Aparently this guy in Redding pa really likes cats

Aparently this guy in Redding pa really likes cats.

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Umm.. this real?

You mean Reading Pa OP?

dogs are better

Asshat. Going to see if I can find em

Not your personal Army.
Post on Saturday though for kek.


Couldn't find him on facebook and I'm in Reading.

Who cares, it's a lizard with fur

Waiting for dox.


I don't think op is looking for a personal army, otherwise he would have posted in Sup Forums.

Posting here means he is looking for cucks, twinks or fedoras.

>All these newfags searching him up on Facebook trying to find him

Can you just kill yourself or go back to your top 10 Sup Forums posts video on youtube, you're not a hero you're just a fat ugly looking kid

enjoying all the roach mexicans and puerto trash that ruined the city?

Some of his pix look like him

they're shit, but there's a lot more to ruining the city than just the hispanics moving in.
>drugs everywhere
>a lot of people have scumbag mentalities
>fucking nothing to do
the list goes on

you in reading too?

no m8 Im over in Lanc but im into history and I know how beautiful reading once was when real Americans worked and lived there. I get butthurt when I see cities like that in the state they are in these days

yeah it's shitty, but we have a new mayor that seems to be somewhat promising. also this new mayor isn't getting investigated by the fbi like the old one is, so that's good.
the worst thing about it is i've lived here nearly all of my life and i really have no love for this city. i want it to do better, but i wanna get the fuck out. i've actually been thinking about moving out to lancaster. i don't mind the city there. i love when the lancaster locals tell me their city is shit when they know i live in reading. cracks me up


You sound old af

There is a group that tortures and
kills those that hurt or kill animals
this white boy soon will have a

thats a bit hypocritical though isnt it?

I'm guess by the gloves and the other picture saying he's works as an animal rescue worker and was picking up this dead cat.

You people need to fucking relax.

Welcome to the human sense of justice

Two different people numb nuts.