Day 1 of cum holy grail

Day 1 of cum holy grail

I don't get it - when was the last time you fap'd?

i fap every night why?


God, I hope you have more.

this enough?

Love it.
How do you manage that?


Just edge and fap. I am hoping with the supplements I'll be able to cum more though

I'd love to be covered and filled by you at your peak

That's it?
Fuck, I'd love to see what supplements do to you.

how many days without fapping?

Sounds like it could be fun!
Yep, that's it. And me too! Which is why I am trying them! I hope the myth of doubling load size is true
Approximately 24 hours

camera trick with above lighting, cum looks significant while it is close to camera but as it falls to towel it makes only small drops.

Where do you live, user?..

Have you heard of the holy grail?

pretty weak compared to mine.
>and my cock's bigger

but it's not a competition.

your cock is small and your load is weak unless you can prove it

is that it?
It's what I am currently trying
Eh, I am happy with what I have so good for you user

Do you post in /gif/?

I'm Texas too... what part?

I have in the past (used to post there more often, now it is sparingly)
I don't really want to get more specific than that

I understand. I let lust get the better of me.

what part of texas are you from?

East.. I could practically piss on Louisiana. You can kik me at thethirstiestanon. I'm ready for you randos, too.

i might at some point

Ok user, hope to hear from you.



Post ass so I can jerk off.

What's that sticking out of your abdomen?
Do you have a big dildo in there?

Post butt