So um hey, hello anons. 2B's gone out for a bit...

So um hey, hello anons. 2B's gone out for a bit, she'll be back with some lewds but for now I'll take over till she's back.

>need advice? Ask
>need help? We'll help
>Lewds? Not today, sorry

Also first trips get a free $20 or less gaem, post Steam id as well

Other urls found in this thread:

Here to support.

You're a good man Cayde; I take back 80% of all the things I said about you.

How's things?


Heck, now no one will get a gaem

Awesome! Now we have curse too!


Nu :(

Haven't seen you in a while. Been able to torment the blue guy?

Support has arrived (pre-occupied support is still support yes?)

Hey Fenn
Thanks for the support. Any is better than none


Evening, Support. I'm making a card for 2B. How's things?

We're here for you, and for user. Always. Well, sometimes. This will be fun!

Guys my dick is broken what do

I wonder where is he nowadays. Maybe still making polls. What do you think, curse-guy?

then I'll stick around!
It's been a great day so far, a lil up & down, but I have really strong hopes for the near future! E>
Doc-e-doc time!

How did it break?
When was the last tiem you saw him

H-Hey, so you finally took over? That's okay, how are you?

Hiya Fenn! Driving go well?

T-Those eyes are creepy...
And I release you! For now that is :v


hello, good evening

i will now lurk

That's good, Sky. Hope is a wonderful thing to have.

It went great. Had a shitty evening after that, but things are looking back up again. How are you, Rock?


rolling cmon

Hey Rock
Get in here!

well that was fast

Hello fellow Sup Forumsriend
well kek


We have a winner.

Give it to him, Cayde.

winner winner dinner!!!!!!!
welcome E>

so now what?

now we're forced to do this for eternity...

Henlo! See you later I hope!

Great to hear it went great, not great on the shitty stuff... Sorry bud. We can talk about it later if you wish.

I'm blehh. Just got home from work.

Holy shit, good in you user, and with 111 too. I hear those are lucky numbers!

Hiya Cause, doing all right?

Sounds good to me! Unless we hit the image limit...


Get naked.

That's not good
Doing great! And you?


Yeah, I'll be alright. Might want to talk about it at some point. Dunno how I feel about some things.

Hey, after you get home from work it can only get better, right?

No no,... it's not that kind of thread! ... but I'll extend this as a peace offering!

Hot, post moar

I dont know if I should continue college or pick up a trade. If I do College I was think an Economics Degree with some coding classes for an extra skill set. But I'm worried the future job market wont be kind and honestly, I really don't like college all that much.

Evening, EMT here.

Still feeling confused and shitty. And annoyed.
-EMT (Obviously)

Don't take my advice too seriously; I am inexperienced in the ways of the world. But what I've been told is that you should go with your heart. What's your gut instinct on the matter?

EMT, hi! Thread's been dying, but maybe we can bring it to life. What has you annoyed? Work?

Another set of trips, but first goes to previous
Hey EMT, how are ya doing?

Do it.

Is this a cringe thread? It really looks like a cringe thread.

I don't know what my gut instinct is, I'm also young so maybe that's just inexperience.

u should do college, great experience, but expensive tho

i need to find more Aile, Ciel, and Levi

Just bleh. Like usualy
Mix of shit. FEMT, Work (kinda? I seem to have taking the role of teachers pet inadvertently) Family and my friend still being kinda annoying with the buffalo thing.


ah no no... that was pushing it for me...
Sorry to hear EMT. I know how difficult it has been to try and sort this all out...
Only go to college for a strong goal/dream... something you really want to do. It's a large commitment... a better question is asking yourself what it really is you want to do with your life....
only as much as you want it to be

Yea, the FEMT situation got a whole lot more confusing seeing as her past was kinda troubled.

And then just the usual Family, Friends and Work bs kinda is annoying.


Thought I'd find you degenerates here.

Love you

and what's the story, OP?

No homo though
Sorry bud, we got a winner.
Story is looking to be great, hopefully we don't get locked content for it

I don't have to worry about expense actually, my parents set aside a large sum of money as a college funds. I don't really have many strong goals or dreams, but I know I should get some.

No, All the homo.
All of it.

Velvet! Hi!

Can this be a homo-free thread?

I realized the card was coming out shitty, so I started slapping funky textured brushes on it. It looks better now. I'll probably add some explosions and smoke.

You'll find a dream in there. It's a great place to start finding one
Alright then, gimme a kiss

No, this is an extra homo zone.

No, I bet you kiss girls, Faggot.

Today was a good day, thanks OP

Oh right, I meant to reply to some people.

How far through college are you? If it's your first year, stick with it. It'll probably get better.

Aw man, teacher feelings are hard to interpret. Once I thought I was the worst kid in a class, and kept trying to make up for it, but I was somehow the teacher's favorite. That was really confusing. End pointless anecdote. Hope things look up.

I'll give you a kiss, sweetheart.

any of you a qt trap?

Have fun with it, it's a good game
C'mere you

First year yeah, I'm transferring to another this fall actually. (I started at the local community college).

She's not here today. Check tomorrow at 6:00 pm pacific when there is another advice thread


Yea, hopefully. My boss seems to like me too much. Picked up food for me from a place she stopped at. Bitches about customers and other employees to me. And gives me preferential treatment in general.


Not a bad thing, just annoying.


well college gonna be a great experience, also u should play a sport



Hm, okay. And you don't like it?

Huh. Strange. Enjoy it if you can, I guess. Maybe he sees something in you and wants you to succeed?


Eh it just felt like more High School you know? Just with a little more pressure.

Heh, great! You finally got your thread! I'm feeling a little better now. Just took a shower.

I'm not going to force you or anything, just come when you feel you need it. My door is always open. Though I am curious about what those feelings are.

Also, yeah, it can! I just took a shower and feel a little better.

Good to see you again! Starting to become a regular, huh?

Hey bud, sorry it's like that... How's being annoying with that?

Love you too Rabbit! Doing all right?

Maybe? IDK. She seems to like me too much.

Also, I need to stay a wake till 1 am or so, so I can but my train ticket for the end of the month. Before another bump of the prices

What Cocko?


When i have time, i look out for these threads.

But i find myself having nothing worthwhile to contribute, so i just lurk

Yeah, kinda. Tired as fuck.

I had a brain fart. I meant "How is family being annoying with that?

Nah no worries bud, it brings a smile to my face when I see Aile pop up. Gives me a nice feeling of continuation, if you know what I mean.

I'm tired too. It's been a long day. Let's be tired together :v

It's OK Cocko

Just their general stuff. Nothing in particular. You know its a bit fucked up of a situation


I can see that. So you really don't like it then? There are plenty of good jobs out there that don't require a bachelor's, but often you'll need one in order to move up later on.

I know. I need to think about some things, make some mental space. My mind is a little too busy at the moment. Glad to hear you're feeling better now.

Q-q-quads... anyway. That is a little odd. I don't know what to make of such kindness. We can keep you up, man.

Hello there
Quads checked

Yeah Im thinking of sticking through it for the bachelors

I have to go for a run, feeling anxious for no reason.

If this thread is gone, i'll say goodnight to everyone right now.

and who would that be ?
maybe yes ?

Look for a person that looks like this. She only posts feet

Thread is dead.

Back to salt mine.

May be worth it in the long run. It'll be alright, man. You'll always have us if you need to talk about things.


Maybe yes.

No, not the salt mines again! Have mercy on us, master!

Closing up early, got some errands to run. Later folks


Thanks man


Thanks. It's odd. I need to get paid, so I can do the tickets...


Ah yeah, I get it... Such a mess...

Take your time bud. No rush at all.


are you sure its a qt trap?

Yea, then theres my boss acting kinda overly kind to me in general. Dunno


She's got the legs


Give your boss the dick, get your mind off FEMT

i know its over 20$ bout i would love this game


..... Nah.



im kinda just here for a game.

thread ded

How is Everyone doing , just got here