Prometheus movie stream


That last Prometheus thread with 404d like 20 min ago made me want to rewatch that trainwreck.

So I thought it would be fun to watch it together with some Sup Forums buddies.

link to stream:

stream starts in ~15 min

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh. Almost forgot. Do you want subs?


Get outta here you scumbag

>it's unpopular therefor it's kino

It's not unpopular

movie critics' response to the film was overwelmingly negative.

>it wasn't muh alien prequel
>that means it's bad
For fucks sake, you spergs will get your Hicks/Ripley muhreen action film eventually

More like because the studio kept trying to force it to be an alien prequel, when ridley just wanted to make an ancient aliens movie, the project spiraled into a complete mess and the studio brought in damon lindelof to fuck it up even more.

73% on Rotten Tomatoes is overwhelmingly negative?

wer da streem

Are you stupid?
It's in the OP

Not working for me.

Do we need to hear how rotten tomatoes works? again?

Anyone else having this issue?

Working now. Couldn't access the site. It's not live though.

the link isn't working for me

Then give me a source of the "overwhelmingly negative" critical response

Don't know what's going on.
Streamup seems to not load.
Still says I'm live though

Not live. Site loads occasionally.

oh wow.
just got a 503 error message.
Streamup servers are at capacity, it says

that bit about "Average Rating" And the number following it being "6.9/10."

Well, according to streamup I'm back online.

Site is off

God fucking damn it

should i watch how far in are you guys

Well, thé site is being a bitch, si I'm thinking about starting over on ustream

>watching shitty movies on a shitty stream

i'll watch, go go go

imagine, some people actually pay for such things

upload link im down af

setting it up.
pls wait for a moment

go go go

bumping this

choose another site. you have to sign in to comment

where did you go breh

forgot ustream put up a paywall.

set up a steam on twitch, but I forgot just mentioning that site makes Sup Forums think you're a spammer.

so now I'm just trying to find an alternative.

make an image and paste the twitch text link in there and we can just copy it into our browser


I guess livestream isn't an option because you have to upload whatever you're going to stream to it first?

>come here to watch a shitty movie
>stream all fucked up
>got shitty movie blue balls

Wat do?

Go watch the MST3K stream?


this is the best alternative I could find.
still doesn't have guest chat, but fuck it.

stream starts in 5 min

>using rotten tomatoes

Kill yourself.

Done. Thanks user.