Anons of Sup Forums...

Anons of Sup Forums, Interpol has recently released 3000 still from CP videos in an attempt to find both the victims and culprits! If we can track and destroy the half-assed attempt of a certain celebrity to make a political statement, or deliver bombs to terrorist training camps, maybe we can do some good here too?

pic semi related

Shameless self bump!

Second shameless self bump!

nice. ill share this to help spread the word

May whichever entity, be that flying tangles of spaghetti or otherwise, bless you!

>>inB4 faggot

Bumping for great justice! (literally!)
Recipe provided for motivation! you guys like asian food right?

!Wrong one! sorry! Still though, bumping

Still no support? come on Sup Forums....



Much appreciated!

Don't let thread die, pedos need to get btfo

Soar! to the front page!


Its all worth it even if we only catch one or find one victim!


hope someone can help

Spread the word! that helps!

And so my thread dies, but i have spread the word to at least 4 people!

Guys, the piecee of clothing with the bear on it is a lot like 'Tatty Teddy' in a shy pose. Any other franchise with a similar bear?


That's horrible! I wish they would release the full images so it would be easier to catch and find these pedo bastards!

fuck off retard