Anyone got Sheena Duquettes patreon stuff? would love it but can't afford it on a college budget

anyone got Sheena Duquettes patreon stuff? would love it but can't afford it on a college budget

who is she??

you . . . can't read can you?

kek The question is what does she do? What is she known for?

>being this fucking dense
nigga just fucking google it
i'm not even op

I'm gonna go with breasts

>Does the "Jessica Nigri" thing

Ding ding ding.

she's always been more cute and butt driven to me

How much you need fool?

money wise or picture wise?


I don't go on Sup Forums just to google shit like a fucking normie. OP is asking for help, least he could do is not be fucking useless and give me reason to help him

money stupid, im too lazy to google

her top stuff is 60 but I think the one to get all the photos is 25

Literally what I'm talking about. If you want help OP don't be so fucking lazy

You're a faggot, shut up.
How can I get you money?

Abandonment, I was legit going to send you cash to buy this shit.

See, go fuck yourself, I was helping.


Dude, Im legit trying to help you. How can I get you money?

don't need money I just wanted to know if anyone would post her stuff, sorry

>Sheena Duquettes
holy shit autists give this vapid cunt 4k a month to run around like a weab?
goddamn people are fucking retarded

Im literally offering you a way to be that guy, and not spend a dime, or any effort to do it

You confuse me....

Can we just post nudes please

apparently not lol

buy some friends nigger

Since when does a nigger buy things faggot

kiwifarms net/threads /nicole-sheena-duquette-oum.20671/

Apparently she's a huge piece of shit

ah yes, Kikifarms, the site dedicated to making people look like pieces of shit