How do you guys get so deep into music?

How do you guys get so deep into music?

I'm a person who has liked videogames since childhood, and I can fairly say that I know a lot about that field.

As I grew up, I felt like I needed to explore other hobbies to cultivate myself. I grabbed interest in movies. After a couple of years, I may not be an expert but I know the essentials, the bases, the upcoming films and feel like I can give a critical opinion on a movie.

But now, as I've been trying to learn more about the world of music, I just feel like it's an endless abyss that you never finish discovering. I can't name a genre by ear. I can't keep up with the music that comes out every week. Heck, I just started listening to albums as a whole instead of just picking a couple songs that sound catchy.

I just want to know how to get more into music. How to actually feel it, enjoy it and form a critical opinion about it.

play an instument. seriously once you see how much skill it can take to play at a certain level, you will gain a new respect.
once i started learning guitar a few years ago my musical tastes have changed alot, you start paying alot more attention to whats happening in a song once you start playing youself

Summerfags get out

I don't know m8, but Sup Forums isn't the place for this. Mainly because they only stick to whatever is flavor of the week/month. I mean the fact that many posters on here love Death Grips is a telling sign that this place is terrible. Alot of them also go by what Anthony Fantano says as fact just because he references Sup Forums.

As for music, I don't know but just listen to what you want. You can't listen to everything and give an well thought opinion, unless music was your only interest/job. You'll eventually find out what makes your favorite genre good and which artists/bands to follow.

Another theory that people have about music (also relates to the ability to have perfect pitch, i.e. accurately hearing the actual pithes of a song in your head) is that it's very similar to a language.
If you never really pay attention to the details of how the pitches and rhythms are shaped, especially from an early age, then it must be acquired.
Don't be afraid though, just listen to more music!
It's important not to force yourself to listen to whole albums because you feel that its proper, often times there are deeper cuts that won't serve you. Like you said, there's an endless abyss and there's no point trying to swallow music like medicine.

You're doing fine. I was the same as you until I was 14, so it's not like you have to be into it from birth.

You don't have to keep up with new music necessarily, you can just listen to what looks good to you. If you're trying to adhere to some chart or Wikipedia page as to what you're listening to and trying to form a picture of, it's going to feel like doing schoolwork. Just listen to what seems good to you and you'll form your own coherent picture.

>I just feel like it's an endless abyss that you never finish discovering.

It is. You will never learn everything there is to know and hear everything there is to hear. Don't try to.

Also, despite the fact that Fantano is shat on here, watching to his reviews gave me a second opinion for me to have some kind of reference if I'm lost on how to feel about a certain song.

This. Start with EPs, that's what i did. Soon you will start feeling interested towards music that sounds different to anything else you know.

You really think kids use their summer to post in Sup Forums?
>You're doing fine. I was the same as you until I was 14.
Well fuck I'm 21. But thanks, I guess.

A great way to start is to find what kind of music youre into and branch out and find similarties, but remain open to new ideas. ive been on Sup Forums for about 4 years now, and only on Sup Forums for about a year and a half, and i went from listening to soundcloud rappers and kendrick lamar to listening to Les Rallizes Denudes, Godspeed you! and Nara Leao in that period of time.

Its not something you can teach, everything must come from within

I got into music because it's the only thing that fills the void

I didn't get a date until I was 24, and now I'm married. Getting a late start on things means nothing except in a select few fields, like sports.

nothing else?

on top of listening to more music i'd recommend seeing more live music; even if it just means watching performance videos on youtube.

>to cultivate myself
Do it because you enjoy it first and foremost
>I just feel like it's an endless abyss that you never finish discovering
Well yeah, it's easier to make music than video games, for one thing. But there's a lot more, and it's a lot more entrenched in the cultures around the world.
>I can't name a genre by ear.
Just listen to more music.

Man, listen to what you like. You must like some of it. Don't force yourself, not at first. Learn to enjoy it first, which means, go to what draws you in.

It also helps if you make some music of your own.

Hey OP, name us some artists or albums or songs you like. Doesn't matter if they're pleb. List a few.

-watch artist interviews that talk about their music

-watch documentaries about influential musicians

-read up on the lives of your favorite artists

-look up the history of your favorite genre, there's probably some videos on youtube about it (ex. history of house music, history of trap, etc)

-pick one genre that is your favorite and learn everything you can about that, gradually branch out

-become part of a fandom for an artist that you genuinely resonate with and keep up with everything about them

I'd say learn to make music but let's be real, you're probably too lazy to do that if the only thing you care about is watching movies and playing video games. Making music or playing an instrument takes years of dedication and intense focus.

Also, it doesn't matter who you are. No one human being can possibly keep up with all the music that is being churned out, most of it is garbage and maybe 5% of it is worth listening to, and of that 5% maybe .0009% of it will find an audience, and of that audience you will most likely not be it.

Trying to listen to everything that comes out is like trying to be friends with every single person at your job or watching every single youtube video that gets put out. Just find what you like and explore, branch out when it comes naturally.

>this guy does not know about a thing I like and asks about it
>better tell him to leave instead of helping him enjoy a thing I like!
What a cool guy

Shut up

>Mainly because they only stick to whatever is flavor of the week/month
God forbid we actually try to talk about stuff that isn't just Sup Forumscore

>I mean the fact that many posters on here love Death Grips is a telling sign that this place is terrible.
I honestly enjoy their music. I have a huge soft spot for music that is raw and abrasive but still catchy. Death Grips does exactly that. I don't like it because I need it to be respected on Sup Forums. I like it because I genuinely enjoy it.

Besides that, I do agree that Sup Forums is not the right place.

Unironically listen to the Beatles. Put on either Sgt. Peppers or Abbey Road, and pay attention to the music. Listen to the individual instruments, vocals and lyrics. Think about what you're hearing. They're very accessible, but also great. Don't worry about keeping up with every thing, that comes naturally. Just listen to The Beatles, and learn how to appreciate music. When you're done, try finding something else

He asked about how to get into music, not becoming the 14 years old pleb he didnt get to be

You're lucky. I'd give a toe to be able to rediscover much music for the first time.

If you somehow just want to "know" music then I think you're off to a wrong start. Listen to things that gets to you and you will develop a passion for it. Then reading up on the circumstances, theories etc will be rewarding.

Keeping up with pop music is like trying to keep up with any kind of gossip. I'd recommend to listen for what you like and try to get to the source of it, track the style through time and space to get out of the hedonistic pop orgy.

TL;DR Get passionate, follow the white rabbit

Something needs to be his gateway band

>Heck, I just started listening to albums as a whole instead of just picking a couple songs that sound catchy.
Wow, that's unbelievable!

HA ! Got him ! Got him good !!

Oh, grow up. You're not special for making a glorified bait thread. Get real.