eat meat form
Every fucking time. What does OP mean by this? Is this a bot posting these threads?

you know

free drinks
fresh fruit
company trips
company bike
company car (unlikely)
subsidized public transportation tickets
personal development training


theres loads of bots on Sup Forums, so possibly yes

all of them exclude personal development training, transport tickets and car

Stupid thread is stupid

You know guys a man would actually taste better. Keep your gay jokes to yourself okay? The thing is women are mostly fat and weak muscles. Men on the other hand, at least a fit one, is way more muscular. And that is the best meat.

i would think working that closely with young woman meat would turn you off of it.

my grandma worked at a chicken processing plant and hated eggs.

P.S. if you don't click on that link, OP's mother dies in her sleep.

Jew filth are pushing cannibalism in all these music videos, movies, and tv shows. I wouldn't be surprised if it became legal within 10 years.

Can anyone upload the comic of the father who has his daughter cooked for his company or whatever? Wanted to see that shit again

i might think about it if i was ever out of a career

do they come in live or pre-killed

Fuck off, goy.
Human meat is treif.

live ofc





what would tits qualify as?

Bitch I already get all the roast beef I want from them.

