ITT: shows that haven't aged well

ITT: shows that haven't aged well

Literally 0 problems our generation can relate with

Take that back you motherfucker

Obvious b8 thread. fuck off. saged.


You can't relate to double-dipping?

>tfw you realise it is you who haven't aged well.

Really made me think

Literally never met anyone who cared

>0 problems our generation can relate with

Still great timing and set up punch lines. I relate more to this than fucking workaholics or some shit

It's fucking garbage but it was marketed to all fuck and back.

>Hey Jerry why don't I steal some fruit from the fridge and act like a fuckhead?

How's high school going for you user? A sophomore already! I can't believe it!

So Mike Judge didnt write Daria.

What shows would you compare it to?
Ive never seen it

>I try to never double dip
>everyone I know tries not to

Where do savages like you come from?

How's yours?

I've been out of post-graduate school for four years.

You're right! You did graduate elementary school 4 years ago! You'll be driving soon!

Yeah well learning about European history was fun but at least I didn't have to learn how to take a cock like you did. Sympathy by brother.

>learning about European history
sure sounds like taking a cock up the ass

Maybe you should have learned how to come up with a better comeback.

most shows haven't aged well.

especially because TV wasn't made with physical/digital media in mind until recently.

that being said i can still enjoy daria, but seinfeld is and was garbage.

>not understanding infectious irony

You disappoint me chum.

It was dated before it even left production.

>i can still enjoy daria, but seinfeld is and was garbage

Shut up, my puberty was defined by those hob-gobblers.

smug jack.png back at ya friendo

So was mine doesn't make it not true.

what a shitty thread.
delete and start over OP

im sorry you feel that way OP i hope you feel better

imblying i run into soup nazis all the time

It still, to this day makes me despise theme songs. It's like "fuck off and start the show."


I will knife your mother in her sleep jesus christ.

>Watch Beavis and Butthead for the first time since I was 8
>It's better than I remember

Daria fucking sucked and wasn't funny

You're all faggots


Hate to say it but I agree with this. Now to make the average fa/tv/irgin hate me even more, I think Friends is a much better example of a show that aged well. All the problems are still very relatable, even if viewed through a 90s/00s haze. Compare against HIMYM, where their "hanging chad" joke is already passe.

90s fucking sucks.

Tumblr shit

Cuz clearly shitty /fit/ Chloe memes are the epitome of humor.

I'm so glad that this meme started.

I hated chloefags. I completely predicted it. "Wait until she's an adult you idiot, people like that turn in to gremlins when they're adults."



Beavis and Butthead aged worse.


what the fuck

Fuck you.

Their new episodes were actually funny as hell but they got cancelled because mostly women watch MTV now, Women are also very sensitive and don't respond to being made fun of like men do. There's a reason we invented the word "CUNT."

I understand your frustration

Excellent bait

But really, Seinfeld now is hated by kids because it invented all the clichés shitty series of today have and do completely wrong

The series is based, and was the inspiration for lots and lots of good comedians of this time

Jerry Seinfeld is actually a HORRIBLE comedian. It's amazing how he grifted people with his awful standup for years.

are you being anti semitic right now goy

the problem with Daria now is that the comedy wasn't always at the forefront because Daria just wasn't a funny character. You'd have to rely on Quinn, Jake, Trent, and a few others to get laughs throughout the episode.

Another big issue was the music licensing. The soundtrack to Daria is incredible, and it makes more sense considering the show was on MTV when they still sort of cared about exposing people to cool music. Playing Cake, Lauryn Hill, Tori Amos, and Modest Mouse on a cartoon show is a fucking dream come true. But the DVDs remove all the licensed music, replacing it with horrible sound-alikes.

Maybe if it ever gets to Netflix, the licensing issue will be solved and we'll get the cool tuns back, like with Malcolm in the Middle.

Also, Jane was best girl. Then it goes Quinn > Tiffany > Stacy > Britney > Jodie > Sandi > Daria's mother > Daria > That fat goth chick

I dated an Asian girl that did the voice of Quinns Asian friend perfectly. I still make her do it for me once in a while and it makes life just a little bit more worth living.

I would try to stick it in her just to hear her voice.

Seinfeld is a god tier comedian.
His timing is the best

People who hate Seinfeld are also people who hate on Garry Shandling: They are people who don't appreciate old-fashioned self-hating Jew humor.

Actually his stand-up is not that bad, his timing is always perfect even though his punchlines not always are good

t. I took a pair of classes of stand-up

>e-every cartoon has to be funny first and foremost meme
Daria wasn't meant to be highly comedic. The jokes were just there to bring some levity, it was presented as an introspective study of a smart but self-destructive young girl for outcasts and fringers to relate to.


IS IT A PEA OR A NUT? HAWHAWHAW. If he represents jews then hitler was right.

>I hate popular thing guize am i cool now?????

He got 8 (You)s, so yes

Hey man I get it, Mission Hill wasn't exactly big on laughs either. But for some reason I find myself rewatching that a lot more than Daria.

Actually it would be




*high pitched voice*



I GUESS HE SAW THEM SOME TIME AND JUST THOUGHT "Meh, let's call them peanuts."

"It sounds okay"


>this is what a $200,000 college degree gets you in America.

>chicken of the sea
>knife shoe
>holding the mattress on a car roof
>milk vs time racing

fuck off, seinfeld had a great routine that he perfected over years. the only valid criticism is that he didn't write nearly enough material. he cashed in on those same jokes for a very long time

>tumblr the show

Yeah no thanks

everyone I know cares. you must be from sone third world shithole where they haven't learned about germs

this comeback was terrible. what school accepted a dipshit like you?

>Literally 0 problems our generation can relate with
You can't relate to
>getting lost in a parking grage
>wanting to nap at work
>people fighting over parking spots
>having a friend that leeches off you
>breaking off relationships for very superficial reasons
>getting ripped off by mechanics
>forced to go to social gatherings you have no intrest in
Nearly every episode is relatable if you aren't a shut in.

Don't mind me, just kicking you when you're down.

>4 unfunny kikes in Jew York City

Yeah, I can totally relate.
I'm honestly surprised that I find Curb Your Enthusiasm funny though. already knew how to take a cock?

>getting lost in a parking grage
write the number down
>wanting to nap at work
Civilized countries let their employees take breaks.
>people fighting over parking spots
I have my own parking spot
>having a friend that leeches off you
Why would I have a friend like that?
>breaking off relationships for very superficial reasons
No I'm not a sociopath
>getting ripped off by mechanics
Go to a reputable dealership or have a friend who is a mechanic. Not hard.
>forced to go to social gatherings you have no intrest in
It's called society and we all have to do this at one point. It's not a huge deal.

the new season really was great. shame MTV were bitches about it

>The soundtrack to Daria is incredible
> Playing Cake, Lauryn Hill, Tori Amos, and Modest Mouse on a cartoon show is a fucking dream come true

Yeah you got me. Ha ha ha.

I had no idea Daria ever had licensed music

in what way was it tumblr you faggatron?

don't be a fucking pussy

I could play the theme song on guitar

you sound like an autist.

says the vaccinated kid

>an introspective study of a smart but self-destructive young girl for outcasts and fringers

Kek, you moron. Have fun with your useless degree.

The Larry Sanders show is fucking amazing
Extremely underrated

>mfw Beavis and Butthead are legitimately the most sympathetic and endearing characters to come out of 90s television

Fuck off. The show holds up perfectly fine as a period piece you fucker.

Don't you be insulting the best cartoon of the late 90s - early 2000s

>Civilized countries let their employees take breaks.
and yet sometimes employees decide to not go to bed normally and just want to fall asleep at work

you're obviously autistic, so you haven't worked a day in your life

>I have my own parking spot
Yeah, the handicapped one

t. 16 year-old Sup Forumstant

Well him being a bad comedian was one of the biggest running gags in the show. He knows he's not anything great.

This. Daria is an exceptionally witty, cutting critique of 90s suburbia. It doesn't age at all.

Fuck that, and I used to LOCE daria


>tfw there were no girls in your high school like Daria
life is suffering

Good rebuttal.

My viewpoint is entirely changed.


It's ironic how Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill have aged well and are still funny whereas Daria was never funny and looks even cringier as the 90's/00's are further away. Classic post fem wins again.

True, though the bevis and butthead movie sucks now

Maybe you should try watching the Beavis and Butt-Head movie then.

I can't believe a thread of Daria < ( is better than) Seinfeld exists on Sup Forums.

You tumblrina neo-newfags know no bounds in retardation.


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