I've made a bottle of (almost) pure LSA that I'm going to be drinking, this'll be my first trip, any tips?

I've made a bottle of (almost) pure LSA that I'm going to be drinking, this'll be my first trip, any tips?

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>bullshit - the post

How so? I spent two nights extracting the LSA from Hawaiian Baby Rose Wood seeds

Idk... Get some wavy ass music goin

do it feg

Op here, I'll do a live trip report if more people get in here

baby doses. takes awhile to kick in, lasts a loooong time tho. too much is intense and very unpleasant. check google/erowid for interactions and similar side effects to anything else you take already. enjoy the light being intensely bright. research erowid "experiences vault."

I already have, that's what inspired me to get the seeds, I'm just mainly looking for tips to maximize my first experience, and ultimately how to avoid a bad tip, I like hearing Sup Forumss input on things, even if it's not always credible

>I've made a bottle of (almost) pure piss that I'm going to be drinking

hopefully you removed all the "fuzz" from the seeds before extracting. the hairs on the seeds will cause you to vomit immediately and profusely for a very long time.

After about two days of extraction, put it through a coffee filter, is that going to work?

Try to keep something to keep you in reality. Last time i did acid i ended up going through the night in a daze, i remembered a lot of stuff but as if it were a dream and not actually happening to me. I did 550ug tho, i was asking for it.
Also died 3 or 4 times in the trip. Fun

Yeet, I'm doing this to try to get me started on psychedelics, I heard LSA was a good starter drug

you have to scrape all the fuzz off of each seed before extraction. Don't know about the coffee filter, but that might be why it's slightly yellow in coloration... good luck man! if its bad, you'll probably throw it right back up. I'd try a sip or two to see when you're ready to commit. I ate a single seed once with the fuzz and learned very quickly about nature's "protective coatings."

Aren't there two types of seeds? I didn't really see any fuzz on mine

that's good news for you. manufacturer may have stripped them already for you. by fuzz, i mean a brown seedling coating. they're usually white on the inside of seeds, which is where all the amazing Hawaiian Baby Woodrose alkaloids exist. its the outer coating (usually dark brown) found in nature that our stomachs reject as a toxin.

Never tried it, and its been a while since i read up on psychs so i dont remember much.
Some basic tips
Dont panic
Dont get lost like i said before. Time/a clock might help, but setting 2 hour timers or something on your phone might be better.
Depending on how fucked up you get, you probably wont be able to function too well (talking to people, making food, etc.)
Music is always good.
Talking to a friend, even occasionally, throughout the trip could be helpful. Itll at least give you something to help remember the trip when you get sober.

Yea, before extraction I cut the seeds in half/crushed em

Whatever "pure" LSA youve made has been destroyed by now if thats a picture of it. Its light sensitive and also extremley heat sensitive. Its an OK trip but will cause contraction of the lungs, get mush instead. Drinking that will just make you sick

The fuzz isn't what causes stomach aches dumbasses. You need to stir some garlic in there with it for ample time to destroy the chemicals that cause stomach ache. psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Simple_Low_Nausea_LSA_extraction

shouldve used a micron filter just to be safe

I did LSA once, scrapped the outside off the seeds, all that stuff. I found it took a long time to get going, as in hours later I started to feel lighter and my mood lifted greatly.

I had a good time. Good luck!

Commercial Morning Glory seeds are coated with strychnine.


OP here, thank you all for the feedback, my only question left is can I mix it with anything else? To make the taste better?

actually, the protective coating of HBW is created by the species itself to deter animals from eating them as food, as well as to retain protective moisture for better guaranteed germination during heavy downpours. never heard about garlic, but sharing what I last knew from experience circa 2001. LSA nausea was only an hour if I recall, and not terrible. Had more the day after half-life, if anything; apparently I should have been into eating garlic back then.

Real shit I do this same shit, OP, order packets of 5000, use 1000-2000 for LSA water mix, flip for 30$ a bottle

Can someone tell me how I'll feel if I drink a mix from 2000 Morn.G seeds,I can handle 500ug acid very well, I really prefer intense trips

Cant find anything on people doing more than 350, guys in two days I'll keep up a trip report on 2000