Did I fuck up /b?

Did I fuck up /b?
Just came home from grocery shopping and I saw something fall into my backyard. I open the door and my pit runs out there. Bunch of crows screaming from the tree above me. And I look off the deck and there's a crow that looks old and ragged. My pit starts to fuck with it, and it screams in his face. I feel bad so I walked up and kicked it in the head just to put it out of its misery from my dog. And now the crows keep screaming and one particular one will swoop at my head. Even tried to shit on me. What do I do now? I was going to borrow a buddies airgun and just start taking the crows out one by one but I'm sure there's a better solution. Picture is of bird after I kicked it

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go buy the Crowmaster 3000
it worked wonders for me
you faggot

Crows neither forgive nor forget. Also they can recognize humans by face. They'll tell all their crow friends that you're a crow murderer. You'll never be safe. You have to fake your own death and get drastic plastic surgery

This is actually true. They will even pass their anger on to their children.

Well time to take down the bird feeder then I guess.

and their childrens, children

these are why crows are the coolest animal. they are smart and devious.

Just try to avoid the birds. It was the right thing to do by putting it out of its misery.

It was Itachi Uchiha's crow. Prepare to die, fuckhead

>I was going to borrow a buddies airgun and just start taking the crows out one by one

bro crows are intelligent creatures that show multiple step problem solving ability to the level that only great apes, dolphins and orcas can do...they are one of the smartest animals

they mourn their dead and they watched you kill one of their bros. they will probably hang around for a while and fuck with you.

if you have crows at your house what you should be doing is trying to make friends with them...they are amazing animals and recognize you/will come chill with you.

I observed some crows conduct a planned evacuation once. I was surprised at how smart they are.

>Bald Eagle starts checking out the crow nests looking to score some baby-snacks
>crows start making a fuss to alert other crows
>biggest fastest crows start harassing the eagle to keep it busy
>Mom crows start evacuating the awkward juvenile crows deeper into the forest where Eagle can't go
>once crow kids are safe, interceptor crows start breaking off one by one until only the fastest crow is left running interference
>leads eagle far away then doubles back and books it for the forest
>eagle tries to follow but can't turn as fast as crow
>eagle went hungry that day

>OP and his dog must now either move, or live in fear of the crow mafia with a hit out for them both

nature is amazing


wow that is true?

Alright. So maybe, I move the bird feeder into the backyard and bury their crow bro? Also bird shit on pants confirmed.


You're fucked bro, set fire to a baseball bat and just start swinging when it comes at you but scream at it as it's coming at you "COME AT ME BRO" Then fucking swing that bird with your burning bat back to the birds nest ya'dig?

No you big dumb dumb.

slaughter a goat at the bird feeder and offer it to Odin in order to gain favour with huginn and muninn

Crows are one of the most intelligent avian species on this planet. The most you can do is offer them food as a gift in order to make peace terms with them because if you don't they're going to go to war with you because you killed one of their kind.

Bump for update

Can't deny dubs

Fucking pit owner.

You sound like an ameitard, you must have a firearm in your house somewhere

>Crows neither forgive nor forget. Also they can recognize humans by face. They'll tell all their crow friends that you're a crow murderer. You'll never be safe. You have to fake your own death and get drastic plastic surgery

Yep. What he said. You're fucked.

>Crows are extremely intelligent birds. They are known for their problem-solving skills and amazing communication skills. For example, when a crow encounters a mean human, it will teach other crows how to identify the human. In fact, research shows that crows don’t forget a face.

>When one crow dies, the murder will surround the deceased. This funeral isn’t just to mourn the dead, though. The crows gather together to find out what killed their member. Then, the murder of crows will band together and chase predators in a behavior called mobbing.


Unlucky OP.

Update: Crows are still outside flipping the fuck out. I let my dogs into the yard to see what they'd do. They're fucking with the dead body but the Crows aren't fucking with them. I went to take the trash out and their was just one crow. It started cawing and then they all came and just swooped at me. I'm going to change for work and see if that changes anything. But I'm standing on my deck and there's no screams. When I go out into the open they signal to attack. Kind of funny a little annoying.

>scream at it as it's coming at you "COME AT ME BRO"


1. Kill your pit. They are a vermin, no better than coyote.
2. Kill yourself

>It started cawing and then they all came and just swooped at me. I'm going to change for work and see if that changes anything.
Changing your clothes won't make a difference. Crows aren't fools.

What kind of crow has blue patches on the wings like that?

This is autism painted to a T

Neighbors are working jobs and shit meanwhile you're watching crows, and jackin it to trannys on a malaysian cartoon forum

That moment where you are watching me on my day off watching crows.
Any who, haven't changed clothes yet. But they're tracking my movements. They've posted up on neighboring houses and cry out when I walk outside. They're leaving the dogs alone so far. And keep quiet when I'm in doors.

Just fuck off dude. No one needs you to do anything, not your "pit" not the crows, not humanity. Just fuck off and entertain yourself in a way that doesn't affect any other lifeform. Seriously, why do humans feel their intervention and action is needed? Why do they need to feel that way so much?

You can make friends with them. When theyre out get a plate and fill it with small scraps of raw meat. Leave in plain view and go back indoors. repeat every couple days. Crows will forgive

Crows are highly intelligent birds. It's been said before, but they recognize humans by face, and they can communicate ideas (such as the fact that you killed one of their kind). They WILL try to take revenge. Don't let your dog out unattended, and be careful yourself.

There's a reason a large group of crows is called a "murder".

They didn't recognize me in my work clothes. So HA. No cawing or screams. Also, my dog was just slobbering and pulling its poor legs around. It couldn't fly, it couldn't run. It could only scream. So I put it out of its misery. My plan is to find a song to play when I feed them foods. And whenever I come outside I will play the song. Maybe they will come to like the song and recognize it as a signal of friendship. Or they will know it is me and attack. What do crows listen to?

Crows communicate, and they can recognize human faces. You are known to them now.

They can't be reasoned with. They can't be bargained with. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.