Sup Forumsros, please help me out! Does penis size matter to woman...

Sup Forumsros, please help me out! Does penis size matter to woman? I'm ok looking with decent social skills but I'm worried about my 4 inch penis. Will this effect me much in dating?

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My current gf's ex boyfriend had a bigger cock, but she said I'm the best sex she's had. 6 inches here, it just depends on how hard you can go, rubbing her clit is a huge factor, too. Just depends on experience ig, watch amateur porn lmfao

get good, nigger

4 inches is a little on the smaller side, but it shouldn't matter too much if you're goal is to just fuck and dump some sluts. Get your nut and go.

I'm 20 and I'm in college.

It only matters if you're very small or very large. If you're not in the extremes, your confidence and stamina matter a lot more. 4 is small but not enough to be a big deal, just don't nut in 2 minutes and act like it's not a big deal and it won't be.

just eat dat pussy. lesbos get along just well with 0 inch penises

It matters to a certain extent, but penis size obsession is a literal meme. Trust me OP, don't listen to these virgins who have gone gay from browsing this board so long. If she's a nice girl and you know what you're doing you'll be fine. You don't need to obsess over it.

Nah mate sorry u ain't ever gonna get pussy with a dick that size

Chicks are pretty shallow dude, if you fuck with the wrong one they will tell anybody willing to listen you have a below average dick.

Women always complain mines too big, new girl I'm seeing always complains I'm stretching her pussy

That's what I'm afraid of. My college is very clique and I'm afraid that word will get out amongst the girl.

How do I get good at sex with a small dick?

She's just telling you that to make you feel good. All bitches love bigger dicks more. It fills em up.

any pussy eating tips???

Im a 5.5 and me and my gf have amazing sex. if you feel like you may be underachieving, better get good at oral or fingering. Watch porn, study up.

I'll be perfectly honest
>I have a 7 inch dick
>I make my gf cum at least twice every time we fuck
>been fucking her for 10 years but took me 4 to learn her body
>it's very easy now and I know how to work her body against mine
>can't get her off any way other than fucking her

Can you make a girl orgasm from sex alone?
Can you learn other things to make her semi satisfied

Relationships are more than just fucking
Improve yourself so you can attract your companion
If you don't want to hang with you no one else will

OP, just find yourself an Asian girl. There tight and shallow as fuck. Most asian guys have small cocks.

Not true

This but they also can stretch to accommodate larger dicks

Good tips here

Your a lucky guy! 10 years and no marriage yet?

A bit of salt and pepper. Don't use ketchup.

So just like a white girls pussy?

yes penis size matters to women but only because they're ignorant. the g-spot is like 1 inch from the vaginal opening and her clitorous is on the outside.
having sex is a skill, and while having a big dick might give you an advantage, its not a substitute for knowing what you're doing.

another thing is that women can do a lot to prevent their own enjoyment of sex. So just because a girl wont cum from you doesn't necessarily mean you're doing something wrong either.

Lift the hood and flick the clit. Don't start out there,tease the lips a bit before you go for the clit.

literally just thrust, bro

hip and core movements are the key to a good sex session

Ig hitting her cervix must be pretty enjoyable lol

You are a fucking retard if you don't think cock size matters. I guarantee 99.9% of women would rather have this over 4 inches.

Faggot posting his dick on Sup Forums

It might suprise you but some girls don't like huge dicks.

Keep telling yourself that

I'd prefer fucking huge knockers, but idc

Dude put that thing away the fuck is wrong with you?

Oh it's true. My ex said the best sex she had was with me and she has had partners that were way bigger than me.

How long is that? Does that think give you any problems? It would seem that it would get in the way?

Holy shit you believed her. Kill yourself

She could have meant it. You don't know?

Actually all my experience with big dicks is that they think they don't have to try at all because they are big. Usually I end up warming myself up without help then they grunt on my for maybe 3 minutes if I'm lucky. I'm don't finish and he thinks he's a God. It's pretty frustrating.

I believe you. I've heard a couple of girls say the exact same thing.


What's that supposed to mean?

Not OP just curious
Anyone know any sex positions that work well for the less endowed?

Holy shit. You guys are too much

Short answer. No it doesn't matter..but it fucking helps. Your 4-inch dick won't woo anyone... you'll need something else.

Short, sweet, realistic answer.

Jerking off

How come when I bust an extra good nut i feel it predominantly in my legs?

This happens to me too

If that rule were actually followed, this board would be WAY better.

every hooker i've ever been with has told me that i was the best sex they ever had, and had the biggest cock they'd ever seen.

and they're professionals, they know what they're talking about.

was paid to
> tell me that i was the best sex they ever had and had the biggest cock they'd ever seen
good story user
good story

>a girl i paid to have sex with told me I'm really good
>it's not like she's just saying that to have me use her services again
>she's professional, guys, she knows what she's talking about

>taking the bait

>Does penis size matter to woman?
After 2 kids, yes.

Well after two kids she's gonna have a fucking crater for a pussy

this guy gets it

You sound like a whore

The depth of a woman's vagina varies just like the size of a guys dick. Hence, some women prefer bigger dicks and some women don't. People who say ALL women love big dicks are either baiting or stupid. People who say ALL women prefer an "average" size to a big dick is either baiting or in denial. The end. Can the thread be over now?

Guys love to circle jerk about dick size. The reality is as long as it isn't a micro penis, you'll be fine. 75% of woman don't care. Just make up for it in other departments.

I'm a girl (Not Show My Tits) and its definitely a bonus but I've had great relationships with guys who were average or below avergae. Sex isn't everything and guys with big dicks tend to be aragent and rude.