What are the things that make you drop a movie instantly?

What are the things that make you drop a movie instantly?

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>sent back/forward in time plot (Army of Darkness gets a pass)
>the child (more annoying if its a boy) that has a special power/destiny and everyone is fighting over

>The movie only uses two colors: blue and orange

Then you're throwing out 98% of movies made after 2007.

voice over intro

Interracial relationship

made post 1930

If I start a movie I finish it

The last movie I remember that was hard to finish was Anchorman 2, too many bad jokes and cliche scenes

When there are no strong female characters.

>vietnam movie
>it ain't me doesn't play

>Directed by Christopher Nolan


So you stopped No Country For Old Men? Great standard.

if its very hot.

like a potato.

some movies get a pass

Movies that are based in reality. I watch movies to forget about real world issues. This is why I only watch sci-fi and/or fantasy movies.

>last shot reveals that the villain isn't actually dead

i'll just throw my popcorn in the air and leave the kinomateque not looking back

What about Timecrimes?

Literally all movies make a judgment about human condition, even the scifi ones, ergo they all talk about real life

Midnight Special was really good.

So you don't watch movies then?

>watching A Scanner Darkly
>1h15m in
>"..but if the scanner sees darkly, like I do (...)"


Morgan Freeman being the selling point of the movie

old movie that has no significance in modern cinema.

Nothing. I watch every single one of them until the end. I'm not a faggot.

>movies longer than 120 minutes

>opens with black screen
>"in the beginning there was darkness-"

>Movie includes scenes in foreign countries or foreign armies
>They speak accented English to each other


like BvS

literally every single hollywood movie that involves foreign people

Pretty much this, but with Will Smith.

Was never a fan for some reason.

non-white characters

>starring the director's wife


Fury road was great though

>Jake Gyllenhaal

Everyone loves him but to me he's a humongous faggot.
The one movie I did see where he's a cop he talks about sucking some guys dick.
Seriously, he's a fucking fag and should fucking kill himself.

>Main character is a cis white male

did u see nightcralwer


Slippery hands

Yeah, 'orange/blue is bad' is a meme used by people who don't actually what makes a movie good. Its the most surface level criticism possible.


It's also the most surface level color timing you can apply to a movie, and it looks like shit.

Actually maybe it's just me, but it feels like the orange/blue thing was a late 90/early 2000s trend, not a modern one

Nah, I hear lots of praise for it though.
I just hate him as an actor so much.
Personally I love the Prince of Persia video game series and of fucking course they had to cast him as the Prince.
Like fucking come on.
It also pissed me off cuz The Dark Knight has that faggots sister Maggie Gyllenhaal in it.

Dude, sci fi ESPECIALLY makes comment about "reality". Sci fi works great with that stuff because you can take a modern day concept and force it to the end degree.

>Feminist lead
>nu males
>le quirky character.

>has over 5000 votes on IMDB

>That fuckhead rob zombie

It's fine if it's done right.

Feel good movies with happy hipster music playing where people get a second chance at happiness and finding it .

Has a minority actor just to appeal to a certain demograph.

Has product placements as well will get you dropped.

Is liked by reddit/rotten tomatoes is another one.

>Typical bully character shows up but he can't make real insults because of pg13

Lately I've been dropping TV shows more often.

>GoT after season 2
>House of Cards after the first episode
>Stranger Things after the 3rd episode

who really gives a shit about these characters? Why stick through it? Really - why?

Side note: I'm loving Mr Robot


>dick splash


If it's boring? I'm not pretentious enough to stop watching a film based on principle

>has a black man in the cast
At that point I take a big ol shit in my popcorn bucket and smash it in the corner

dubs of truth

Annoying kids, toilet humor lead actor cant act.

You can just say Seth Rogen films.

You can just say Adam Sandler films.

95lbs chick beats the shit out of a body builder at 300 plus lbs

En media res opening then immediately flashes back to "two weeks earlier" or something. Start at the beginning, faggot. Don't try to "hook" me with your contextless scene because you don't know how to properly set things up.

Just bad science for instance one they do a lot of is
>its an unknown element, not on the periodic table.
Anyone who has taken basic chemistry should know how much BS that is. we have very sophisticated techniques for identifying elements and it's simply the number of protons in the nucleus that defines an element.

>Protagonist is a woman.
>Protagonist isn't white.

Mary Sue
Need I say more? women are incompetent as fuck! Ruins the whole movie.

lol i love this shit it's so fucking stupid

Protag with plot armor goes in with a squad of a dozen "elite" guys and 10 minutes in everybody but him and the love interest are dead

Tom hardy doing a stupid voice


But it would be extremely painful.

Fucking this I hate that cunt. I've attempted I think every one of his films and the only ones I've made it to the end were Inception and This Means War. Seriously why does he do it in EVERY FUCKING MOVIE I just turn it off and watch something else.

>LotR or similar
>Star Wars

So you don't like any action movies?


Comedy movie that advertises itself as "A CROSS BETWEEN X AND Y"

when X and Y happen to be god-tier comic movies.

>talking animals in live action movies

Name 5 action movies where that happens

>Depressed "loser" protag has scores of beautiful women throwing themselves at him yet the audience still supposed to feel sorry for him

Adventureland and Clerks were bad about this

you can do action movies without making the swat guys look like jackasses

>opinion thread
>must be baiting

first ep of s1 triggered the shit out of me. That little girl who shot the perfect bulls eye showing up her brother. Can't stand that shit. I lasted literally 5 min. never watched another ep never will. Just pandering shit!
seen a lot of good titty webms though.

Dont like goodfellas? Jules et Jim? Clockwork Orange?

Paulie... Ted(kind of)... and Mr. Ed from way back when. Babe... ? can't think of too many others

It doesn't really happen, that was kind of my point. Shit post gone wrong sort off.

I unironically liked Paulie and Babe.

I liked Babe when I was a kid I guess. I didn't post the original comment though

first off I have no idea WTF you are trying to convey with your pic. and secondly, yeah, I think you are trying to trigger people, considering you picked 3 of the most discussed things on tv/.

Cop movies where the main character throws away his badge at the end before walking away, especially when he did nothing wrong

If he's gonna quit make it definitive, not some tired cliche that probably means nothing

>interracial relationships

Title drops. I unironically hate this shit.


Fuck this.
Did they have to name drop the fucking title?
We get it, they're going in to get killed.
Don't have to have Will Smith say what are we sum kinda suicide squad?


>considering you picked 3 of the most discussed things on tv/

discussed =/= praised

the only way someone would get triggered is if they were insecure about their taste, considering I never said anything about the quality of the director or movies.


>where's my MINORITY REPORT starring Tom Cruise and Collin Ferrell?