This is a legitimate question. Why is the US so against a friendship with Russia? It seems beneficial to me...

This is a legitimate question. Why is the US so against a friendship with Russia? It seems beneficial to me. I can't politic for shit but it occurs to me that a US, Chinese and Russian alliance would be most beneficial for humanity.

Stupidity...mostly on the American side...

Random shit for bump

no you retard USA is no1...chinks & slavs are like our little bitches lol

Best I can tell its dick measuring between two super powers but over what? Why does the current American populace care so much?

>why is the US so against a friendship with Russia?
In case you hadn't noticed, they have been trying to do so secretly for some reason, but denounce Putin and Russia in public. I guess it's part of their "Speak loud and carry a big stick" tactic on the global stage. It's actually a great measure of how retarded Trump and his administration really are.

All the time in the news you hear praise for the US visiting diplomats in other countries and shit but if anything is mentioned about Russia its like they're bizarro humans put on this earth only to kill us with aids cannons or something

But we own a space station together... Idk i feel like its the height of stupidity? Were such friends with the mid east and Japan despite numerous conflicts, Russia just keeps to itself and we scream at it to gtfo like its some elephant in the room

>Russia just keeps to itself



In so much as any country does. Its not black and white

Not samefagging, contributing to My own thread for a decent chance at an answer on topic. Also gtfo my thread you fedora wearing internet stuttering fag

You ruined my night.


Cool story bro








Ask any libertard why we aren't friends

"Are you kidding me,
Your not for serious are you? You can't be this dumb, answers? Go look it up, how can you like Russians? Look at what they did, do you know what they did? Don't you watch CNN? They did so much"

.. let's just leave out all the important stuff.

I feel the American people and Russian people care very little about our involvement with each other, because it doesn't affect us. If we were allies, might there be prosperity?

It was originally over democracy vs communism, but why can't they both coexist? It already coexist, why not work together for the betterment of man kind.

I 100% support back channel communications with Russia, I 100% support Russian involvement with the president elects team (doesn't this allow a smoother transition of power?)

Everything that has happened was for the good of the country, you're an idiot if you don't see that.

In fact, if sharing intelligence with Russia helped prevent a terrorist attack in100% support it, because it's not an attack on Russia, it's an attack on civilians.

So fuck off those who don't support international bipartisanship.

holy fuck more

Is it bad that im from America and just stopped watching news and got off fb just so i didnt have to hear about how trump did this or that. Im so sick of media. I just live my own damned life.

Thank you for the contribution kind user, have some internet boobs for your participation

liara roux

Too true user, i was pretty excited for trump when he first showed up on the media if only for the keks but after about a month it was just ludicrous.




One day you may discover that it's all Jewish theatre. All of it. Jewish Fiction. Theatre. Diversion. Distraction. Red-herring. False flag. All of it. Jewish.


Through the media?

Thats such fucking bullshit

Because Russia mainly Putin consistently acts against american interests. Also Putin is making aggressive moves to maintain and gain more power

despite russians pretty much winning ww2

Not the argument but that was so close

Except not really, millions died and one of their greatest cities was leveled.

It's not that simple.
Russia and China have complex relations with both American allies and enemies, including north Korea, Taiwan, Syria etc. They also have a political landscape that promotes more authoritarian regimes, and not compatible with what you would consider American ideals

And what are Americas intereats really? Idgaf about what's going on the next state over much less country over. Food on the table, roof over your head and enough fine bitches walking around to keep us all happy everything else is bullshit really.

They won the war for us though, if not for the Russians, the German blitzkrieg would not have been stopped, let alone by a bunch of merchants.

I understand the complexity of it all but in the pursuit of something stronger? As a country why tie yourself to all these small feuding states and providence to gain power and influence? Wouldnt a United front of Russia, China and the US pretty much pit an end to that?

Its a trifecta, then we just glass the whole middle east and build anew





thats a man baby

Yeah it might be


looks like a woman to me.

A bit of class