Music is meaningless noise and a complete waste of time. No one should ever listen to it

Music is meaningless noise and a complete waste of time. No one should ever listen to it.

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Just try and refute that. Oh yeah, you can't. Foolish humans, you should all be thrown into a volcano.

Everyone stop listening to music right now. You're holding humanity back.

stop ignoring me you cunts.

oh right i can't do anything else while i'm listening to music

your mom is meangilies noise LOLE

you don't need it though. And people waste their lives making it.

and besides, there's already a shitton of it. At least only listen to old music so you don't encourage people.

everything is a waste of time.

no, we have to advance humanity.

it doesn't take the whole population to do that. also, people won't want to advance humanity if we abandon the arts.

also no we don't.

Get all these ghosts out of my sight.

Fuck humanity.

I don't think we should abandon all art, just music. It has no intellectual content.

just as much as paint, sculpture, or poetry.

well I don't like those either, so we should really only make films and literature.

that would be really boring, and not encourage advancement of humanities.

but are you seriously trying to argue "i don't like these things, so they're pointless" come on dude

No, they just have very little intellectual content, so they're an inefficient use of our time. Anything that slows us down from reaching the Singularity should be stopped.

>Anything that slows us down from reaching the Singularity should be stopped.
So, religion, my fellow athiest?

Yes, including Singularitarianism

religion isn't that bad. It just gives people a sense of community and meaning. It makes people happy, but it's not very helpful either.
It's helpful insofar as it convinces people to make choices that brings us closer to the Singularity.

wtf I hate music now

Then stop browsing a fucking shitpost website and go learn code you fatass retard


What of all the neurological tests proving music can stimulate important parts of the brain? What about it's application in setting atmosphere? In my opinion it has the ability to give meaning to life by evoking emotion in what would otherwise be numb monotony.
It's part of evolution, as is fashion and other visual arts, they're advanced versions of what we see in the animal kingdom as calls and visual adaptions.