I'm drunk and want to die. Roast me /b

I'm drunk and want to die. Roast me /b

go get a hair cut

Are you related to Andrew W.K.?

come back when you are real drunk

You look like your just as big of a loser as me...

Ben from oddity archive?

Boy... you ugly.

what's stopping you fag?



Don't let the booze talk.... (im stealing this from a movie but it makes so much sense to me personally ) as above so below as we perceive the world to be so that it is.

Youd look like fabio if you lost weight and took care of your hair ;*


great set of hair chanbro ! go undercover as normie for a while, u get dates.

Yeah I am lmfao


Be happy op she still loves u go out and live ur life



My mom and dad are both dead mom died of ALS 2 years ago dad just die a month ago everyone I know fucking hates mehow should I kill mysself

First of all, you likely have a drinking problem if youre posting something this dumb on this evil wasteland of a message board. If Brad Pitt came here for validation, these fuckers would tell him his face is too wide for his body... Second of all, any problem you possibly have can be fixed with effort. Assuming you havent rape or murdered anyone, you can better yourself. Id start by stopping drinking

You look like that one fat kid that called Hancock an asshole.


Clean your room lad



Are you part Klingon OP?

Best guess for this image: head

go to bed jesse

no i'M NOT kingon sorry

IDKWTF happened here tho, tried to post some head match


>Roast me

Go on Reddit.

Not a movie. Hermetic principle. Good luck with your alchemy lesson.


something OP has never gotten

daily reminder weed is better for you

I don't believe verbal roasting will kill you.

You look like a retard child of Bill Hicks