How fucked we are?

How fucked we are?

Hopefully enough to start over.

Not much tbqh. The US economy will collapse soon enough with or without climate change.


>The US economy will collapse soon enough with or without climate change

It could have been a fuck lot worse.

Sanctions for pulling out of climate deal.

Lol what fucking sanctions?

honestly it's irrelevant. global trends have already killed coal and are already killing oil. In the next 3 years China will build more new solar energy production than ALL the solar power currently in use in the U.S.

The only real effect of this decision today is to destroy America's credibility as a world leader.

China became the leader of the world today.


Fucking good one.

Very unfucced

Nigga, get off that shit. We already know the Clinton emails were fucking planted.

Lol it's not like we're going to ramp up emissions now that America is out. It's just the same as we were a month ago and leaving it to technology to develop

The largest problem with solar energy is the vast amount of rare earth metals needed to produce them compared with their relative inefficiency it harnessing power from sunlight.

Nuclear energy will still be the front runner in power for many years to come until we can successfully build fusion reactors.

Not even a little bit, the Agreement itself doesn't do much and just gives the UN more of an excuse to funnel money into the hands of Oligarchs. You know how you need to check how much of the money you donate to a charity goes to the people in need instead of to "administrative" costs? It's kind of like that, except the US pays for most of it while China doesn't give a flying fuck. In 2015 they have an outline to them agreeing to some of the Paris outlines, but knowing China they aren't actually going to do shit.

"we know"

Nice citation there mister

since i was a little kid they have been on the climate change shit
by now .. the ozone is supposed to be gone
The ice caps are supposed to be melted
the air is supposed to be poison
the soil is supposed to be radioactive
there is supposed to be world wide famine
90% percent of wildlife is supposed to be extinct
for decades they have been harping on this shit ...and we are still here

>The largest problem with solar energy is the vast amount of rare earth metals needed to produce them
>Nuclear energy will still be the front runner
You do realize fissable uranium is one of those rare earth metals you speak of right?

>Fusion reactors
>A global reality

So Sup Forums, when did you grow up and realize that the world is more complicated than your star trek fantasies?

>Bruh we gonna colonize the moon to extract helium 3
>Fucking space travel n shit
>Haven't you seen the Martian yet bruh?

It wasn't a deal you fucking tard. It was optional. There will be absolutely zero repercussions. This is the problem with you liberal fucks. You know nothing. You're too lazy to take the time to actually read anything that is truthful. You just turn to CNN and MSNBC and see the fags Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow screaming "Trump is going to kill us all!!!!!" and that is what you believe is the reality. Maybe if you actually took the time to read the Paris Accord, you would know that it is not actually beneficial to climate, and benefits only India and the UK in creating more jobs for them, while taking jobs away from the U.S. - You're a fucking idiot.

But bruh we can just extract H3 on da moon for fusion plants





Basically, all liberals should kill themselves. It's for the best. Otherwise, stop bitching before you get bitch slapped.







I need nudes you fucking bot. At least spam gore/traps in Sup Forums fashion



Whoa you don't say?

The difference is that Uranium, plutonium and other fissionable elements are easily the most energy efficient power supplies we have. That does not mean that when they run out that bullshit green technology will be the answer. Like I said, fusion is our only hope for the future.







Nigga,put the pipe down.
Seth rich gave wikileaks the emails and the DNC fired that jew bitch over the info that came out.they never denied the info in the emails wasn't true.

Fusion isn't a pipe dream and we can do it right now. The only problem we have is finding a way to make more energy than we are producing and while we aren't there yet we are closer than we have ever been.





Im just glad the stress of the job is going to kill him soon

Or maybe we should institute strict population control mechanisms and eugenics to keep the population of humans from exceeding environmental capabilities?

Jus sayin, maybe Malthus wasn't wrong after all.







>We can do it

Doesn't mean

>We can do it reliably on a mass scale given the current political situation of the world

Or we could try the sane solutions first you fucking psychopath.


Doesn't japanese do that already?



The future is in diversification solar, hydroelectric, tidal, wind, geothermal, etc. plus those are more feasible atm than fusion. Although I do hope it happens


>Citing townhall as a reputable source of information




>benefits only India and the UK in creating more jobs for them
hahahahaahahaaha holy shit, these retards really believe this

> It was optional. There will be absolutely zero repercussions.
How can you get the basic facts right (that the deal is optional) and completely fuck up the analysis?
Yes, the deal is optional. Which is why it would have cost the U.S. absolutely NOTHING to stay in the deal. They could just choose to ignore all of the provisions of the agreement. The only thing leaving Paris does is spit on the rest of the world. Literally zero benefit to the U.S.

It's just aggressive stupidity. No rational explanation.

There has always been someone like you who refuses to believe in the possibility of future technologies and the people like you are always proven wrong eventually.




The only way to maintain populations at their current rates is going to mean war, famine, conflict, etc that eventually leads to a Brave New World scenario. I'd rather not live like that desu.

Population control does not mean "murder people" it means "stop certain low IQ populations from breeding"




It's literally fucking nothing.

People are losing their shit because:

1. CNN said it's bad
2. Another reason to hate Trump

So what do you read that keeps you so informed?


It will never happen, simple as that


Repubs are anti abortions
good luck with that

Not that's China. Japan just reached it's saturation point for population and is slowly declining, which based on what studies we have on over population, means that they are reducing their numbers naturally.

It probably won't be a eugenic process , however.





>It costs nothing

Bwahahaha liberals just think shit is free

We are okay. It's your kids and grandkids that are doomed to living a life similar to mad max.







>doesnt work at night, not efficent in rain, covered in snow, winter when the days are short and the sun is lower, etc




>Bwahahaha liberals just think shit is free
If you stay in the deal and ignore all the requirements you get exactly the same result as leaving the deal -- zero cost.