Is there a possibility to un-gay yourself...

Is there a possibility to un-gay yourself? My parents are already suspicious because they found out I was cuddling with another boy at his house last week (his mom told them for no reason and I shrugged it off and said we was wrestling for fun).
I really love my parents and I am certain they won't accept it. Hardcorr catholics. They already threatened me to
send me to poland for a couple of months to work in the middle of nowhere. Please help me Sup Forums

No, quit being a little bitch and accept who you are faggot

No, stop living in retardland and go somewhere civilized.

No. You're either gay or you're not.

Abandon your shitty parents and fuck all the faggots you desire. Just beware of the AIDS

At the end of the day you can only be you and therefore you should live your life for yourself.

They will kick me out for sure. Still going to school

Learn to accept yourself
Tell them you were just fooling around and that you swear you're not gay
Don't act gay around them
Graduate, whatever, find a job and MOVE THE FUCK OUT to somewhere civilized
Accept that you're gay and don't try to find love through fucking 10 guys in 1 day
Accept yourself, this is who you are and is totally fine, just don't let your parents know and move the fuck out asap.

poland sounds cool, you should go and have a good time! thatll learn them

>threatened me to
>send me to poland
I don't see a problem with this, your parents don't want you to be homosexual in their household, and will disown you as they send you to Poland, but this will free you of them and their negative views of your lifestyle, and you'll be free to be as homosexual as you want with whomever you want.
Who knows, you may even find a Polish hunk to take you in.

Well then get a job and a roommate and leave, your situation isn't impossible you just need to grow a pair and deal with it

If you run around in life trying to please other people, I guarantee you will never be happy. You're young and I bet your dick gets super hard. Enjoy it.

drinking bleach while showering with a toaster is one way to un-gay yourself

Try watching straight porn, it may not be permanent, but shit does it help

Beat the shit out of your parents then blow your brains out 101% guarantee it will work

If they kick you the fuck out, find a lonely late-30s early-40s guy to shack up with for a couple of years. He will have money and advice and you will have your ... teen boy assets.

I hear they have some good un-gaying camps in Poland.

Yes the old denial treatment

See this:

do you have any friends to move in with? im really sorry dude.

There isn't any cure for gay, it's who you are

Stop obsessing over it. Stop masturbating for a long time to help reset yourself. Remember your place and who you are. Just because you're fucking up now doesn't mean you have to accept it. It's your choice.

just sit your mom down and
>fuck her right in the pussy

You can figure out school and living situation user. If you try to be who they want you to be, you're just going to repress a bunch of shit and hate yourself for life

Ah the ol "can't be gay if you don't do gay things" argument