People propagating the climate hoax just got FUCKING TOLD

People propagating the climate hoax just got FUCKING TOLD.

Is this man a God?

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What are you talking about op, you know us sane people dont watch any news

No. Climate change is real. You're an idiot. And so is he.


You fuckers elected a shill for the oil companies.

No, it's the truth. But nice try.

Nice bait you fucking retard

Good. If climate change is real then all the shit countries will fry while we keep our economy going.


It's bizarre that the entire right wing platform these days is just "do anything that pisses off the liberals".
People on the right used to actually stand for something.



Not anymore. Now just just "mah liberal tears"

This, pretty much. When even Goldman Sachs and friggin Exxon are telling you you're wrong to leave the Paris Agreement, you know you done fucked up.

Dribble Chimp






way to fuck it up



god of the retards







She looks less than white.

>thinking humans dont have an effect on the climate and that its a bad problem

Lmao yep. the three most advanced countries in the form of science and truth who refused to sign such an awful agreement...


Id say welcome to that list but americas bee ln popping up on weird lists with third world terrible countries for a long time now.



When the main signature of your brave new cultural revolution is a cheap baseball cap manufactured in China, it really shows how empty and facile it is.



This joke is more dried out then amy schumers vagina


Is God an ignoramus that stopped maturing at six years of age?

ayy lmao

i ain't a trumpet player just pointing out that he fucked it up

Stupid people are not attractive regardless of there outward appearance


Remember when "climate change" used to be called "global warming"? They had to change the name because the planet stop fucking warming, and they had to come up with some new bullshit to try to justify flowing the billions of dollars into their pockets. Al Gore can suck my dick.

If you want proof the climate changes without our help? Never heard of the fucking Ice Age?

I dont know if this is a "look we have 1 hot girl on our side" thing or what. If so its kind of just sad

fair play dude.

Nicaragua didn't sign because they didn't think it went far enough.

We are so thoroughly fucked. It's like humanity as a whole is attempting apoptosis.

Be quick anons before Sup Forums arrives

Yknow, I don't know much about this whole issue, but isnt a big thing with this the fact that countries like China and India weren't required to conform to the standards until 2030, whereas the US was expected to conform pretty much immediately? And that is the justification for backing out of the agreement?

I'm no trump-tard or climate change denier, but if that is true it certainly seems reasonable. I've read he said he is open to negotiation on that point. All that would have done is caused a fuckton of US businesses to move overseas to avoid regulation, and it certainly seems there are some shady interests going on if that were the case.


That's why you see all those climate scientists living in massive fucking mansions.
Oh no, wait, you don't.
The planet is warming rapidly.
The ice age took place over millions of years.
You and your children will suffer the consequences of Trump's actions.
That is reality.

the fact that the climate changes without our help doesnt disprove the fact that the climate changes with our help.

it's gonna be some nerdy asian 13 year old that invents something that fixes it. until then we have to rely on cutting down on ghg emissions.

>conservitards actually believe this
If climate change is real, extreme weather will become more extreme. Have fun with the increased number and size of tornadoes and hurricanes trashing the red states.

Yeah and car will roll down a hill by itself. The difference is this time there is somebody in the car fucking flooring it.

That is the one sole silver lining to all this.
Maybe those dumb motherfuckers will mistake a tornado for the rapture.

Bullshit. Weather is affected by many things, cycles we go through with the sun, all kinds of things. And the only reason "scientists" support this global warming bullshit, is because the political forces against them are so strong, anybody that deviates from the political agenda is basically exiled to the fucking moon. Climate change has nothing to do with climate, it has everything to do with economic control, and globalists siphoning off millions of dollars into their own pockets. Elon musk is a prime example


IKR? I see a 'sexy' girl wearing one of those stupid fucking MAGA hats and all I can think about is how she is enough of a clueless cunt to let herself be used as political propaganda. Trashy as fuck.

>If you want proof the climate changes without our help? Never heard of the fucking Ice Age?
Are you having a stroke? That was hard to read. If you meant what I think you did, then you need to begrudgingly understand that the guy who coined the term even admitted that it was a stupid term.

Global warming isn't just warming. Global warming is a natural phenomenon.

Climate change is then also a natural phenomenon, as a changing climate occurs when the phenomenon known as Global Warming does. This does not mean or prove that man cannot also help change the climate.

>Sup Forums is littered with pics of Russian models wearing MAGA hats during the election
>"hurr Russia had nothing to do with the election"



He's a God to irresponsible coal miners who started families without a backup plan, like acquiring a valid skill set




but 'muh conspiracy theories'. Remember that the Paris agreement is just a plot by interdimentional globalist jew lizards to turn the frog gays with chemtrails.

I know that actually.

Im counting on the right assuming its a shit place. Seems to be the only way to get to them now. Science and logic have failed. All i have left is "lol ur like central america."




I'm not going to argue with you, because you are clearly entrenched in your positions, and there's very little point bothering.
The great thing is that we get to see what happens.
Maybe you're right, and everything's juuuuust fine.
Or maybe I'm right, and there's mass famine and mass migration (you right wingers love that, right?) and war (again) and death and death and death and death.

I actually hope you're right. That's the irony. I hope you're right.



This typo from Donald Trump (Drumpf as I call him LOL!) is the best thing that ever happened to me! Pic related - it's me! :)


>Weather is affected by many things
Yes. Weather. Did you know that when there is less white reflective shit on the planet, the dark, deep watery shit shows more instead?

Dark things heat up faster. White things reflect the heat and keep cool. Water keeps heat real good, so imagine an ocean getting hot without the cool relief of some white shit.

That changes more than weather.


It's a funny thing.
In the long term, I'm still pretty sure she will...



Global cooling is a natural phenomenon too. And if you do a little reading, many many scientists have stood up to say that the game is rigged, that the data has been falsified, that they already have an answer they were trying to get to for political reasons, and are willing to rape the data to make it fit. Red pill yourself my brother. If you don't believe in unchecked Muslim immigration, that makes me a racist too, right? You fucking lefties need to figure out some new tricks, you're the reason you lost the entire country and arent running shit


>that changes more than weather
so does your gender identity.

This and only this.

>the earth's climate has been completely static since the earth was formed and only people have had any effect on it.

well if you new anything about anything, you'd know that there are wonderful little feed back loops in the climate that counter act these things. world gets too hot ice caps melt and shut down the trans-atlantic and trans-pacific conveyors and usher in a new ice age.

there's also solar cycles and particulate events (volcanic eruptions) that have a more drastic effect on the planet's temperatures than even the combined industry of America, China and India could hope to match for several hundred years.

TL:DR if you believe in "global warming" you're pretty much on par with a fucking creationist.

How come the girls are hot but all of the guy Trump supporters are fat?



you mean run again next time? I could get on board with that, we'll probably finally wind up with an independent instead of these partisan hacks. (john kasich, dude).


Moloch and Kali are also gods.


Daddy issues detected. Incest.


Better than a shill for the SJWs and professionally angry racists.
At least the oil companies give us something we can use for cheap.