@trent reznor

@trent reznor,

what are your thoughts on this band/album? i know you post here and i'm curious about the influence that kdfm had on nin. they're super under appreciated imo.

other anons are welcome to share their thoughts as well

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hey trent here,
i like the album, the band itself is pretty good. i have a lot of respect for them as musicians and they definitely part of the influence for nin
thanks for asking

you're not Trent. I'm Trent.

sure :)

nice that's super cool to hear. thanks for the response my man. keep doing what you're doing

prove you're Trent.

arent you trent though?

There's a bent Trent for that.

haha is this for real?

All Bent Trent's are direct quotes. It would be criminal to alter them. Grumpy dad Trent is a gold mine.

post moar


Trent here.

Hey guys, Tret here. If you buy my Patriot's Day soundtrack I promise to send you an envelope of genuine ashes

tront resner here

nin sucks lol

KMFDM is complete ass, they've only made 1 good album and that album couldn't even get a full complete release because they stole shit and didn't get permission to use the shit and riffs they stole.











industrial was a mistake


Based Trent does it again

>they stole shit and didn't get permission to use the shit and riffs they stole.
>they've only made 1 good album
which one?
are you grimesfag?

>not listening to pic related while cursing the world in an alcohol-fueled fit of self-loathing