Morning after gangbang

morning after gangbang

best she's sore in her passy

pics of said gangbang?

Not enough information.

Was that her the morning after a gangbang, or was the gangbang the morning after you took the picture? Or was it the morning after, say, an eclipse?

Even better question: What the hell are those spots on her leg?

Here's my ex just after her first and only gangbang.


Pics or it didn't happen...

pics from gb?

>pics from gb?

Here's a nice one:

in this pic she's got about 6 loads navigating the nooks and crannies of her uterus. we were just about to leave to get a plan B for her.

Okay start dumping pics or vids or fuck off...

tell her i love her!



Okay never mind. Abandon thread...

moar pls

not much interest i guess

Moar OP


keep posting

OP is lying. He doesn't have 5 friends...

Posts a thread about gangbangs.
Doesn't show gang bang photos.

A gang bang is more than one person


>greentext formats it for us.
>doesn't greentext tho, cause user is a faggot.

Slightly more believable now, as this one is rekt.

Chekd and kekd 10/10 moms spaghetti

You cucks are the lowest of us degenerates. Whoring out your woman to make you feel humiliated. Did you wear your cock cage while she screamed out her feigned pleasures?

some people enjoy gang bang porn. some people like watching sex in real life. some people want to take part in that sex. it's not his wife, it's his girlfriend he groomed so he could live his porn fantasy

>screamed her feigned pleasures

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.


any pics of her anal?

After gang bang


Before another

Not OP. Hopefully. Or OP thinks we're all too stupid to notice the ol switcheroo...

Everyone is stupid on Sup Forums

sauce pls

Fuckin gross



OP is a huge faggot

I puked a little.

>Haaay guise, posting OC gangbang pics.
>Sup Forums filenames

Thanks for sharing the lump numerous dudes fucked without removing her bra. Pretty odd when it's worth sticking your dick into but not enough to see those milk bladders. Especially when adding to that more than one dude thought about it and said, "Nah. Fuck it, don't care..."

Just food for thought.

How much money did you make whoring her out? Make sure you get her checked out before stick your dick in her again. Otherwise you would have to get rid of her and find a new bitch. I suggest getting a new bitch ahead of time lined up.

Small tits c cup plus the bra was useful when pounding her from the back and front

Absolutely gross user but thank you for sharing anyway. Really enjoyed those brown discolorations on her giant sweaty gut too.

Ah, I get it. You guys fed her from both ends and she swoll up in the middle?

What a nasty fucking piece of trash

That's what daddy said when he fucked your sister.

Is that camera from 1994, or are scanning Poloroids?

>used cunts
they look used.

Kek small dick trying to fill a big hole.

Lmao at that microdick

Your stupid.

he's clearly already cum.

My dick is still bigger than they little guy after I cum.

New thread name

>big holes and little dicks

Who would let a bunch of guys do this to their girlfriend? what the fuck is wrong with you guys? She's obviously ashamed.

Honest question. WHY?

That shit is ruined.

Did she cry, user? How many were there using her like a piece of meat?

Cuz I like fucking and so does she.

Was. Was ruined. You must have missed the chick surrounding that vagina user. Look again.

Aren't you worried about STDs? Any of those guys could have HIV or some other bullshit, and it looks like most of the cum is on and inside her, not in condoms.

All friends
And yes most of it is inside.

That shit IS ruined, son.

What happened here bro? She was shaving her legs and thought fuck it & just stopped there? Her asshole being surrounded by a dense layer of shit covered ass hair is good enough for the faggot she fucks?

Well, as long as everyone's having fun.

I'd drop a load of cum on her, but I'd be hesitant to put my dick in a pile of other men's cum.

Didn't mind I was the first one in.
That was the other guys problem.

That's pretty hot, m8. Nice cumdumpster you got there. Very cool of you to share it with others.

Her pussy again






Nice, I walked along there a week ago.


well, that figures


Faggot gonna fag

Face please

It's true watches at $?

Doubt it

Sharing your girl is not cuck or beta it is the most powerful thing an alpha can du safe in the knowledge that he sent his girl to heaven and back and that she will always sleep in his bed at night


oh look. this thread again. and only an hour and a half later. come on man.

I get the rationalization, but like 90% of people will always think that's gross as fuck. It's a pretty niche fetish, which is why it's only really visible online.


Okay fatass


Ok faggot.

Its shooped bro, look at the pubes around the jizzl

Looked and same pubes

its literally shooped, the condoms, the jizz on the top part of the pubes, its pretty obvious bro
