Why are amerifats so retarded

why are amerifats so retarded

pic related

Is it summer already?

nice job

That's a European power strip you dumb fuck.

that was a quick hook

Why is OP such an oxygen theiving twat waffle?

they only have those power strips in the UK. Faggot.

Man I noticed the beers first.. no coors light? No natty ice.. not America my friend.. at least not where I'm from

Rule Britannia. You stupid Trumpcucks.

>European outlet
>Amerifats not Europoors

These waters sure are chummy

That is not an American power outlet.

All these newfriends

Lmao no they don't retard, Uk doesn't have sockets with metal bits, just 3 holes for each plug

>brick walls

pick one

Because our government used the public school system to indoctrinate us, but it worked too well and now we're just a bunch of mindless idiots who do and believe as the dear leader we've created for ourselves tells us.

Good job OP

That's deep. 6th grade propaganda deep.

guys, don't take the bait.

But.. those are European plugs...

Yo conway, stop this shit

OP is a faggot, can't even tell that's a EU plug in. Try harder user. You suck.

Just a troll probably not wearing pants

im wearing pants, i have no shirt though

Did you just find this pic op?

> Pic is years old.
> Pic was made as a joke.
> Back search it.

Poor bait OP.

Chuck, you have a problem


lol sage this summer faggot
fucking loser has all the time in the world to make these posts during all his waking hours.... summer fag.


Hello newfriends


Someone post James K fat crusty legs

those are germans...