>thick black accent: hello how can i help you today
>me: hello i have been ummmm feeling suicide lately
>thick black accent: oh whats wrong wich you
>me: well i have trouble communica
>thick black accent interrupting me mid sentence: you should read books at library about yo problem help ya lean how to deal with it
>me: well what i need i cannot look up in a libra
>thick black accent interrupting me again mid sentence: then watcha problem
>me: ummm i have trouble communication with people and my friends seem to be moving on with life and we are becoming distant
>thick black accent: thats why you need to go to the library and learn to deal wif dis stuff
>me: ok
>thick black accent: you have to learn things to do better only if you stay in school can you learn things
>me: i have 2 degrees i dont think i need to go back to sch
>thick black accent interrupting mid sentence: then use them
>me: thank you goodbye

are all suicide hotlines this useless or was it just this one because i was not even able to talk about my problems

all suicide hotlines are that useless
they are all staffed by people who want to do something to feel lie they are helping people without actually helping people
calling the cops or going to an ER are the only sure ways of getting help for suicidal thoughts

Avoid niggers at all costs.
And try to get a grip on your issues.
Our favorite uncle ended his life 11 years ago. Our large family is still suffering today. Suicide hurts those left behind.

user. That is some shit advice. Here have a random photo. Get better user

10/10 I genuinely kekked

op here the saddest part about this story is the fact that it is %100 true call suicide hotline because you are thinking about killing yourself get yelled at by nigger to go to library even though all you wanted was to talk with someone about your problems who could at least pretend to care

Well, it obviously fucking work since you're still shitposting on Sup Forums you fucking idiot

dial back till you get a white female

GG allin did not kill himself. intentionally.

just go to a feels thread, people will listen there

yes. blame the nigger who took your call for your shitty attitude. you fucking asshole.

just call someone else. jesus.

Why don't you just make a thread here? Yeah, you'll probably get a lot of an hero requests but just sift through that bullshit and maybe you'll find a glimmer or two of solid advice. Sup Forums is an ocean of metaphorical runny dog shit speckled with tiny bits of Internet gold. Don't kill yourself friend, maybe that feeling won't always be there.

that nigger prolly hates whites & wants OP to kill himself

yeah, they're mostly shit. i called one when i was a teen and she (also black and interrupting) told me to call 911 and that she couldn't help/didn't know how to. sorry you're feeling down user.

We care user. We care.

op why dont you just kys tho

I called a few times back in high school.
I spoke to a different person all three times.
They are mostly useless females who couldn't cut it in college to actually become a real therapist.

Cheer up buddy.
At least you're not Anthony Burch.

believe it or not that does help a little bit

Now that scum fuck rests in piss

>Stoner friend bored in french class.
>likes to do prank calls.
>calls kids help phone
>pretends to cry because he says his dad hates him
>phone person tries to talk but he keeps whining about his dog
>phone person gets upset and tried to converse
>stoner doesn't have it, gets louder
>eventual shouting match ensues
>He says m'kay bye and hangs up.

Call verizon customer service, we are paid by the hour and have to express sympathy or we get fired.


sometimes it's worth getting fired

Got any good stories? My coworker used to work the hotline as a volunteer. She said a lot of the people who call in aren't suicidal but lonely or mentally ill.

Wow, that comment, that image, so edgy! Go to bed, it's a school night.

She volunteered at verizon? Nutty way to spend an evening but i can see a masochist would be into that.
Lonely and mentally ill does sum up most of the people that call in.

Volunteered at a suicide hotline

whats the difference

I always wish we could set up a suicide help line, where we give out tips to help those poor fools end it all.

Suicide hotlines suck. You must have shit tier degrees in something like art if you're sad. You should be successful and living a happy life with two degrees.

tried calling a suicide hotline once but felt like a faggot and hung up after a couple minutes
something about speaking openly about mental weakness to a stranger

Asian confirmed.

It's worse here I bet you, you can only call from 8 to 12 and from 2 to 6, Monday to Friday. If you want to kill yourself at any other hour or on a weekend you are fucked.

Hope this helps user

Well you aren't dead yet so get some 1 on 1 professional help with a therapist or psychiatrist.They will actually know what the fuck to do since they aren't just volunteers wanting to do a good deed.They are the pullout method equivalent of mental health help where as professionals with a degree are some of those high end birth control devices or pills

They ruin everything.

A lot of lonely capital B betas call suicide hotline numbers to jack off to the sound of a female voice

>shit speckled with tiny bits of Internet gold
That's always how I've described it. Frequency of gold doesn't go down, the amount of shit just increases.

found the liberal

Topkek, next time I'm feeling down I'll give em a ring. Do I have to be a customer or what?

well is he not right? use your brain to better the world and u may feel like its worthwile to live ur short life without pussying out

You should do suicide ! You are maggotshit! How can someone call this hotlines... -.-

That's why Waffle House waitresses have that thousand yard stare...
Not only do they scatter and cover hashbrowns, they also provide after-hours mental health services.

this. it will fuck up your family forever. you may think theyre better off, and will get off over it eventually. We dont, we just learn to live with it. The memories never fade, and theres a hole left behind. May sound dramatic, but its true. Especially with suicide, because the people left behind will always feel like there was something they could have done to prevent it, even if thats not the case

He may be right but he does not seem to understand how to change people's minds. You've got to be more subtle and make the other person think those thoughts by themselves else they run a high risk of rejecting the new information. Simply stating something how it is might go against someones preconceived notion of the "truth" which can cause the listener to reject it for it must not be true because this says otherwise.

As someone who struggles with suicidal thoughts, find something that makes you happy. I started following my dream and I haven't felt better. (granted my dream involves twitch)

This. My girlfriend committed suicide in 2015, I still feel like I am having an anxiety attack sometimes when I hear her name.

>don't kill yourself-it upsets the people around you.
Go fuck yourself, you selfish prick.
If you don't want to be haunted by the memory of the loved ones who offed themselves, then maybe you ought to try helping them BEFORE they get that bad.

Don't you want to stay alive long enough to kill her?

A leftist cuck suddenly appears!

How are they suppose to know when those with the suicidal thoughts put on a good mask and do their best to make others not worry?

Call a 1-900 sex line

Her name was Robert Paulson

how about you be a decent human being all the time
that way if someone is suicidal and hiding it, you'll help give them a reason to live w/o deliberately doing so

Are you fucking kidding me you faggot? The only selfish prick is the one killing himself letting loving people behind.
Why do you think it's called "the easy was Out"?
Maybe it's easier for you because you don't have any people loving you fucking Beta cuck

Same way everybody else does-BY TALKING TO THEM.
Just pick up the phone, get them talking and listen to what they have to say. People have a primal desire to connect with other people, and often all you have to do is just let them talk.

I can't tell you just how much shit my best friend has unloaded on me when everybody else fucking abandoned him. And it was because I was the only one person who would care enough pick up the phone. Through the years I've even talked him down off the ledge a couple of times-as he has to me.
While it's not much, it does take a little effort. But the reward is that your loved ones don't kill themselves-that's worth it to me.
It clearly isn't to a lot of other people.

You must be the dumbest fuck ever. I think you're just baiting but anyway:
You clearly have no idea about suicidial people. If they hide it, just like you just said, you can't fucking see it!
I knew a boy that was the fucking happiest dude ever. One day he suddenly jumped in front of a train. He never told anyone about his real feelings. So how could have a Family member or a friend helped him?

>that edge

>all the time
How about you run a million miles and tell me how you expect people to do things ceaselessly. Even the nicest person has a shitty day and can be a little insensitive from time to time.

>i could talk to this person nobody talks to
>nah, he looks happy enough

This is literally you.

hi user

the fact that you need to call some stranger on a telephone line is the symptom that you are a failure, a faggot, and should kill yourself ASAP.

Had you not been an introvert loser, you'd have built a decent circle of friends and would have a support network to chill with and enrichen eachother's lives.

But instead you're a little bitch, you've accomplished nothing, you're worth nothing, and you're asking a mongolian paperdoll forum on the internet for life advice.

just kill yourself, pussy. nothing of value will be lost.

>feel that family and friends don't give a shit about me
>get suicidal over it
>try to explain situation to "loved ones"
>get yelled at about how I'm being selfiesh and just thinking about myself
>realize that "loved ones" really don't give a shit about me and see me just as a device to make them feel good about themselves
>decide that to get revenge on the people that should have cared about me
>an hero

Everyone talked to him. That's propbably why he was so happy you stupid shit.

You are telling me about the edge? Kek


but who was phone?

>People have a primal desire to connect with other people
That they can deny because they're too busy believing some lie they've gotten spun into, just because it worked out for you in your situation doesn't mean that you've found a one size fits all solution. Sometimes people have to want the help, and sometimes they have to initiate the dialogue before they can start getting over their unfortunate problems. How about you spend more time thinking about how people are vs your childish assumptions. When I get suicidal thoughts, I don't want to tell anyone because I don't want to inflict pain upon them.

No, everybody's selfish.
That's not always a bad thing, but like everything else people need to keep that in check too.
The truth is the guy in your life who offed himself wasn't important to you. Maybe you think so now that he's gone, but at the time you couldn't be arsed to care. To the extent that caused what happened, that's on you.

cops and er hate dealing with suicidal people. even mental hospitals act like you are a burden. just my experience in liberal california.

thats funny. I really thought you guys cared.

>cops and er hate dealing with suicidal people
but at least they'll do something more effective than
>get yous learned

True. This 100%

hahaha faggot

lol you are a fool. funny though.

They do, but only about the bottom line and as much of an asshole company as they are, the customer service helps helps keep the customers. Think about it, who started killing Net Neutrality? Verizon. Who has the highest rates? Verizon. Why do people stay with them? Fuck if I know, tho last I recall they do have the best reception.

Get some sunlight, take yr vitamins, and eat healthier, dude.. also sleep more. You'll feel better in a few months. Trust me. Depression is a symptom of something else. It doesn't exist alone. Fix it.

It's funny, because I used to get fucked up and mutilate myself at punk shows like the dude in your pic, OP. Still have the scars. I'd take drugs all the time, drink tons of booze, the works.. I almost died a few times.

Totally different person now.

So talk to somebody who you know will listen to you.
>childish assumptions
It may sound childish, but that's what works. Indeed, it's the only thing that does consistently.

It doesn't work all of the time-sometimes people are determined or you get them too late and other shit has taken over-and it can't stop suicidal thoughts running through people's heads, obviously. But it can keep the trigger from being pulled for a little while; sometimes that's enough.

>it's the only thing that does consistently.
>It doesn't work all of the time
kek, nigga what?
I agree, talking to people CAN help but unless the person really wants help then it will be a vain pursuit and you'll have wasted time talking to somebody that doesn't actually want to get better when you could have talked to somebody else that does. One must know how to pick their battles and understand that they can't save everyone, even if everyone only pertains to the group of individuals they know.

The fuck does Mongolian paperdoll even mean?

Consistently doesn't mean in every case.
Jails consistently keep people locked up too, but that doesn't mean people don't escape from time to time.

Some people can't be helped. But for the people who can, that's what works best.

Why are you asking this question on an anonymous Cherokee corn dancing image board?

called it many times before and so i can tell you right now you are full of shit. they have a prodical to go through and its nothing like that.

>ITT OP makes up a story

Um, you sure about that meaning?
Jails do consistently keep people locked up but sometimes some criminals escape; it's called the exception not the rule.


Honestly, I'd have less contingent with the word usually comparatively to consistently but I think we're in more-or-less agreement with one another.

worked as a staff manager at a suicide hotline center. We purposely hired people that seemed the most apathetic since we're paid on the volume of calls we get, not the length of each individual call.

You're fucking super retarded user

This is why you don't kill yourself user.

but do you sorry sacks of crap care? No you don't.
All you went to do is remix me with barrel roll barrel roll, do a barrel roll

is this a feels thread?