Why don't you guys have a soft and loving bbw in your life right now. Fuck sleeping with skinny bitches

Why don't you guys have a soft and loving bbw in your life right now. Fuck sleeping with skinny bitches.


I mean goddamn.

Mmmm fat pussy


let see some jizz on that fat titties

Don't have pics of that, I blow every load inside

now i see why you settled for this walking tub os bacon grease. your dick is small and you're fat too

44HH for anyone wondering

Lol, 8 inch dick. I settled for nothing and this chick does kegels. Fuck yourself.

8 inches lmfao. you're delusional. no point in arguing any further.


I do...

Its been measured by chicks who actually took it seriously, which was weird. 1 and 3/4 of an iphone 6s. I wish I was delusional. Shit sucks when you can only use part of it at times.




This man knows.

Why is she licking a pink inchworm?.. it's so small she's gonna crush it

Hell fucking yeah! She's submissive as fuck and does anything I tell her to.

Fatness is a sign of no impulse control, self indulgent behavour and general retardation (quite like smoking or doing drugs). I'll pass, thank you.

Lol sorry this doesn't appeal to you, you poor virgin bitch

On what system of measurement is that dick 8 inches exactly?

fuck off fatty

I'd like to fuck my partner for more than a couple years before her heart gives out

She must have man hands

few things are more disgusting than a lardass with tattoos

That ass, too. Well done, brother. Mine likes a power struggle, the last dom shit i went into the chick regressed and wanted a lldg.

>implying you have a partner

Ew it looks lumpy and disgusting, no wonder you are fucking a fat girl, poor whale is so desperate for dick she doesn't care If it looks like a pickle lmfao

Best fuck ever.

because fat bitches are horrible fucks

they will suck the soul out of your dick because they're used to swallow fucking food but on the act of sex itself it's horrible

fucking horrible

I thought it was just one girl, then I banged a few others and simply understood that sex is a physical activity and if you're physical condition is bad because you're a fat fuck then it will translate to sloppy breathless sex

I hate fat bitches

At least his girl doesn't look like a fucking landwhale

Nah, I was just drunk and had a semi chub when she asked to have a pic taken

if she gets them while she's fat and gets skinny somehow they're all disproportionate. unless they were so fucking fat like op's gf that they have hanging skin

>assuming I don't :)

Wrong. This chick fucks for hours. Buncha virgins in this thread

> Like doing drugs
kek. Go kys newfag

Really hoping your rib cage cracks under her massive fatslabs

you know where tumblr is.

Take a pic with a ruler


Oh no, now I'm not going to have fun fucking my gf because some lonely neckbeards called her a landwhale. If only I hadn't posted on b

nigger. that's not the point. it's to make him feel bad about settling for a d tier woman, only just above a literal retard.

Oh no op is being a sarcastic little bitch because he's butthurt :( want a hug op? Poor dear, didn't get the reaction you wanted huh? Bless your heart :(

>thinks doing drugs is a sign of control in ones' life
Wow. I'd tell you to go kill yourself but you're already well on the way.

Go vote for Bernie somewhere else, cuckboi.

I haven't owned a ruler since middle school

I wonder what her tattoos would look like If she got herself to a nomal weight lol

Use something to prove it

I think he was comparing letting her body go and being fat to people letting themselves go and doing drugs, at least that's how I read it

Someone is butt hurt,

Because I don't want to have to deal with end of life care at 50.
>sex is a physical activity
If you wanted ass pats, you should've went to Tumblr. Get off this site.

Fucking this

Hahahah, what reaction did you think I wanted? Who gives a shit about you, you're fucking numbers. I just wanted to post some pics and possibly get some other bbw lovers in a thread. You're irrelevant.

Have her take a nude standing up picture so we can see how amazingly awesome your fat slut is! I bet its a disgusting sight, prove me wrong faggot.


Awww :( okay let me get you a tissue because nobody else likes walking cellulite okay? Poor baby you are all fucked in the head, it's not your fault you like nasty shit

My wife is built like this. She doesn't take up the whole bed, or eat all the food in the fridge.

Also I don't have to worry about health issues later in life. Once you hit 40, all your internals just start to decay, and the more unhealthy you are, the faster the process happens.

Be fit and eat healthy, or face the consequences.

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Without a picture of your face, we can only tell that you have a fucked up dick. That, and you have thighs large enough to take up almost 1/3rd of the image.

all of this

"Nobody else"

Post a pic of the hottest chick you've been with. No points for a pillow waifu.

I know so sexy right mmm I love premature heart failure it really gets me off

Still waiting.

Oh no, I'm not anonymouse now. I'm a giant and not at all fat. Your turn, neckbeard.

fuck, I gotta lose some weight.

You won't get it, I don't think op has the balls he sounds like a pussy


I don't see a timestamp, sparkledouche.

Because I enjoy not being crushed

Fuck that's a whole foot wider than my fuck toy

Whales should be returned to the sea, not kept in captivity.

Then she has truckasaurs hands that are also fat as fuck

>Ass fat

Her ass has more craters than the fucking moon

Don't have one, on my tablet.
So come at me.

>Having standards this low
How fucked up are you?

Just called the whale conservation society and told them about your cruel sexual molestation and illegal captivity of a whale, enjoy prison you sick fuck

Yeah, I used to date one. She ruined my life and also made it ok for me to pick up really bad habits. Including smoking and doing drugs. Never again.

green hair, pokemon earrings probably gauges, grown ass man, 2 pairs of glasses, no one needs to come at you you came at yourself


Oh I get it you are on the wrong website this whole time, okay go into Google and type "tumblr" you will get all the ass pats, encouragement, and similarly interested people you could ever dream of

You are right

he is a fucking faggot. Go fuck ur fat ugly bitch you sick fuck

I've got standards, and I imagine they're still better than being alone eating stale Cheetos and imagining how to kidnap my dream woman so I don't have to be a virgin anymore

How's the basement and being socially awkward treating you. You happy?

That guy looks like Sam Hyde.

kidnapping a girl is easy af my main man, a bit of chloroform and a place you can keep her. it'll be easy as 1 2 3.

ops dream woman is fatter than fat albert
Kek some standards you got there

can you really call someone socially awkward when you look like that? you're socially unaware, you look like a goofball, old people are scared of you.

user what don't you understand, he likes fat girls because they can't run away from him so he just has to rent a forklift for when they pass out

Oh, is this not tumblr? I thought with all the bitching and dumbasses this was surely the place

I still don't see a timestamped image. You're lucky they let any faggot post now.

>Being alone
If that's all you have to make yourself feel better then try again
>Been getting puss for 15+ years from that ass

oldfag, I already like you stupid cunt

More in panties!!

Nope sorry, go on now little grape boy, go tell your new tumblr fans all about how people didn't agree with you and your enjoyment of gross women, they will quite literally worship you

Lol my job is traveling and working with people for a living. I'm literally a face for a brand. And for the record, old people are one of my specialities after working as a caregiver. You inane and oblivious fuck.

ha i'm an idiot. I thought he was talking about how he hated fat girls and wanted to kidnap a dream girl. I misread it sorry.

Youre a faggot go KYS

5'5 and 173 ibs of slurry fun

>implying literally anyone in the world is concerned about what your heart looks like when they're ready to fuck

Staying in this thread bc ops responses sound like a 12 year old lol
