US citizens: you elected a complete moron

US citizens: you elected a complete moron.

No way to prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

you believe the media? so your mentally retarded eh so sorry for you

Right now I believe in the withdrawal of Paris climate Accord. And it's more than enough to establish my first statement.


You believe a biased media also retard.

Trumptard is an illiterate authoritarian running a criminal enterprise.

Fuck him and all the trumptards.

what do you believe? do tell

> We don't need the US, the future belongs to the multipolar world, lol drumpfth, amerifat, lolol

> Wait, where are you going? THIS IS MEANINGLESS WITHOUT YOU!

I guess you can still count on China, Russia, India, Brazil et al to honestly abide by this agreement. At lease US is honest about intentions.

Kek republicucks BTFO fuckin retards


I'm gonna try to emigrate to France, Macron put out a call for all progressive minded people

I voted for him. Literally have nothing.
You win OP lmao

He's nor a moron. He's a dishonest, immoral, profiteering narcissist who's happy to shit on anyone and anything if it can benefit him or his family.

The people who voted for him are the fucking morons.
That kind of proves you wrong.

I'm American and I'm ashamed of what America has become. I can't believe people still like that idiot.


I stopped when he said green energy doesn't work.

It's the duty of every big country in the world to work hard to make energy cleaner and greener, for the future of our grandchildren.

But of course it takes money, and Trump obviously only cares about money.

Even his children are a bad investment to him.

Sorry for your loss and I can relate. I'm French and seeing Marine Le Pen reaching 34% give me the creeps.


You do realize that in Germany the windmills are so inconsistent that they're constantly moving from a shortage to a surplus back to a shortage, and France is always selling its nuclear power to England? The only reason wind power is still around is because of govt subsidies.

>slings the word retard
>>likely struggles at basic algebra

Typical conservatard

this is Sup Forums not the entire USA



honestly never gonna get a decent result with a 2-party system, trumps the worst but theyre all fuckups. conservatives are definitely dumber but that isnt to say liberals could solve any problems either. fuck it, im glad im rich

But I didn't vote for Hillary or you, OP

>calls people retarded
>says "your" instead of "you're"

KYS Trumpanzee

I don't really think he will finish his first year as a POTUS. He will resign, mark my words.

Who's that ugly ginger boy? Is that Coppercab?


so where do you get your info? not the media?



>him am so dumb narrative

Why though? Painting him as stupid moves people to inaction rather than action. Remember George W Bush? Nobody did anything but make jokes and it all came to nothing, W did everything he wanted to do and more including putting oil wealth right into his own pocket. You should be pointing out how Donald Trump is a 160 IQ freakazoid who likes to eat entire bags of candy while watching himself on TV, you should be disassembling his bullying but instead you charge straight into it with "he has the dumb" and shit?

Do real democrats know you shills are still camped out here? Do your parents know where you are?

With USA no longer the leader of the free world China has stepped up to be the high ground moral voice. Feelsgoodman. Communism 2017.



In the mind of a leftist, they think the audience believes whatever political stance celebrities take. so they think that's enough to be credible and don't have to worry about providing sources or details. they believe they won the minute they chose to represent the trendy views

Every leftists description of the right is exactly what they themselves do and are. they don't know they are describing themselves .

Trump Destroys Carbon Tax Scam

With the USA no longer chained to the will of globalists Trump has stepped up to be the high ground moral voice. Feelsgoodman. Democracy 2017.

ITT: Morons bitching about politics, knowing full well it accomplishes nothing.

Yeah online discussions didn't completely change the dynamic of the presidential election and take the power away from the mainstream media for the first time ever.

What has discussion politics on line ever done...

Implying my post isn't a copy pasta that took me 2 seconds to paste for your reading pleasure. Worth the 2 seconds user.

But infowars and breitbart are factual though

>China has stepped up
China signed the agreement yes, but if you actually read through it you'll find that they don't have to abide by the emissions rules for a very long time. Why would the USA pay for the other countries to become just as if not more powerful economically and militarily (because of financial reasons)?

>inb4 Russian Trump Defense Bot spams out the thread

When it came to exposing Hillary's emails they were the most factual.

Meanwhile CNN says its illegal to read the leaked emails. Don't read them for yourself. Let us tell you what is in them. Move along, nothing to see here!

What time is it there comrade? Kremlin has you working overtime tonight ya?

get fucked

>still crying about Hillary Clinton's emails
kek you Sup Forumstards really are stuck in neutral mentally aren't you? You'll probably be telling your grandkids about those emails. Poor bastards.

What is battery


well he did say we already had stupid people here, I mean who is dumber the fool or the fool that follows the fool.

Is that meme on the approved list comrade? You are doing good work for the motherland!

>you believe the media?
I don't care what that media says. I concluded Trump is an idiot based purely on the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth.


Wind turbines*
Windmills are for milling.

Shut up user, and believe what we tell you.

He has great words though. The best words.


haha where did you find such a funny word? :P did you use twitter? LOLOL KEK LE EPIC XD

>tfw found out he didn't have a stroke and die mid-tweet

You are not wrong. He is a moron. And he is showing signs of senility. He needs to be removed.


But senile morons are GOP standard issue user. He's perfect.

>No way to prove me wrong.
not even gonna try


not an argument

It's really more that the left failed monumentally. Im sure almost any other non-cooky cutter candidate would have won.


He needs to stop letting Sarah Palin write his speeches.


You clearly don't understand how high voltage AC power systems work.

Yes, you could use batteries. But it would be very inefficient.

Why did this make me laugh?
Not gonna lie, I kind of miss her. There's a new clown in town and now no one cares about SP. Sad clown is sad.

which is why lefties need to accept that nuclear power is clean, safe and effective...

I HJATE DRUMPF TARDS GOD PLEASE FUCKING KILL YOURSELFS ALL OF YOU. Everyday I have to wake up an no som dump monkey is running the cuntry into the ground. FUCK ALL OF YOU IDIOT REDNECK FAT LOSER "CUCK HAHA SPECIAL SNOW-FLAKE" SHOUTING CUNTSERVATIVES. I hope with all my hope that each one of you get blown the fuck out of the cuntry when we take over again. ITS FUCKING WAR YOU ASSHOLES, AND WE'RE COMING BACK WITH A VEGENCE. In 2018 we're gunn elect a bunch of democratic people into the senate and congress and fucking impeach your orange emporer. then we're gunna elect someone better to take over that wont FUCK US ALL. But guess what, by then the rest of the country will see how retarded you all are that you elected this idiot into office an the republicunt party will be ruined. FUCKING KILL YOURSELFS AND DO US ALL A FAVOR YOU DUMB SHITS.

Let me guess, HAHA LIBTARD MAD, ya laugh while fucking MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DIE CAUSE OF YOUR RETARD DECISIONS TO VOTE. You people should be banned from voting. Again, kill yourselves for the betterment of the human race, we'll be fine without you all.


This is the most genius US president in years. Keep crying.




Nice copy pasta comrade! You are doing good work tonight.

Why did the USA defeat Russia in the space race? Is it simply because Americans are more intelligent and work harder than Russians?




And my coal miner friends KNOW THAT













Degenerate eurofag trash




