Post the most retarded capeheroes

Post the most retarded capeheroes.

Pic related.



Some of the lesser X-men are hilarious

Doorman always cracks me up

>Has the power to teleport to any location
> long as it's through a door
> an adjacent room
>...his body must act as a portal
>...he can only do it a few times
> makes him tired
>He can also levitate
>...only a few inches above the ground
>...and he can't move when he does so

>implying you wouldnt love a falcon jetpack to fly about in

Asbestos man

>Super intelligent scientist
>Runs around in a toxic suit made of asbestos, that poisons him if he wears it too long
>Has a shield





Falcon/Winter Solider wacky mismatch superhero team up flick when??


>can stretch his skin
>not his bones and muscles, just his skin

Falcon is Cap's best friend now. Bucky will try to be Black Panther's bro in his movie. Maybe hook up with one of his bodyguards.

>has a suit that can make him really small
Fucking ants? Seriously?

pretty much this, he's iron man without the laser, super strength, armor, AI, hulk buster attachment and money.

at least hawkeye can shoot arrows at impossible angles, falcon's power is a lesser version of someone else's basic power


Old tick suit was better.

What the fuck that looks fucking terrible.

Why couldn't he adapt?

That looks like they started to make a new Guyver suit and then said fuck it halfway through...

Being able to shrink does have it's benefits though.

awful awful suit
are they adding cgi to it or something?

The Tick is parody/satire. Back when the first series was made that's what superhero costumes looked like, it was just an exaggerated version of those. Now modern superheroes have overly detailed, over-designed suits, and the Tick's new suit looks like an exaggerated version of those. It's a product of its time.

he wasnt very adept


what the fuck

I like Kick-Ass just cuz he has a crappy scuba suit and stupid batons.
Just some teenager who has damaged nerve endings and can take a beating than an average joe.

>During the Fear Itself storyline, Asbestos Man is revealed to have developed cancer, due to the toxicity of his super-asbestos suit, and is now living in an oxygen tank.
>Years later, the Human Torch mentioned that Asbestos Man had died.

what's his super power?

Being black

Sounds like a decent power for a cat burglar. Not the most glamours but I can dig it.

Angel has the worst power for one of the major x-men. In a world where most people are able to fly without wings, his only ability is having wings to fly.

>his only ability is having wings to fly
He also has peak human physique due his mutation, he also has healing factor

And as Archangel he's a beast

Is that last part true? I might marathon this joint.

Yeah he gets hurt which damage his nerve endings.
I believe the comic says he feels 1/3 less damage than a normal person.
It's why he sticks to being a super hero cuz he can take a beating.

>Has the power of money

go away snyder antman is better than your meme movies

Why is the Tick an old man?

Most Excellent Superbat does it better.

Pure coincidence I'm sure that most of these are Marvel.

>Harley Quin
>The Tick
>Kick Ass


>>Kick Ass
MARVEL the same way MIB is Marvel


>This guy is fired by House the episode before Hawkeye comes on as a patient

Does this make House MD part of the Marvel universe?

This nigger I like, though. His cock is no longer intact, so he can't cuck me.

He's got all sorts of attachments, though.

>stop invincible mutant

Thank you. I was trying to think of the name.


Good idea. I could see one of the body guards flirting with Bucky.

Really looking forwarded to seeing the Dora Milaje on screen.

I hope they're not covered up either. They should be as voluptuous and half naked as they are in the comics.

Pure coincidence I'm sure that most of these are black.

Why does his suit look like crystals? The Cyborg costume can't be that hard to translate in live action.

>they only have suits that give them super powers

Why is this allowed?

The falcon is cool.

Dood its Disney.. No ones getting anywhere near being naked.

He doesn't have his cool arm anymore. Whats he going to do in the BP film? Run around crying and wiggling his stump at Black Panthers foes?

Post brain punch.

I guess...

but even the old Warburton suit (actually all the costumes in that show) looked great

Because for some heroes, having magic technology just sounds better than having them get bitten by a radioactive falcon

You know cape kino will have reached its zenith when there is a Matter Eater Lad movie.

Super King, he's functionally identical to your standard bending unit.