Help pls

Help pls

Other urls found in this thread:–Schönlein_purpura


Fuck is wrong with your leg, OP?


if dubs, cut the largest bump with a sharp object

Fungal Infection, its too far gone for over the counter shit, you'll need to go see a doctor.

cut it off

Maybe psoriasis but im not sure, no aids...

need to do an in-home amputation asap.


Looks like Lichen Ruber Planus, which I've had. Do they itch? Got any white web-like rashes on the inside of your mouth?
Anyway go see a doctor, if he cant tell what it is he'll send you to a dermatologist.
start with these

Medfag here, you have AIDS

This dont itch or hurt thats why i didnt go doctor

could be the start of :–Schönlein_purpura

The only place i have a lot of this is in feet i checked in those pages and nothing like that, i run a lot that can be cause?

Looks like the plague

In this hand i have some but nothing in the other hand

can't tell you sorry
go to a doctor you never know what it could be
also you can't get laid with shit like that

Its liquen planus thx user !!

damn man that looks like a nasty 3rd degree burn

hospital's got good shit that'll make the swelling go down. Don't pop the pustules, that'll make the burn worse and it'll scar more.

but seriously medicaid has your hospital costs covered. Go there or there might be permanent nerve damage.

It's ebola..........nice knowing you.

When seeing the smaller ones on your hand, im more certain than before that it is Lichen Ruber Planus. Be fucking happy you dont have any on the dick, which can happen aswell.
Youll probably get a steroid cream to use for a few months, it will take some time but will get better. Might reappear in a few years or so. Not dangerous tho.