ITT: we post the tutorial/intro to a game and other anons guess what game it is

ITT: we post the tutorial/intro to a game and other anons guess what game it is

>sleeping on the beach
>some fuck comes and ruins your sleep
>assholes come
>they mug him and run into a cave
>follow and beat the shit out of them together
>you two are now friends

pic unrelated

wake up in a grave to bells ringing
tutorial area
super ez
next area a shrine

I know that's the opening to a few of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games.

Ds 3?

>wake up in a cell
>some nigger wants in
>no fuck you this is my cell
>comes in anyway
>end up saving the whole fucking country/world

Last nights storm doesnt wake you


>wake up in a cell
>some nigger dying in a room
>death from above

I made it too easy I guess

>no tutorial
>git gud faggot
Gaming was somuch vetter when shit was cryptic and you had to figure shit out yourself without the help of internet

>travel to a town for a ritual
>be level awesome
>get demoted to level 1
>at least ghosts cant sneak up on me now

New kind in school.
But it's cool they already have someone they pick in.
Hot pink haired chick defends nerd.
Impress her, defend as well.
Nerd invites u over to his house to read his Wiccan magic book.
Shit got real.
Whole world changed.
U called someone a lizard.
Apparently that's racist.
I hate the pc world we live in

Sounds like it's probably a FF game. Maybe 10.




>mission to save some chick


nailed it

guessed right user

Could be RE4

>climb an ice cliff
>blow up a winter nigger base
>rek minorities

know how many times I died until I realized there was a shotgun up there?


>its your last day at school
>congratz.....shit we under attack
>go find dem rare monstaz
>we dyin

>tfw plan B

I think red/blue rescue team

>dont know how to fly
>take some tourists to the moon
>massive explosion on launch
>try again
>massive explosion in upper atmosphere
>try again
>massive explosion in orbit
>try again
>massive explosion in moon orbit|
>try again
>massive explosion on moon

God you gave me the biggest nostalgia boner

>I'm not who I am
>lets go to the motha fuckin beach
>sorry we didnt code that

>on a train
>huge gay sword
>opening battle
>easy as shit

>be a 10y/o kid
>talk to old dude
>asks for your name and gender
>obviously has Alzheimer's because he doesn't know his grandkids name and asks you what it is
>he gives you a baseball sized object that contains a very dangerous

>You suddenly become aware of your surroundings, as if you had just blinked into existence but moments ago.
>You can't seem to recall anything in regards to who you are, how you arrived to this peculiar place, or for what purpose.
>You feel as if you are incorporeal, your familiar senses abandoned for a peculiar awareness that you can't begin to explain.
>As you attempt to gain your bearings, your gaze, if one could call it that, eventually falls upon a peculiar figure dressed in black flowing robes, sitting atop a throne of skulls directly in front of you.
>The figure regards you silently from behind a macabre mask for what seems to be an eternity, or perhaps only a few moments seeing as your sense of time is completely lost.
>Abruptly, the peculiar figure clears his throat and begins to speak, his tone both jovial, bored and foreboding all at once.
>Back again, I see. Intend on making some different choices this time around?



>wake up
>random bitch is telling me to do shit
>grab strange gun, use it to get over water cause can't swim
>blow up robots, escape hell


>wake up in prison
>key drops from the sky
>have to fight a fatass to get out
>fly to the mainland on a bird

what gave it away lol

This is every Pokémon game I played.

already did DS 1 and the key is given by some random nigger

Ds1 (someone already did it)

My Feels

sounds like Bonetown...

sleeping on beach, drunk dude wakes you up by pissing on you, you fight, niggers come steal his girlfriend, go on quests to rescue her, fuck bitches n get money.

that sounds like KSP but i haven't played in a while, is there a tutorial now?

yeah i saw you did ds1 after i posted. and yeah i guess, oscar could be a nigger for all we know. kinda regret not killing him


wake up
bang redhead
go hang with the king
king snipes people with catapult
raze a town
you kill children
king dies


nah just a career mode

>wake up in strange room
>fuck i have slept forever
>work out
>sleep again
>fuck overslept again
>britsh football robot knocks on door
>wrecks room
>gives me gun that shoot coloured holes

"How'd a Muppet like you pass selection?"

"You've got a minute noob."

"Grab the rope when you're ready."

*11 seconds*

"Good Enough, you'll do."

CoD 4

try harder

>wake up
>graduation day
>graduation gets attacked by hentai
>escape on ship

portal 2 ez

Witcher 2

>wake up on an island
>eventually make a small fire
>catch and cook food
>island not uninhabited
>there's a tunnel underneath the island
>old mine
>try to get out of there but you can't
>have to fight to get out
>back on the surface eventually
>come across building
>someone helps you escape the island


i wanted to say
The Forest
but im behind on updates so it might be

almost said the same because it sounds so similar but I just knew it wasnt

>Get shot in the face

Fallout NV


wake up in world
make house and tools
kill things


every survival game ever

yea definitely rs2


Nah, Explorers. Then you go off to the guild.