My girlfriend's crazy family sent this to me today, how should I respond?

My girlfriend's crazy family sent this to me today, how should I respond?

"What if I dont? Are you going to bomb my house?"

You kind of asked for it. They will never accept you.

Place a pigs head on their doorstep


So your father's heart almost exploted? I'm not surprised

Tell the dune coon to fuck off or you'll stone her for talking back to a man

"Its not up to you or your dad. If [gf] wants to date me, then get over it."

if you don't leave my gf and I alone, I will personally put raw bacon all over your house and lawn

>Be OP
>Sell this story to InfoWars

They might honor kill you. You're better off ditching your GF ultimately.

This text threatens your private property, therefore violating the NAP.

>Claims to be a peaceful religion
>threat after threat

Tell her to fuck herself with a stick of dynamite

Tell her you will only if she can get ahold of one of those Muslim sex dolls that blows it self

Call a bomb squad they threatened "consequences"

I'm a Muslim, and I'm nothing like that.

By the same anecdotal logic you use, Islam is now a peaceful Religion :)

respond with Allahu Akbar.


I undearstand they are muslim and they might act crazy cuz little things like that are super important for them, but, they claerly doing bad, they should have talk to you about the problem like a normal human being, not giving you orders, or doing that to your gf

Tell them you can make her famous like mia khalifa

Bomb them first OP
its the only way

Kill them and put them in your trunk

You or the gf aren't from kentucky are you?

Underrated post