No, Zendaya is not Mary Jane Watson, shut the fuck up about it

It was just a rumor started by that one Humberto or whatever fuck who told some tabloid site The Wrap, its not true.

"Michelle" is a cover name, they already said her being Mary-Jane is supposed to be a plot twist.

They're doing the same thing that was done before to Talia Al Ghul AKA "Miranda Tate", Khan AKA "John Harrison" and Blofeld AKA "Franz Oberhauser".

Oh shut the fuck up.

Why is Betty Brandt attending high school with Peter?

>angourie rice isn't mj or gwen


Truth hurts, eh?

For the same reason that Ned Leeds is: Peter's high school cast is actually pretty barebones and they don't want to use Harry and Gwen because of the "Amazing Spider-Man" series.

no your made up bullshit hurts.

>ZENDAYA ISNT MJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>pic literally shows that zendaya is mj

>Rumored to be: Mary Jane Watson
>Cast as: Michele Gonzalez
>confirmed to be MJ


>Betty Brant
>spelled Betty Brandt

>2-7 missing
I wonder...


Not stated anywhere, bro.

People have been saying "Michelle" is a cover name for a while, and the fact that she's the only main cast member without a last name points to more than meets the eye.

She's MJ.

>main cast member
>literally 12th on the cast list


You don't actually think cast lists are made in order of importance, do you?

Well they're not in alphabetical order or order of appearance, dipshit.

>Not in order of appearance

How would you know?

i genuinely believe you should kill yourself to spare people around you from suffering

half the characters on that list don't have a last name, the other half don't have a first name.

Because a bunch of randoms would get top billing on the cast list you fucking idiot.

This list excludes a bunch of the main characters

As in

Keaton Vulture

Downey Jr Stark

Tomei Aunt May

In the comics, wasn't she just one or two years older than Peter? I think it's mentioned that she dropped out of high school so she could work at the Bugle and support her family.

Can't wait to see Goon #2! He's my favorite villain.

Michelle Jamal Watson?

Those are bit players.

PROTIP: It's a scene listing. It only lists the characters needed for the particular scene they're filming.

I literally do not give a shit about the movie but I hope she does play Mary Jane to piss off the pol tards here

>PROTIP: It's a scene listing. It only lists the characters needed for the particular scene they're filming.
Yes and the numbers to the left of their names which jump from 1 to 8 signify???


It's probably order of appearance, man.

The lack of red hair from on scene shots reaffirms that, HOWEVER, they made Flash into a tiny Hispanic person so they clearly are not worried about brownwashing established characters.

Yar we caught us a tumblr whale and she be a big one.

Hell yeah, man. Who /Goon #2 here?