So Murica, what's it like being literally the dumbest fucking country on the planet?

So Murica, what's it like being literally the dumbest fucking country on the planet?

I mean, we elected this retard. Now he shows his hand as being Big Oils fuckboy on top of being used by Putin.

We reap what we sow. I'll see you in the bread lines fellow Muricunts

Other urls found in this thread:

Dont care fuck off

You will care when the Religious Freedom Decency Squads arrest and detain you for calling el dicktater a cuck.

Dark days user, daaaaark days

No... YOU fucking elected him, I voted for Hilary.

feels humiliating and depressing.

almost every intelligent, educated person i know is horrified by trump, but it's scary to think that the half of the country that doesn't live in major cities is that retarded.

But we're tied for 9th smartest, and if we got rid of niggers and liberals, we'd probably be #1.

>see you in the bread lines
The only real candidate for capitalism and he's going to bring bread lines? Give me a break.

But you can't construct a basic sentence, so truly, who is the retard?

It literally doesnt and hasnt affected my day to day life, so pretty normal I guess

"We"? So presumably you're one of America's bright bulbs?

You for thinking retardation correlates with grammar on jap image sites?

Like boiling a frog then.

Nigger, I didn't vote for either. Literally a used spunk towel was a better alternative than either one of these mouth breathing octogenarians.

But Trump. Trump is on a whole new level of autism. I guess the good part is watching his retarded followers get gaped and be too dumb to understand until Tyrone has them bent over.

True. We'll probably have Gladiator bouts for mouldy bread and cloudy, watery stew.

Liberals tend to be smarter so no, having uneducated people would not improve our rank





We've always known that rural America is fucking dumb. Clinton was right about that much.





Here. We. Go.



It's like you're too dumb for rational thought, so you spam a thread. On top of that it ain't even porn. Get rekt fag

there's nothing grammatically wrong with that post... are compound sentences too complex for you?

Average IQ of liberals polled in 2012 was 98, which is tied for our nations average. Average IQ of conservatives was 103, which is 5 points higher than the national average. You're an idiot. LOL.

feels good to have $100 billion extra to spend.

Do you have a citation for those zesty alternative facts?

[citation needed]

here's a trustworthy source saying the opposite:

wait, let me guess. cnn is FAKE NEWS BECAUSE DADDY SAID SO

Mummy facts aren't real facts I'm afraid sporto. We get it. You "graduated" from your mom's basement home training. It shows too; you're thick as a brick and dumber than a Trumpster.




Cite a source. If you do not then you're admitting you don't know shit and should stay off the internet.





Feels bad man



>Realiable source
>Front page right now, lies about a robbery being a terrorist attack.














That's not new, stupid. Smarter people tend to be self-centered and focus more on the self than the group; IE a family. On top of that, they tend to marry within their own parameters.








Post porn, nigger

It's campaign slogans like this that got her these election results.














Rural Americans would cut off their own foot if a "colored" man stepped on it. Rural Americans are fucking dumb, racist and proud of both.









Why is Russia in every Blompf thread?







They own him. Why not?

