be me, get hit on by guy at party

> be me, get hit on by guy at party
> not into it
> doesn't get the clue
> ditched him in the elevator at the hotel
> sends me this

i was just down in youngstown the other day. cool coincidence.

fuck him

bumping from canada, fuck that dude.
i bet hit tipped his fedora writing that out

Tits or gtfo

he kinda looks like he owns one too tbh



Why did you do it me, Sharron? Why did you put me through that?

Meant Shannon, Shannon Randall. See what you've made me done! I can't contain my anger!

I heard that this is now a deer thread

did someone say deer thread?

fucking love deer threads




Nice to meet you, Shannon. Awfully nice double chin you have there.

Wonder how your friends would like to see that nipple



nice try faggot. probably cant even triforce

>be me
>be 16 year old kid from the suburbs at the time
>go hunting with my dad and his coworkers
>one guy hits a shot and my dad wants me to split off with him so I can learn how to track a blood trail
>after following the trail for about an hour we stumble upon the mortally wounded doe
> the old guy says, "I've had enough kills in my time, you take this one"
>I get about 10 ft away and shoot it in the head
>we go up to it so I can gut her
>"alright, flip it over on its back"
>"okay, now get it's legs all spread eagle like"
>"Now get up on it like your going to fuck it"

I proceeded to gut the deer but I'm pretty sure that old guy had fucked a deer or three back in the day. I thankfully never saw him again.